回复 1楼 babylye 的帖子 BREAKING: Trump says He wants Ukraine to give US RARE earths. US President Donald Trump said on Monday he wants to secure the US supply of rare earths minerals and he wants Ukraine to supply the US with those minerals. Mr Trump, speaking to reporters at the White House, said Ukraine is willing to do it.
Trump says He wants Ukraine to give US RARE earths.
US President Donald Trump said on Monday he wants to secure the US supply of rare earths minerals and he wants Ukraine to supply the US with those minerals.
Mr Trump, speaking to reporters at the White House, said Ukraine is willing to do it.
Seeking 还没有搞定吧
俄军赢了, 主权没了,至少资产依然属于乌克兰人 乌军赢了, 荣耀属于乌克兰, 资产归于欧美
Why? If Ukraine is selling it to any other countries, it's only fair that it sells to USA, since they need help from USA.
大嘴一看没人尿他, 先给自己找一梯子, 不然多没面子
It's very rare that any country 无条件援助. If there is, probably USA did the most
he wants to secure the US supply of rare earths minerals....."Ukraine is willing to do it."
对乌克兰人民而言,最好的结局就是军队起义,推翻泽连斯基,扶植亲俄总统上台,然后停战,至少家里资源,土地矿石都保住了, 否则就算赢了战争,国家里值点钱的全是欧美大公司的了。
乌东再有几个月差不多也打完了。 泽连斯基给的命令是4月底前,不能让俄罗斯军队推进到Dnipro,基本上对乌东已经没信心了
以前就是把其他国家摧毁,然后用美金买那个国家的资源。然后虚伪地说是为了人权。 现在是川普把这些直接说明白,赤裸裸的。 美帝政府其实非常邪恶! 现在美帝资本家看上乌克兰的资源,加拿大的资源,巴拿马的资源和格兰岛的资源。
bully 四面出击,一个也不放过啊