查了一下ILIT, 看得是懂非懂的,能解释一下吗?如何保护estate taxes?有Irrevocable是不是就有revocable?有啥区别? ILIT stands for Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. It's a legal agreement that places a life insurance policy into a trust, which removes it from the grantor's estate. This allows the grantor to avoid estate taxes and protect assets.
LifeMatters 发表于 2025-02-03 12:59 查了一下ILIT, 看得是懂非懂的,能解释一下吗?如何保护estate taxes?有Irrevocable是不是就有revocable?有啥区别? ILIT stands for Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. It's a legal agreement that places a life insurance policy into a trust, which removes it from the grantor's estate. This allows the grantor to avoid estate taxes and protect assets.
一个提到AB Trust(AB 信托):建议建立 AB Trust,当一方去世后,资产分为 A 信托(生存者信托),配偶可支配;B 信托(避税信托),豁免遗产税,最终传给子女,并不计入配偶的遗产,降低税负。
一个提到ILIT(不可撤销人寿保险信托):建议把现有的Term Insurance(不是公司的那种,是单独买的)放入 ILIT,以减少遗产税。
还有一个提到Whole Life:建议购买 Whole Life 保险,说这个保险作为人寿保险的价值很差,但是是个可以作为用来支付未来的遗产税的避税工具。但是whole life名声太差让我们犹豫,还有就是过了 50 岁买 Whole Life应该很贵。
有娃的家庭个人觉得estate planning是必须的 我们什么保险都没买 就弄了will和recovable trust 没有tax benefit只是为了免去probation给娃一个保障
ILIT stands for Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. It's a legal agreement that places a life insurance policy into a trust, which removes it from the grantor's estate. This allows the grantor to avoid estate taxes and protect assets.
Irrevocable是不可逆的,转进去了不能再做变化,所以才有税务保护,revocable是可逆的,可以免走probate court,但是没有税务功能。