刚刚接受美联社采访的时候说的 Ukraine President Zelensky has said, in an interview with AP: "When they say that Ukraine received $200 billion during the war to support the army and so on - this is not true. I don't know where all this money is. Maybe it is true in terms of how it is on paper."
Zelensky says Ukraine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent by the United States. "I don't know where all this money is." 居然大头都。。。。。
Ukraine President Zelensky has said, in an interview with AP: "When they say that Ukraine received $200 billion during the war to support the army and so on - this is not true. I don't know where all this money is. Maybe it is true in terms of how it is on paper."
以为拿到的 军火 不算钱
Zelensky says Ukraine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent by the United States.
"I don't know where all this money is."
对 给乌克兰旧武器 钱再给军火商买新的 钱都没出国的
继去年底的“柏林宣言”后,1月28日欧洲议会批准了《欧洲对乌克兰公平和可持续和平的承诺决议》,该决议确定了与乌克兰政府完全一致的和平立场。该决议主要立场如下: 1、任何有关俄乌问题的谈判必须要在乌克兰参与的情况下进行,否则无效。 2、俄现任总统不被认定为可以谈判的对象。 3、积极援助乌克兰加强军事力量,以实力求和平,并谋求持久的安全保障。 4、支持乌克兰加入欧盟和其他国际组织。 5、谴责俄罗斯引入北朝军队加入战争。
以上这五条,条条都是乌克兰最为关心的要点与要害。没有乌克兰的参与,任何谈判结果都无效,积极增强乌克兰军事力量这两点最为关键。而第二条不将俄现任总统当作可以谈判的对象更是让俄乌战争陷入不死不休的“死局”。 当然这种“死局”正是乌克兰所期待的,即不把俄罗斯打败,让俄罗斯现任总统下台,乌克兰就将一直坚持战斗,不达目的誓不罢休。
没有 无偿 一说,
都是 投资 地缘政治,
只说援助不说无偿,都是要还的。 美援都是要还的,拿什么还?就是战后乌克兰各种国家资源和利益
都是贷款,当然要还的, 已经抵押了乌克兰的各种矿山和自然资源的。