回复 23楼 Day.dream 的帖子 https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist4.htm Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States Country List 4 Your payments will continue even if you have been outside the U.S. for more than six full calendar months, if you are a citizen of one of the countries listed below, and the worker on whose record your benefits are based lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years or earned at least 40 credits under the U.S. Social Security system. If you are receiving benefits as a dependent or survivor, there are additional requirements you have to meet. AfghanistanIndiaSierra LeoneBangladeshIndonesiaSingaporeBhutanKenyaSolomon IslandsBotswanaLaosSomaliaBurundiLebanonSouth AfricaCabo VerdeLesothoSouth SudanCameroonLiberiaSri LankaCentral African Rep.MadagascarSudanChadMalawiTaiwanChinaMalaysiaTanzania
Day.dream 发表于 2025-02-02 19:04 回复 23楼 Day.dream 的帖子 https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist4.htm Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States Country List 4 Your payments will continue even if you have been outside the U.S. for more than six full calendar months, if you are a citizen of one of the countries listed below, and the worker on whose record your benefits are based lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years or earned at least 40 credits under the U.S. Social Security system. If you are receiving benefits as a dependent or survivor, there are additional requirements you have to meet. AfghanistanIndiaSierra LeoneBangladeshIndonesiaSingaporeBhutanKenyaSolomon IslandsBotswanaLaosSomaliaBurundiLebanonSouth AfricaCabo VerdeLesothoSouth SudanCameroonLiberiaSri LankaCentral African Rep.MadagascarSudanChadMalawiTaiwanChinaMalaysiaTanzania
回复 31楼 的帖子 不对,不用交预交税。 1984年,中美签订U.S.-China Tax Treaty,1987年生效。 其中17条 Article 17 of the U.S.-China Income Tax Treaty addresses the taxation of pensions and social security benefits. The specific text of Article 17 is as follows: Article 17: Pensions and Annuities Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 18 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration beneficially owned by a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, social security benefits and other public pensions paid by a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State or to a citizen of the United States may be taxed in the first-mentioned State. ----- 只需要填写W-8BEN,然后交给ssa就可以免除预扣税。如果预扣了也可在报税的时候填写1040nr(就是我们做f1时填的那个表),根据收入要回来,里面注明根据U.S.-China Tax Treaty, article 17就可以。 大意就是要么填个表W-8BEN给SSA去免除预扣税不用再报税(表在IRS网站上,有具体介绍和填法) 要么1040nr正常报税要求退回来。
sunnyStore 发表于 2025-02-02 19:59 回复 31楼 的帖子 不对,不用交预交税。 1984年,中美签订U.S.-China Tax Treaty,1987年生效。 其中17条 Article 17 of the U.S.-China Income Tax Treaty addresses the taxation of pensions and social security benefits. The specific text of Article 17 is as follows: Article 17: Pensions and Annuities Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 18 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration beneficially owned by a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, social security benefits and other public pensions paid by a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State or to a citizen of the United States may be taxed in the first-mentioned State. ----- 只需要填写W-8BEN,然后交给ssa就可以免除预扣税。如果预扣了也可在报税的时候填写1040nr(就是我们做f1时填的那个表),根据收入要回来,里面注明根据U.S.-China Tax Treaty, article 17就可以。 大意就是要么填个表W-8BEN给SSA去免除预扣税不用再报税(表在IRS网站上,有具体介绍和填法) 要么1040nr正常报税要求退回来。
good to know. 前段时间这个版上有人说道要放弃绿卡回国。她提到过要交30%tax. 因为没有考虑过这个问题,就没有自己研究。
回复 25楼 Day.dream 的帖子 下面是我从ssa.com 上copy 过来的,6个月后一般就是会停的,但回来后可以resume。 1. Can I receive Social Security benefits if I am not a U.S. citizen and I live outside the United States? Generally, we cannot pay Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits to noncitizens after their sixth calendar month outside the United States. However, you might qualify for an exception, which could allow you to receive benefits without visiting the United States. If an exception does not apply, you must be physically and lawfully present in the United States for a full calendar month to begin receiving benefits. If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you’ve been outside, to continue receiving your benefits. Here’s how it works: We will not start counting the calendar months of absence until you have been outside the United States for 30 days in a row. If you return to the United States for any part of one day before 30 days have passed since you left, we stop counting days absent. For example, if you left the U.S. on January 15, we stop counting your absence if you return for any part of one day before the end of the day on February 14. Once you have been outside the U.S. for 30 days in a row, you will continue to receive benefits if you stay in the U.S. for 30 days in a row before the end of the sixth calendar month after the date you left. For example, if you left on January 15, and did not return before the end of the day on February 14, you must complete a 30-day stay in the United States before the end of July to continue receiving payments. This means you must return to the United States on or before the first day of July. If you do not return on or before July 1, your benefits will stop beginning August. If we stopped your benefits, you must return and remain lawfully present for the entire calendar month to start receiving benefits again. A full calendar month visit means you are physically present for every hour of every day of any month of the year. For example, to considered present in the U.S. for the full calendar month of August, you must arrive in the United States no later than July 31 and leave no sooner than September 1
英语不好的,这里还有个工具,你可以自己测一下 https://www.ssa.gov/international/payments_outsideUS.html
人家说的那个不叫SSI.SSI 是不能在国外拿的。麻烦先搞清楚再发言
(This list of countries is subject to change.
非公民 6个月以后就会停发
这都是过去的法律了 鬼知道川普在台上会怎样 以前中国人还能在美国买地呢 以后国会出台敌对国公民不得领取美国SSN 一条就可以秒杀了
list of countries is subject to change.
我研究过medicare,不是你说的这样 而是如果65岁之后没有qualify的医疗保险(其他国家的保险不算qualify),那么一旦回到美国,要用的话,购买plan B,d,g,的费用会一直永远交罚款(合起来大概每月600多),间隔每一年的罚款是增加12%。如果身处国外,又想老了某天回美国开始用medicare,就得从65岁就开始交。
我在这里和其它地方说过很多遍了,不知道有多少人听进去了。还有许多人宁可相信china town打工的人告诉他们的不能离境6个月的传闻。当然,宣传还是有用的。我自己也是在网上看到别人的帖子后,自己再去social security网站核实后才知道的。
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 是给残疾人和低收入的补助,跟我们说的养老金是不一样的。 奇怪的是,楼主传播正确信息的帖子没有多少人顶,倒是这个什么都不懂的帖子一堆赞。我真怀疑是不是一堆吃福利的练大法的人在这里蹲着故意误导大众。 可惜,在美国受过正规教育的人不是那么容易被误导的。
https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist4.htm Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States Country List 4 Your payments will continue even if you have been outside the U.S. for more than six full calendar months, if you are a citizen of one of the countries listed below, and the worker on whose record your benefits are based lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years or earned at least 40 credits under the U.S. Social Security system. If you are receiving benefits as a dependent or survivor, there are additional requirements you have to meet.
AfghanistanIndiaSierra LeoneBangladeshIndonesiaSingaporeBhutanKenyaSolomon IslandsBotswanaLaosSomaliaBurundiLebanonSouth AfricaCabo VerdeLesothoSouth SudanCameroonLiberiaSri LankaCentral African Rep.MadagascarSudanChadMalawiTaiwanChinaMalaysiaTanzania
美国向中国籍居民支付社会保障退休金(SSA)的政策的适用时间与 1983年《社会保障法》修订 有关。 时间线和政策背景: 1983年修订法案:美国社会保障局(SSA)修订了相关法规,开始允许向符合条件的非美国公民在某些国家境外支付退休金。这一政策适用于部分国家,包括中国在内。 领取资格确认 中国籍人士在美国工作、缴纳足够的社会保障税(至少40个季度)后,即使回中国定居,仍然可以领取SSA退休金。 条件要求:您需定期向SSA提交身份和居住地的证明,以确保继续享受福利。 总结:这一政策自 1983年起 即开始执行,只要满足缴费和退休条件,中国籍人士在回国后也可以领取SSA退休金。
几乎所有的在美中文媒体都在大肆宣传离开6个月社安金不保的言论,我真的怀疑是有人故意搅混水的。那个SSde 小册子也是有点比较容易让人混淆。各大网站上基本上是把前3页的内容翻译过去,但是没有把下面的例外给单独说明。中国在country list 4里面。
你只要还有绿卡就不打折,弃籍,放弃绿卡后NR, 85% of SS 交30%tax
呆在美国也交税啊,fed+state 加起来也差不多 30%。 很多人说的离开美国也不是永久离开啊,就是回国住个半年一年的,SS每个月进自己美国银行账户。那些谣言说离开6个月就不发了。
不对,不用交预交税。 1984年,中美签订U.S.-China Tax Treaty,1987年生效。 其中17条 Article 17 of the U.S.-China Income Tax Treaty addresses the taxation of pensions and social security benefits. The specific text of Article 17 is as follows: Article 17: Pensions and Annuities Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 18 (Government Service), pensions and other similar remuneration beneficially owned by a resident of a Contracting State in consideration of past employment shall be taxable only in that State. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, social security benefits and other public pensions paid by a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State or to a citizen of the United States may be taxed in the first-mentioned State. ----- 只需要填写W-8BEN,然后交给ssa就可以免除预扣税。如果预扣了也可在报税的时候填写1040nr(就是我们做f1时填的那个表),根据收入要回来,里面注明根据U.S.-China Tax Treaty, article 17就可以。
大意就是要么填个表W-8BEN给SSA去免除预扣税不用再报税(表在IRS网站上,有具体介绍和填法) 要么1040nr正常报税要求退回来。
medicare只能在美国用。其实不是大病,medicare另外交的钱大概都够在中国自费看病的费用了。今年medicare plan B cost $185/month, 这个不包药品牙医眼睛的。收入高的还得多付点。
good to know. 前段时间这个版上有人说道要放弃绿卡回国。她提到过要交30%tax. 因为没有考虑过这个问题,就没有自己研究。
对,你的理解是对的medicare是有的,就是美国外没啥用。对于只收钱又不用的羊毛,怎么可能美国这吸血的保险制度怎么可能没有。 它简直设计到了极致,住外国去,以后70几回来,想着几年不用老了再续上,就用终身罚款给扣住所有只要还有心思回来的。 只买ab,不买G,就用如果不一起上,就可能据保或增加条款逼着把bdg都买了。
既然你提到回国后怎么取钱,假定你是中国公民,有中国账户,每年可以5万刀换汇。还可以办个美国的不收手续费的卡,fidelity, schwab, chase sapphire这些,全球ATM免费取钱。SS收入一年也到不了5万。
International Direct Deposit List https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist6.htm
Social Security 的更改不是大统领说了算的,是国会说了算的。如果国会说不发,诉讼也没用。
下面是我从ssa.com 上copy 过来的,6个月后一般就是会停的,但回来后可以resume。
1. Can I receive Social Security benefits if I am not a U.S. citizen and I live outside the United States? Generally, we cannot pay Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits to noncitizens after their sixth calendar month outside the United States. However, you might qualify for an exception, which could allow you to receive benefits without visiting the United States. If an exception does not apply, you must be physically and lawfully present in the United States for a full calendar month to begin receiving benefits. If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you’ve been outside, to continue receiving your benefits. Here’s how it works: We will not start counting the calendar months of absence until you have been outside the United States for 30 days in a row. If you return to the United States for any part of one day before 30 days have passed since you left, we stop counting days absent. For example, if you left the U.S. on January 15, we stop counting your absence if you return for any part of one day before the end of the day on February 14. Once you have been outside the U.S. for 30 days in a row, you will continue to receive benefits if you stay in the U.S. for 30 days in a row before the end of the sixth calendar month after the date you left. For example, if you left on January 15, and did not return before the end of the day on February 14, you must complete a 30-day stay in the United States before the end of July to continue receiving payments. This means you must return to the United States on or before the first day of July. If you do not return on or before July 1, your benefits will stop beginning August. If we stopped your benefits, you must return and remain lawfully present for the entire calendar month to start receiving benefits again. A full calendar month visit means you are physically present for every hour of every day of any month of the year. For example, to considered present in the U.S. for the full calendar month of August, you must arrive in the United States no later than July 31 and leave no sooner than September 1