是CS CS CS,重要的事情说三遍。最新的本科Ranking,UIUC基本历年都是前五名 #1: Stanford University #2: Carnegie Mellon University Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California, Berkeley #5: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Princeton University #7: Cornell University Georgia Institute of Technology University of Washington #10: California Institute of Technology University of Michigan--Ann Arbor The University of Texas--Austin
The University of Maryland (UMD) Honors College is highly selective, accepting around 1,050 new freshmen each year. This is a small proportion of the total number of students admitted to UMD. Acceptance rate The Honors College is highly competitive and has a very small acceptance rate. In 2023, UMD admitted 26,750 students, but only about 1,050 were accepted to the Honors College. Eligibility First-year applicants who are admitted to UMD are automatically considered for the Honors College. Current UMD students can apply after completing one academic year and earning a minimum GPA of 3.5. Upperclassmen can also join through Departmental Honors Programs. Requirements Applicants should have high grades, strong SAT/ACT scores, and a clear understanding of why they want to be in an honors program. Students must maintain a minimum GPA to remain in good standing and to earn the Honors Citation.
无名无名 发表于 2025-02-01 10:18 The University of Maryland (UMD) Honors College is highly selective, accepting around 1,050 new freshmen each year. This is a small proportion of the total number of students admitted to UMD. Acceptance rate The Honors College is highly competitive and has a very small acceptance rate. In 2023, UMD admitted 26,750 students, but only about 1,050 were accepted to the Honors College. Eligibility First-year applicants who are admitted to UMD are automatically considered for the Honors College. Current UMD students can apply after completing one academic year and earning a minimum GPA of 3.5. Upperclassmen can also join through Departmental Honors Programs. Requirements Applicants should have high grades, strong SAT/ACT scores, and a clear understanding of why they want to be in an honors program. Students must maintain a minimum GPA to remain in good standing and to earn the Honors Citation.
无名无名 发表于 2025-02-01 10:18 The University of Maryland (UMD) Honors College is highly selective, accepting around 1,050 new freshmen each year. This is a small proportion of the total number of students admitted to UMD. Acceptance rate The Honors College is highly competitive and has a very small acceptance rate. In 2023, UMD admitted 26,750 students, but only about 1,050 were accepted to the Honors College. Eligibility First-year applicants who are admitted to UMD are automatically considered for the Honors College. Current UMD students can apply after completing one academic year and earning a minimum GPA of 3.5. Upperclassmen can also join through Departmental Honors Programs. Requirements Applicants should have high grades, strong SAT/ACT scores, and a clear understanding of why they want to be in an honors program. Students must maintain a minimum GPA to remain in good standing and to earn the Honors Citation.
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有些学校可以报多个专业,第一志愿,第二志愿 etc
🛋️ 沙发板凳
还有个Rutgers,倒是录取了就是觉得没有umd 好
一般大公校top 10 该进得去吗
UMD L&S 转工程不难,把要求的课上完,成绩合格都可以转。转CS可能难点。
我们学校有个女娃进了,不过她拿到·其他学校FR , 大概不回去了。我女儿去·年进了没去, 勉强top 10% 吧。 对女娃友好一点。
有认识的孩子今天被 UIUC 和 Georgia Tech CS 录取了.
这两个学校 和 michigan 比, 不知道去哪个比较好?他们的 in state 录取率好高,外州有点难。但 Michigan好像录取率都很低,是不是整体reputation更好点?
是春天直接上计算机吗? 我们是加州的,要是直接上计算机还不错,我们没有C,uw 3.6 w4.2,gpa 不高
reputation对CS来说 UIUC>GaTech>UMich,大部分其他专业次序反过来
是呀, 不过太贵了, 可能去Drexel , 娃经常不做作业, 我很担心没法毕业。 不过他们学校的大牛男娃申请CS居然给了 Undecide 但是进了Honor college,搞不懂了. GT 据了, 男娃苦呀, 几代的康Legacy 被 defers 了。
唉,总比我家强,担心去读个l&s 到时候转不了专业就麻烦了。 感觉真的是大学是看在州外学费的面子上才勉强pua 我一下。
其实在我们这感觉Rutger 和 UMD 差不多呀。 你们加州娃底子好去哪都差不多。
CS不可以常理度之,每个学校的cs录取都是疯子。 其他的computer+ 都好的多。孩子真没必要硬碰硬。
就是这么觉的,所以很难定去哪个比较好。都是 out of state.
选UIUC,比UMich名气大多了,学费几乎便宜一半 听我的没错,等娃入学找到大厂Intern再来感谢我吧🙂 不过你要是西雅图的去本地UW CS就很好,也是著名CS牛校,州内学费,闭眼进大厂
Drexel在宾大隔壁,就是治安不好。 他们有coop, 好像要读5年? 是quarter学期。
真的吗? 比玉米肠名气大多了?
据说再过一年也要改Semester 了, 不过去年亏损严重,不知道会不会影响质量。
可能因为直录Eng School要求高点,不过入学后转EE应该不难,修gateway requirements课程保持B以上就可以了,学校网上有 https://eng.umd.edu/transfer/internal
是CS CS CS,重要的事情说三遍。最新的本科Ranking,UIUC基本历年都是前五名
#1: Stanford University #2: Carnegie Mellon University Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California, Berkeley #5: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Princeton University #7: Cornell University Georgia Institute of Technology University of Washington #10: California Institute of Technology University of Michigan--Ann Arbor The University of Texas--Austin
恭喜,性价比很好! 州内高中会告诉娃的排名吗?
CS 不太看排名。刷出题就行
差别不大,看学费和location 选
教学水平可能差不多 但是名声可有差远了 等于是哈佛和范德彪
UM相当于哈佛,uiuc相当于vandy? 还是反过来?
如果专业是cs,但是孩子还想在大学扩展explore其他领域比如business school或者数学, 那这三所怎么选?um, uiuc, git
b school和数学都是Umich更好。
写封信表表衷心?说不定是觉得他over qualified不会去。
我们本州的cs也是现在跟名校一样难进,有朋友家的去年没有被录取,最后去了purdue。 希望你家的最后能拿到。
你们是卷州吗? Cs还这么卷,以后毕业找工估计也是很卷,都想让孩子进大学以后改行了
哪个school的honor?penn state 的很难进的,我遇到几个医生都是弃了藤校offer去的honor,
UMD, 不过这个大牛娃拿到 U Pit FR,不过他家不差钱, 应该奔着藤校去的. 我们学校有个女娃去年拿到 Penn State Honor, 居然弃了去个我都没听说过的学校全奖。
我们学校去年的第一女学霸, 应该是学校几年以来最强的娃, 也没接U Pit Full Ride + 保证医学院。 ED去U Penn , 没有ED 估计要横扫。
我们州大贵是贵点还是很大度的, 我们州胜在学校多,都会有学上。
The University of Maryland (UMD) Honors College is highly selective, accepting around 1,050 new freshmen each year. This is a small proportion of the total number of students admitted to UMD.
Acceptance rate The Honors College is highly competitive and has a very small acceptance rate. In 2023, UMD admitted 26,750 students, but only about 1,050 were accepted to the Honors College. Eligibility First-year applicants who are admitted to UMD are automatically considered for the Honors College. Current UMD students can apply after completing one academic year and earning a minimum GPA of 3.5. Upperclassmen can also join through Departmental Honors Programs. Requirements Applicants should have high grades, strong SAT/ACT scores, and a clear understanding of why they want to be in an honors program. Students must maintain a minimum GPA to remain in good standing and to earn the Honors Citation.
Honors College有什么具体好处吗? 有奖学金?
不同学校不同呀, 有的学校有优先选课权, 这很重要, 我老大在普通私立, Honor 的同学能力更好一点会互相激励。
我不懂瞎猜的。可能学校为了balance 一下。如果都是本州的,对学校声誉不太好。这样也可以多拿钱。外州和国际学生学费贵啊。
就按你排的录 umd cs 非常好 Google两个founder, 一个umd 一个umich
UMD地理位置有优势,找internship机会多。Honor college不容易进。
打工赚学费刚好呀,顺便去CC学点基础课·省点钱。 让娃知道钱也不是大风刮来的,
可以在community college 上几门大学认可学分的课
恭喜,娃好厉害。马大好像新造的宿舍就是专门给honors 的娃住的,对面就是餐厅,环境也特别好。请问honors college需要另外申请吗,还是自动给的
谢谢。娃没申请honors, 学校给的。
太牛了。再请问一下,你家娃申请后多久知道进了honors college 的
UIUC的EE不能转CS,但可以转CompE,就是要多学些硬件课程 UMD CS就不用学硬件了,看娃的兴趣了
Penn state 不如Drexel 吗? 有C还拿到奖学金 挺不错了。你们是不是课外活动挺不错?
没有你想像中的那么远,我们大卷公校排名前十名的小中男去UMD CS,成缋比去藤校的好很多,被各藤拒了。
Covid之前,这样成绩的孩子可以进很多好学校。这几年录取结果非常难预测,尤其是小中男CS,Business 这些热门专业的
一是觉得自己不会是找不到工作的那个。 一是也没啥其他好学的?
Penn State 主 校 CE 难录一点名声好一点, 不过Drexel 找工实用一点。 你可能不知道Drexel 只要不差上天的娃都给钱的, 但是 比我想的多。 不过娃说读书太累把时间都去做公益了, 心塞。 他SAT 也 不算特差1530, 考C的两门课ap 也考了四分 其他5分, 11年纪以前成绩还可以,unweighted GPA还有3.8 可能会法外开恩一下。