问了ChatGPT Yes, the U.S. has an official accountability system, but it is decentralized and varies across different branches and levels of government. Here are some key aspects: 1. Checks and Balances – The U.S. Constitution establishes a system where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches hold each other accountable. 2. Inspector Generals (IGs) – Each federal agency has an independent Inspector General responsible for investigating misconduct, waste, fraud, and abuse. 3. Government Accountability Office (GAO) – A legislative branch agency that audits government programs and ensures efficiency and accountability. 4. Congressional Oversight – Congress holds hearings, issues subpoenas, and investigates government officials through committees. 5. Ethics and Watchdog Agencies – The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) ensures executive branch officials follow ethical rules. Various state and local ethics commissions regulate officials at lower levels. 6. Whistleblower Protections – Laws like the Whistleblower Protection Act protect individuals who expose government wrongdoing. 7. Impeachment and Removal – The President, judges, and other officials can be impeached and removed for misconduct.
问了ChatGPT Yes, the U.S. has an official accountability system, but it is decentralized and varies across different branches and levels of government. Here are some key aspects: 1. Checks and Balances – The U.S. Constitution establishes a system where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches hold each other accountable. 2. Inspector Generals (IGs) – Each federal agency has an independent Inspector General responsible for investigating misconduct, waste, fraud, and abuse. 3. Government Accountability Office (GAO) – A legislative branch agency that audits government programs and ensures efficiency and accountability. 4. Congressional Oversight – Congress holds hearings, issues subpoenas, and investigates government officials through committees. 5. Ethics and Watchdog Agencies – The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) ensures executive branch officials follow ethical rules. Various state and local ethics commissions regulate officials at lower levels. 6. Whistleblower Protections – Laws like the Whistleblower Protection Act protect individuals who expose government wrongdoing. 7. Impeachment and Removal – The President, judges, and other officials can be impeached and removed for misconduct. greened 发表于 2025-01-31 14:08
加州去年通过公投,不同政见和党派团结一心,以70%的高票推翻了民主党的零元购政策。希望这次可以通过自媒体发声,投票,游行示威等手段,施加压力给川普政府各要员, 团结所有受害者和民众,让洛杉矶市长下台,让州长纽森下台,问责交通部长,改造DC和旧金山机场,提高空管选拔质量和空管工资。
Yes, the U.S. has an official accountability system, but it is decentralized and varies across different branches and levels of government. Here are some key aspects:
1. Checks and Balances – The U.S. Constitution establishes a system where the executive, legislative, and judicial branches hold each other accountable. 2. Inspector Generals (IGs) – Each federal agency has an independent Inspector General responsible for investigating misconduct, waste, fraud, and abuse. 3. Government Accountability Office (GAO) – A legislative branch agency that audits government programs and ensures efficiency and accountability. 4. Congressional Oversight – Congress holds hearings, issues subpoenas, and investigates government officials through committees. 5. Ethics and Watchdog Agencies – The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) ensures executive branch officials follow ethical rules. Various state and local ethics commissions regulate officials at lower levels. 6. Whistleblower Protections – Laws like the Whistleblower Protection Act protect individuals who expose government wrongdoing. 7. Impeachment and Removal – The President, judges, and other officials can be impeached and removed for misconduct.
美国太衰落了,很难改革成功,历史上的改革家都死的很惨。但是不改革,注定死路一条。 这次选举我看到了美国人民不被洗脑的智慧,也看到了美国个人英雄主义的成功,让我这个保守,胆小,悲观的华裔移民非常震撼。 那些圆滑光鲜,占领道德制高点的人,只是好莱坞电影的男主角,现实中的真正的英雄好汉,可以是粗鄙的草莽英雄。而真正拯救世界的,都不一定是正人君子。普通人要抛弃愚昧的明君拯救世界的想法,民主国家人民要自己做主,不断利用和更换最佳的政客。 我下届看好万斯。预计未来10年民主党还不能改邪归正。如果能,可以选。