麻烦各位川粉收拾好东西再造下一个谣。人活着 “ Trans pilot shares 'proof of life' video amid false claims she flew helicopter in D.C. crash” Link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna190180
回复 1楼 的帖子 这么重大的事官方还是应该公布名字的,否则都在散步谣言没人知道真假,reddit提到这个为军队服务了十几年的还活着啊: Bobobarbarian • 11h ago • Edited 11h ago Bait post. Jo was in the military working on helicopters since 2009. She didn’t transition until 2023. Not a DEI hire. She was a veteran who served her country with dignity and who made a personal choice. Edit: And she wasn’t even one of the pilots Embarrassed-Chain592 • 3h ago Looks like Jo Ellis changed his photo on his Facebook to honor the two flights. Jo Ellis appears to be alive. Do better research. 11h ago • Edited 6h ago There is no confirmation that this was indeed the pilot. Stop spreading lies lmao Edit: it was a US Army helicopter, yet she works for Virginia Army National Guard. She wasn''''''''t onboard and is still alive. Spreading such lies is fucked up.
Koziol confirmed to reporters on a conference call that the male instructor pilot had more than 1,000 hours of flight time, the female pilot who was commanding the flight at the time had more than 500 hours of flight time, and the crew chief was also said to have hundreds of hours of flight time. 不知道媒体什么时候公布三名飞行员
https://www.wxii12.com/article/dc-plane-helicopter-crash-victims/63623529 trump粉不搞点阴谋论就不是垃圾了。 三个飞行员: Ryan O''''haraAndrew EavesCapt. Jonathan Campos Georgia high school mourns Black Hawk crew chief On Thursday, the Parkview High School Marine Corps JROTC in Lilburn, Georgia, said Ryan O''''Hara was the crew chief onboard the Black Hawk helicopter, according to reports from Hearst Television station WJCL. The high school is located in Lilburn, which is in metro Atlanta. "It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of one of our own," read a social media post from the MCJROTC. "Class of 2014, former cadet Ryan O’Hara was the Crew Chief on the Black Hawk involved in last night''''s crash in DC. Our deepest condolences go out to Gary O’Hara and his entire family." The post said O''''Hara is "fondly remembered as a guy who would fix things around the ROTC gym as well as a vital member of the Rifle Team." The post states that Ryan leaves behind a wife and a 1-year-old son. One of the Black Hawk pilots was a Mississippi native In a Facebook post, Carrie Eaves confirmed that her husband, Andrew Eaves, was one of the soldiers on the helicopter, according to Hearst Television station WAPT. "I am sure by now all of you have heard the news of the tragedy that has occurred in DC. My husband was one of the pilots in the Blackhawk," Carrie Eaves said in a Facebook post. "We ask that you pray for our family and friends and for all the other families that are suffering today. We ask for peace while we grieve." Plane pilot graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015 The pilot of the American Airlines aircraft involved in the deadly collision in Washington, D.C., graduated from a Central Florida university, HTV station WESH in Orlando, Florida, has confirmed. Capt. Jonathan Campos graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University issued the following statement: "Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Jonathan Campos (Aeronautical Science,''''15). Our thoughts are with his family and the families and loved ones of all impacted by this tragic accident."
https://news.erau.edu/headlines/statement-embry-riddle-alumnus-jonathan-campos Jan 30, 2025, 5:16 PM Share: Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Jonathan Campos (Aeronautical Science,’15). Our thoughts are with his family and the families and loved ones of all impacted by this tragic accident.
https://www.wesh.com/article/pilot-in-deadly-dc-plane-crash-was-a-central-florida-graduate/63624101 Pilot in deadly DC jet, helicopter crash was a Florida graduate, officials say Captain Jonathan Campos graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015. news多着呢。trump粉不认识英文就没有办法了
撞击前的一分钟里,直升机和AA客机基本上是相向而行。直升机不可能看不到AA客机的头灯。 直升机一直飞得比较低,撞击前的10秒开始爬升,撞击AA客机。 直升机不是从侧面,而是从AA客机2点钟的方向撞击的。 在视频中可以看到AA客机,一开始向左移动,后来向右移动。因为基本上是朝着摄像头的方向飞行。 在视频中可以看到直升机基本上是以匀速运动,而且是远离摄像头的方向。最后10秒钟开始爬升,故意撞向AA客机。
新闻已经公布了三名军方飞行员,其中的两名飞行员公布了姓名照片均为资深男性, 第3名飞行员的姓名照片没有公布,只说是一位女性,捂着不说,很奇怪。 通知不到家人吗?通知不到家人基本上因为她们是孤魂野鬼。 新闻公布里没有说谁在驾驶。 联想到一月一日,两起杀人自杀事件,当事人都有军方背景。 很可能这个女的就是罪魁祸首,不满Trump,抑郁泄愤,故意制造事端。 X上说直升机上女飞行员是变性人 Jo Ellis, 发表过很多反川言论。
采访 Jo Ellis的录音,此人男,2023年变性为女。 https://the-smerconish-podcast.simplecast.com/episodes/she-has-served-15-years-in-the-military-and-wants-to-serve-more-a-transgender-service-members-perspective-aREHHfn4
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
对,唯独对这个女pilot信息扭扭捏捏不肯公布,x上说是个变性女,叫Jo Ellis
You nail it! 这就是谜底!
已经证实直升机上第3名成员是Jo Ellis这位变性人。
但是作为 男变女的 变性人,有这个想法,有经历过这个过程的,
很难说 ,是不是做事 极端,
另外,不一定是 自杀,但是,在这个繁忙的 民航区域,大半夜的,搞这种训练,
国防部长已经说的,军方made a bog mistake
昨天防长已经承认了 军方的 责任
应该不至于是 故意去 袭击民航
这个群体有些人自卑感和敏感度都很高, 但也不赞同作为成年人在未成年人面前这样的行为,太自我中心,觉得天下人都负他们一样
有什么不至于的 生活有时可比戏剧还疯狂 但不管是不是 报复平民永远只是让人不齿
这就是 大家的 认知的区别,我管不了别人,
我是绝对 0 容忍,我的孩子的老师里 有 变性的,更不要说 敢和我孩子 传授什么 ”身体里做了一个错误的人” 这些 乱七八糟的观点,
任何敢和我的孩子 在性别意识上,给他们教授 这些观点的人,我绝对不放过他们
我在大华府北维 Fairfax郡,目前,我没有看到我们这边的 公立学校里有 这样的人,很万幸,有基本常识的 人 还是占 大多数
奥巴马 时代 开始的DEI
至于为啥 就能这么 让其 大行其道,
DEI 不考虑 是否胜任,仅仅以这些 种类指标 来雇用人,
社会要害部门,幼儿和青年的 教育系统里,必须要改变的
Bobobarbarian • 11h ago • Edited 11h ago Bait post. Jo was in the military working on helicopters since 2009. She didn’t transition until 2023. Not a DEI hire. She was a veteran who served her country with dignity and who made a personal choice. Edit: And she wasn’t even one of the pilots
Embarrassed-Chain592 • 3h ago Looks like Jo Ellis changed his photo on his Facebook to honor the two flights. Jo Ellis appears to be alive. Do better research. 11h ago • Edited 6h ago There is no confirmation that this was indeed the pilot. Stop spreading lies lmao Edit: it was a US Army helicopter, yet she works for Virginia Army National Guard. She wasn''''''''t onboard and is still alive. Spreading such lies is fucked up.
在 繁忙的 民航机场 起降线 旁边,
做军用直升飞机训练,这个直升机本来就 是个 很灵活的 飞行器,可快速升降,加速,或者 停在空中,这种东西 就不该出现在 民航 起降 通道里,
这一点,军方就是个 大问题,非要在 民航起降通道上 训练
个人 只能考虑 自保
别的 干不了啥
Jo Ellis根本没找飞机上,她还活着。 这是彻底的造谣。
看起来极大的可能性是直升机故意的。 不过有一点是肯定的 Jo是他 不是她。
你有点进去你发表的那个链接吗? 那是Jo Ellis在1/29/2025年接受的采访,和飞机坠落同一天,她没可能既在驾驶飞机,又在同时接受采访吧? 而且现在她的Facebook显示她还活着,并亲自出来辟谣。 right wing造谣不要太过分
Ryan O'Hara, Andrew Eaves的名字照片年龄报导满天飞,第三个飞行员的信息却千呼万唤也出不来,确实奇怪得很呢。
的却是这样, 公布了就可以制止谣言,不知道为什么一直不公布第三人的身份
变性这个事, 我只要求未成年人必须得到父母许可才能做手术, 毕竟小孩子判断力有限, 成年人爱咋咋吧, 不知道为什么非要定义两种性别, 管太宽了。 但是, 这也不是杀无辜群众的理由。
如果这些变性人的学术水平很高, 我倒是不反对他们当老师的, 前提是不要鼓励小孩子变性, 教书就教书, 别扯这些有的没的 我工作中遇到过男同和女同, 都是很正常很专业的同事关系, 他们不提自己的私生活, 大家互相尊重合作愉快。
川粉总是造谣说学校,社工会把孩子拉去变性,不通知父母啥的,怎么可能呢? 看到最近的Case也就是离婚的父母,有full custody 的那方同意孩子变性,没有的那方反对。
Georgia high school mourns Black Hawk crew chief On Thursday, the Parkview High School Marine Corps JROTC in Lilburn, Georgia, said Ryan O''''Hara was the crew chief onboard the Black Hawk helicopter, according to reports from Hearst Television station WJCL. The high school is located in Lilburn, which is in metro Atlanta. "It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of one of our own," read a social media post from the MCJROTC. "Class of 2014, former cadet Ryan O’Hara was the Crew Chief on the Black Hawk involved in last night''''s crash in DC. Our deepest condolences go out to Gary O’Hara and his entire family." The post said O''''Hara is "fondly remembered as a guy who would fix things around the ROTC gym as well as a vital member of the Rifle Team." The post states that Ryan leaves behind a wife and a 1-year-old son.
One of the Black Hawk pilots was a Mississippi native In a Facebook post, Carrie Eaves confirmed that her husband, Andrew Eaves, was one of the soldiers on the helicopter, according to Hearst Television station WAPT. "I am sure by now all of you have heard the news of the tragedy that has occurred in DC. My husband was one of the pilots in the Blackhawk," Carrie Eaves said in a Facebook post. "We ask that you pray for our family and friends and for all the other families that are suffering today. We ask for peace while we grieve."
Plane pilot graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015 The pilot of the American Airlines aircraft involved in the deadly collision in Washington, D.C., graduated from a Central Florida university, HTV station WESH in Orlando, Florida, has confirmed. Capt. Jonathan Campos graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University issued the following statement: "Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Captain Jonathan Campos (Aeronautical Science,''''15). Our thoughts are with his family and the families and loved ones of all impacted by this tragic accident."
https://www.wxii12.com/article/dc-plane-helicopter-crash-victims/63623529 trump粉不搞点阴谋论就不是垃圾了。 三个飞行员: Ryan O''''hara Andrew Eaves Capt. Jonathan Campos
删删删 楼里有新信息 我之前说的不对
Pilot in deadly DC jet, helicopter crash was a Florida graduate, officials say Captain Jonathan Campos graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in 2015. news多着呢。trump粉不认识英文就没有办法了
我不满很多事情也只是就事论事讨论 口头人身攻击都很少 但是咱们不能用自己的标准预设其他人的脑回路对吧? 等调查结果吧
你这个不对。 Capt. Jonathan Campos 是AA飞行员,不是军方直升机飞行员。
真不要脸 造谣然后根据谣言乱评一通 然后说自己就事论事
我记得哪里看到空中跑道虽然繁忙 但是军用和民用是分开的 承认了军方责任应该是说军机不应该飞到民用区域 但为什么飞过去 无心错误还是故意 这怎么说的清呢。。。
其实这次事件让人们意识这种空难好几次都NEARLY 发生,但因为每次都堪堪的逃过一劫,让人产生这样民军在如此繁忙还有这么多background lights 的地方一起飞是可以的错觉。 其实更可能的是就是POLICY 的问题。 然后这次事件应该就是那次不幸的waiting to be happened diaster. RISK PREVENTION 三角其中一个就是opportunity. 没有这么乱的航线,哪里来的让飞行员撞客机的机会呢?
"治大国如烹小鲜。很多事情,即使要correct, 也要慢慢来" agreed 具体到这件事上, 不一定适用啊。现在看起来是军机的问题, 至于军机为何如此, 不清楚。 我们华人比较相信"人民子弟兵", 但是身边的美国人都很看不上军队, 他们眼里军队就是 arrogant, stupid, "they don't care"
里根机场这种 非要 军机 也在边上,
还是直升机的,这本身就是 隐患
别管 飞行员 具体干了啥,啥目的,
这种 机场 设置 就是给了对方 犯错的 机会,
这是 最根本!
里根机场 永远不要在 那里飞,作为普通人 只能做到这一步