One air traffic controller was working two positions

楼主 (北美华人网)
The Federal Aviation Administration has long struggled with a shortage of air traffic controllers and identified fatigue as a factor that might lead to mistakes.
After a number of highly publicized close calls between planes that were following orders from control towers, the FAA said last summer that it would increase the minimum time controllers get between shifts starting this year.
An agreement between the agency and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association called for 10 hours off between shifts, 12 hours off before and after a midnight shift, and a limit on consecutive overtime assignments.
Although then-FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said in September that the agency had met its 2024 goal of hiring 1,800 controllers, airline executives said they expected the problem to persist.
The cause of Wednesday night’s crash is under investigation. A preliminary FAA report obtained by The Associated Press said one air traffic controller was working two positions at the time.
军机连个防撞雷达都没有吗? 防撞雷达会不会100人民币一个?

air traffic controller 短缺是个十几年的老问题了。不知道是工资低还是要求高,一直under staffing. 川普上任才9天不知道有什么直接联系?
The Federal Aviation Administration has long struggled with a shortage of air traffic controllers and identified fatigue as a factor that might lead to mistakes.
After a number of highly publicized close calls between planes that were following orders from control towers, the FAA said last summer that it would increase the minimum time controllers get between shifts starting this year.
An agreement between the agency and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association called for 10 hours off between shifts, 12 hours off before and after a midnight shift, and a limit on consecutive overtime assignments.
Although then-FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker said in September that the agency had met its 2024 goal of hiring 1,800 controllers, airline executives said they expected the problem to persist.
The cause of Wednesday night’s crash is under investigation. A preliminary FAA report obtained by The Associated Press said one air traffic controller was working two positions at the time.

hellokitty88 发表于 2025-01-30 21:53

这就是主流媒体的艺术手法: 人家这两句话都列在这里,前面讲cause under investigation, 让你误以为后面一句话讲因果关系。。。。
实际上俺告诉你第二句话完全是修辞手段 -- 对于空管员来说从奥巴马期间就一直缺人,原因是工资太低,作息不规律
而岗位上的空管员都是同时照顾多条航线的,具体几条取决于situation有多么复杂, 但是一个人同时照顾三五架飞机起降那是常事。 简单情况比如天气良好大家排队降落,一个人可以handle十几架飞机
所以说working 2 positions at a time 完全可能是是一个对空管员正常工作状态的客观描述 --- 但却不是空难的原因。。。。
这就是美国媒体, 用类似手法给你个中文对标 : 近日北京公安正在调查一个入室偷盗杀人案。昨天 郭德纲被网友拍到出现在西城公安分局神色严肃。。。。。。。
The cause of Wednesday night’s crash is under investigation. A preliminary FAA report obtained by The Associated Press said one air traffic controller was working two positions at the time.