建议楼主把标题改成 我太不要脸了,拿完钱就骂娘 When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
不行的,除非你是低收入。 Payers must issue a 1099-INT by Jan. 31 of the new year for any party to whom they paid at least $10 of interest during the preceding year. One copy goes to the IRS. Another copy is sent to the taxpayer.
金银岛 发表于 2025-01-30 18:36 不行的,除非你是低收入。 Payers must issue a 1099-INT by Jan. 31 of the new year for any party to whom they paid at least $10 of interest during the preceding year. One copy goes to the IRS. Another copy is sent to the taxpayer.
金银岛 发表于 2025-01-30 18:06 建议楼主把标题改成 我太不要脸了,拿完钱就骂娘 When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
金银岛 发表于 2025-01-30 18:06 建议楼主把标题改成 我太不要脸了,拿完钱就骂娘 When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
金银岛 发表于 2025-01-30 18:06 建议楼主把标题改成 我太不要脸了,拿完钱就骂娘 When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
然后今天收到它家给我的稅表,那$600居然给我算成我的利息收入。按我目前的tax bracket,那差不多我就欠$300的稅了。折腾半天那钱还不如留在treasury bill里呢,还省个州税。
是IRS 不要脸的规定.
When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
每个银行都是如此 百年前就一直如此
Payers must issue a 1099-INT by Jan. 31 of the new year for any party to whom they paid at least $10 of interest during the preceding year. One copy goes to the IRS. Another copy is sent to the taxpayer.
我知道 但我都没抱过 很多年了…
这都什么人 为骂人而骂人
过多久收到的? 我真的从来没报过 也从来没事 包括high yielding saving的利息…
不过citizens bank还真是我用的本地银行,另外我还有网上银行citizens access的账户。还是蛮有感情的。
确实是。 提醒跟我一样不知道的以后小心不要着了道儿,到处都是坑啊。
没看到你后面说的,我删了吧。 不过我本来就不爽,你一上来说话那么难听,来而不往非礼也,算撞枪口上了。
checking和saving account都是这样的按taxable income来的,和信用卡的不一样,按rebate算没有税
bracket都是50% 是什么意思?
标题确实不对,应该改为“楼主太不要脸了”(光想拿bonus收入不想交税),或者“IRS太不要脸了”(制定了银行利息需要交税的税法),就通顺多了,不要把锅甩到citizen bank
绝对不可能没有说明,是你自己没有一板一眼的看开户bonus广告信上的legal terms(一般都是用小字密密麻麻的写的那部分),所有银行的开户bonus广告上都会写。
我07年来美国,那时候我家那边有个叫key bank的小银行,开户就送ipod,我记得好像是ipod第五代,我当时就开了个户,第二年就受到了150刀的1099INT
没看懂,这最高的不是37%? 50% 哪来的?
NY has high state as well as local income tax, for an example
这种1099 表都会copy 给IRS 的,跟你报税对不上,马上触发red flag 吧
楼主确实太不要脸了, 本来就是你的收入。
距离最近一次现在已经过去一年了 说明我没事了吗 …
哈哈这么干了很多年了 被抓到再交吧
本来就是收入啊,有问题的不是citizen bank.