建议楼主把标题改成 我太不要脸了,拿完钱就骂娘 When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
然后今天收到它家给我的稅表,那$600居然给我算成我的利息收入。按我目前的tax bracket,那差不多我就欠$300的稅了。折腾半天那钱还不如留在treasury bill里呢,还省个州税。
是IRS 不要脸的规定,因为你正好够600了
When tax time does roll around, bank bonuses are typically taxed as interest income. If the bonus is more than $10, your bank or credit union should send you a Form 1099-INT or Form 1099-MISC, which you''ll use to report that income on your tax return.
每个银行都是如此 百年前就一直如此