回复 107楼 不困不睡 的帖子 怪DEI,裁人还不算, 川普还要挪用TSA经费给ICE。 Trump wants to take away money from protecting airports, intercepting drug dealers, and stopping cyber criminals, so he can pay for his plan to separate and deport immigrant families? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/administration-may-pull-money-tsa-help-fund-deportations-rcna189387 Trump administration may pull money from TSA, Coast Guard to help ICE afford costly deportations 川粉来洗洗看挪用TSA(交通安全管理局)经费,怎样让你觉的更安全。
这篇文章提到的有争议的12/13年开始的assessment quiz 在18年的时候已经被叫停。 More than 3,000 top-performing, motivated applicants lost out because they weren’t members of this ethnic club. After Congress forced the FAA to drop the quiz in 2018, many former applicants reapplied and have since become controllers. Their careers were set back several years for no good reason. A trial set for summer 2025 will determine the truth of allegations already found plausible by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The final ruling should be seen as an opportunity to send a message to future administrations that race-based hiring is unacceptable, especially when it sets the stage for disaster.
你说反了吧。只有川普政府才会去追责。不信等着瞧。 不像上届政府,还记得上次阿富汗撤退,有任何一个人被追责了吗?
怪DEI,裁人还不算, 川普还要挪用TSA经费给ICE。 Trump wants to take away money from protecting airports, intercepting drug dealers, and stopping cyber criminals, so he can pay for his plan to separate and deport immigrant families? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/administration-may-pull-money-tsa-help-fund-deportations-rcna189387 Trump administration may pull money from TSA, Coast Guard to help ICE afford costly deportations
这篇文章提到的有争议的12/13年开始的assessment quiz 在18年的时候已经被叫停。
More than 3,000 top-performing, motivated applicants lost out because they weren’t members of this ethnic club. After Congress forced the FAA to drop the quiz in 2018, many former applicants reapplied and have since become controllers. Their careers were set back several years for no good reason.
A trial set for summer 2025 will determine the truth of allegations already found plausible by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The final ruling should be seen as an opportunity to send a message to future administrations that race-based hiring is unacceptable, especially when it sets the stage for disaster.
反正不是他的锅,他一上场什么事都没干先用common sense定性了,追责也就是推责的过程