Yuangungun 发表于 2025-01-30 20:59 https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-has-tense-exchange-cnn-reporter-over-blaming-dei-policies-plane-crash 最后还不忘了威胁女记者一下,I’m surprised that the question is coming from u
AA航班飞行员的爸爸原来也是部队飞行员,他的判断也是直升机没看到jet. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/pilot-american-airlines-jet-crashed-near-washington-dc-had-georgia-ties Timothy, who served 20 years as a helicopter pilot in the Army, is familiar with the complexities of such operations. "In the '90s, I used to fly in and out of the Pentagon regularly, and I can tell you if you are flying on the route over the Potomac and wearing night vision goggles, it's going to be very hard to see that plane. If you're not wearing the goggles, then you might have a chance," he explained. He believes the commercial PSA jet was following proper procedures, but the military helicopter made a tragic error. "From what I can see, those guys turned right into the jet. I think the PSA jet was doing everything right. The Army pilot made a grave error. It hurts me because those are my brothers, and now my son is dead," Timothy said.
titicaca 发表于 2025-01-30 21:32 AA航班飞行员的爸爸原来也是部队飞行员,他的判断也是直升机没看到jet. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/pilot-american-airlines-jet-crashed-near-washington-dc-had-georgia-ties Timothy, who served 20 years as a helicopter pilot in the Army, is familiar with the complexities of such operations. "In the '90s, I used to fly in and out of the Pentagon regularly, and I can tell you if you are flying on the route over the Potomac and wearing night vision goggles, it's going to be very hard to see that plane. If you're not wearing the goggles, then you might have a chance," he explained. He believes the commercial PSA jet was following proper procedures, but the military helicopter made a tragic error. "From what I can see, those guys turned right into the jet. I think the PSA jet was doing everything right. The Army pilot made a grave error. It hurts me because those are my brothers, and now my son is dead," Timothy said.
titicaca 发表于 2025-01-30 21:32 AA航班飞行员的爸爸原来也是部队飞行员,他的判断也是直升机没看到jet. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/pilot-american-airlines-jet-crashed-near-washington-dc-had-georgia-ties Timothy, who served 20 years as a helicopter pilot in the Army, is familiar with the complexities of such operations. "In the '90s, I used to fly in and out of the Pentagon regularly, and I can tell you if you are flying on the route over the Potomac and wearing night vision goggles, it's going to be very hard to see that plane. If you're not wearing the goggles, then you might have a chance," he explained. He believes the commercial PSA jet was following proper procedures, but the military helicopter made a tragic error. "From what I can see, those guys turned right into the jet. I think the PSA jet was doing everything right. The Army pilot made a grave error. It hurts me because those are my brothers, and now my son is dead," Timothy said.
是的,目前只有她的名字没有公布。 From ABC news: Koziol confirmed to reporters on a conference call that the male instructor pilot had more than 1,000 hours of flight time, the female pilot who was commanding the flight at the time had more than 500 hours of flight time, and the crew chief was also said to have hundreds of hours of flight time.
一年明月 发表于 2025-01-31 13:22 是的,目前只有她的名字没有公布。 From ABC news: Koziol confirmed to reporters on a conference call that the male instructor pilot had more than 1,000 hours of flight time, the female pilot who was commanding the flight at the time had more than 500 hours of flight time, and the crew chief was also said to have hundreds of hours of flight time.
飞机离地面200feet基本就在机场里了吧。机场外飞200feet 不可能撞commercial flight?
两个人面对面蒙着眼睛对着扔网球,两个球撞一起的机会多大。 何况飞机vs 机场,这是对面扔乒乓球。
说同一机场前一天也有飞机因为直升飞机复飞,不知道是不是同一个直升飞机。 这一带直升飞机很多,大家遵守高度规定,一般不影响commercial flights.
应该遵守的高度是200, 但是太繁忙了,遵守不了。 昨天没出事那辆直升机飞的300feet, 也是违规的。
root cause: 压根不应该这么设计: 让军机和民航共用同高度空域, 民航的机动能力约等于零,观察外部能力约等于10% 实际上一切都指望军机驾驶员一定要眼观六路耳听八方还不能操作失误 , 哪次没做到而同时有民航起飞/降落,那么就会完蛋。。。。。
这种把多少人的安全完全寄托在某一个两个飞行员的 无法预估的观测上,压根就是个失败的设计
不共享就意味着建更多的机场。 这个在美国也不现实,没有钱。
就是飞200就不会影响民航。 阴谋论说不定昨天就是同一个直升机飞行员呢,故意的,不过昨天没成。
天啊 太心疼了。这个爸爸好厉害
那就不应该同意让飞行员个人操作来规避民航。 这种时候需要塔楼说descend to 200feet, 空中静止,啥的直接指令,而不是问飞行员see it? think u can handle it ?
夜视仪能看清楚黑暗区域,但是任何夜视goggle都有俩缺点: 视野受限, 会被高亮度saturate,比如近距离客机的航行灯极其亮
盲猜一下:可能空管以为军方就是要训练夜视飞行训练目测separation ,所以不好阻拦,只能提醒前面有个CRJ
叉,新手训练怎么不去别的地方,附近MD还有Andrew Air Force base,为什么要到DCA附近来训练
很靠谱, 有几个疑问 直升飞机上三个驾驶员为啥都没注意到前方的客机? 客机的飞机尾巴都有三个灯啊 另外那个客机上不知道做何感想, 亲眼看见相撞 这种民军混用太可怕了 而且美国在这种事上本来就很马大哈
主要还是没钱修 没办法啊
这个是瞎说。军民是俩赛道,你又不能强迫人参军。Colorado Springs 出来,Top Gun 出来,转民航也得一个证一个证考。机型和程序都不一样。
所以军方在明知道夜视镜看不清的情况下, (老兵确认了这个人所共知的问题)
还在2015年 已经发生过类似未遂撞击的情况下
不用韭菜贱命作陪练, 又如何显示镰刀的高贵。
故意的不是有可能,而是大概率 客机进场的速度差不多300公里/小时,就是83米/秒,视频看着是侧撞,那黑鹰只要慢1秒,客机就跑83米外了,要是偶然碰撞,概率几乎为0,故意去撞,也要技术很高非常精准才能成功
Bloomberg 说,带了这个night time vision goggles 连depth perspective 会受到影响,而且压力也会增大。
🥺🥺🥺。 作为普通人,我也不懂非要在飞机那么频繁飞行的时间段考试吗? 不能AI,VR模拟吗?!
确认主驾驶 是 女 飞行员?
From ABC news: Koziol confirmed to reporters on a conference call that the male instructor pilot had more than 1,000 hours of flight time, the female pilot who was commanding the flight at the time had more than 500 hours of flight time, and the crew chief was also said to have hundreds of hours of flight time.
所以三个人都戴了夜视镜? 或者估计另两个没戴但是在说笑根本没看外面?
黑鹰直升机很牛的, 战场上都可以躲RPG的.
黑鹰的动力相当牛,中国早年进口了几架专门飞高原,自己的和毛子的在高原上都是性能急剧下降,就黑鹰没问题。 中国一直想仿造,但是压根仿不出来。 这是一直到近些年军工全面大突破才在中型涡轴发动机上突破,才有了直-20
公布了, Capt. Rebecca Lobach
黑鹰的 飞行高度是 违规的