Reagan National had its own close call in April 2024, when a JetBlue plane and Southwest jet nearly collided on a runway. Though the FAA later classified that incident as less than dire, it added to a major aviation fight within Congress, as lawmakers in the D.C. area objected to legislation that increased the number of flights allowed to take off and land at the already-congested airport.
这次的事件的时间线: 01/20/25 周一,在马斯克一直要求FAA主管辞职之后,FAA主管辞职 01/28/25 周二晚上,所有联邦雇员(包括里根机场的Air Controllers)收到email说他们可以在2月6日之前选择拿钱辞职z(真正离开工作岗位会是在今年9月)。但是如果你这次不辞职的话,不能保证这个职位以后还是你的。牛逼的是,以前政府是没办法直接给全国的联邦雇员发这么一封集体信的,但是这次川普特意建了这么个系统,允许给全美国的联邦雇员这么发信。。。。。 01/29/25 周三晚上,事故发生 The offer went out to the federal workforce through a new system the Trump administration set up that gives officials the ability to email all federal employees at once. The email included a draft resignation letter for them to review. If a person wishes to resign, they will be able to reply with the word "resign." The resignation period will begin Tuesday and go through Feb. 6. "If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce," the email that will be sent to federal workers reads. "At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions."
Trump administration offers roughly 2 million federal workers a buyout to resign An email went out to the federal workforce Tuesday evening, with a subject line that had ties to Elon Musk.
Musk team’s push to gut federal workforce bypassed key Trump officials Billionaire Elon Musk has worked behind the scenes on an initiative aimed at depleting the civil service, prompting questions about its legality.
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-01-30 13:34 Musk team’s push to gut federal workforce bypassed key Trump officials Billionaire Elon Musk has worked behind the scenes on an initiative aimed at depleting the civil service, prompting questions about its legality.
Since Trump took office, Musk has moved quickly to exert control over the Office of Personnel Management, the small independent agency that acts as a kind of human resources department for the federal government, issuing policy for agencies to implement. Musk personally visited the OPM’s offices Friday, and several of his longtime surrogates — including Anthony Armstrong, who helped Musk buy Twitter; Brian Bjelde, who ran human resources for Musk’s firm SpaceX; and Amanda Scales, who worked at Musk’s artificial intelligence firm, xAI — have been installed in senior leadership roles at its offices in downtown Washington, the people said. Musk’s team also was critical to building the system that sent an email from “[email protected]” to most federal employees across a dizzying array of agencies — a capacity that had not existed before last week. Musk touted the offer on X soon after it hit employees’ inboxes, arguing it was a crucial first step in reorganizing a federal bureaucracy he has long characterized as lazy and disloyal. The email emphasized the importance of a “reliable, loyal, trustworthy” workforce. Musk’s role in orchestrating what is intended to be the biggest reorganization of federal workers in decades highlights the broad influence he now enjoys across several federal agencies and the White House as his role transcends that of presidential adviser to an executor of Trump’s vision for the federal government.
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-01-30 13:36 Since Trump took office, Musk has moved quickly to exert control over the Office of Personnel Management, the small independent agency that acts as a kind of human resources department for the federal government, issuing policy for agencies to implement. Musk personally visited the OPM’s offices Friday, and several of his longtime surrogates — including Anthony Armstrong, who helped Musk buy Twitter; Brian Bjelde, who ran human resources for Musk’s firm SpaceX; and Amanda Scales, who worked at Musk’s artificial intelligence firm, xAI — have been installed in senior leadership roles at its offices in downtown Washington, the people said. Musk’s team also was critical to building the system that sent an email from “[email protected]” to most federal employees across a dizzying array of agencies — a capacity that had not existed before last week. Musk touted the offer on X soon after it hit employees’ inboxes, arguing it was a crucial first step in reorganizing a federal bureaucracy he has long characterized as lazy and disloyal. The email emphasized the importance of a “reliable, loyal, trustworthy” workforce. Musk’s role in orchestrating what is intended to be the biggest reorganization of federal workers in decades highlights the broad influence he now enjoys across several federal agencies and the White House as his role transcends that of presidential adviser to an executor of Trump’s vision for the federal government.
Reagan National had its own close call in April 2024, when a JetBlue plane and Southwest jet nearly collided on a runway. Though the FAA later classified that incident as less than dire, it added to a major aviation fight within Congress, as lawmakers in the D.C. area objected to legislation that increased the number of flights allowed to take off and land at the already-congested airport.
这次的事件的时间线: 01/20/25 周一,在马斯克一直要求FAA主管辞职之后,FAA主管辞职 01/28/25 周二晚上,所有联邦雇员(包括里根机场的Air Controllers)收到email说他们可以在2月6日之前选择拿钱辞职z(真正离开工作岗位会是在今年9月)。但是如果你这次不辞职的话,不能保证这个职位以后还是你的。牛逼的是,以前政府是没办法直接给全国的联邦雇员发这么一封集体信的,但是这次川普特意建了这么个系统,允许给全美国的联邦雇员这么发信。。。。。 01/29/25 周三晚上,事故发生 The offer went out to the federal workforce through a new system the Trump administration set up that gives officials the ability to email all federal employees at once. The email included a draft resignation letter for them to review. If a person wishes to resign, they will be able to reply with the word "resign." The resignation period will begin Tuesday and go through Feb. 6. "If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce," the email that will be sent to federal workers reads. "At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions."
Trump administration offers roughly 2 million federal workers a buyout to resign An email went out to the federal workforce Tuesday evening, with a subject line that had ties to Elon Musk.
我记得不是所有联邦雇员都收到信给予辞职option,而是那些一直WFH的, 塔台工作人员肯定不是WFH 吧 "American taxpayers pay for the salaries of federal government employees, and therefore deserve employees working on their behalf who actually show up to work in our wonderful federal buildings, also paid for by taxpayers," White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. "If they don’t want to work in the office and contribute to making America great again, then they are free to choose a different line of work, and the Trump Administration will provide a very generous payout of 8 months." 这个机场之前就有过close call, 在前任政府期间。说明chaotic 的管理应该是有一段时间了,出事是迟早的事 可怜这些花样年华的孩子,痛心极了
xiaohetiao 发表于 2025-01-30 17:00 我记得不是所有联邦雇员都收到信给予辞职option,而是那些一直WFH的, 塔台工作人员肯定不是WFH 吧 "American taxpayers pay for the salaries of federal government employees, and therefore deserve employees working on their behalf who actually show up to work in our wonderful federal buildings, also paid for by taxpayers," White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. "If they don’t want to work in the office and contribute to making America great again, then they are free to choose a different line of work, and the Trump Administration will provide a very generous payout of 8 months." 这个机场之前就有过close call, 在前任政府期间。说明chaotic 的管理应该是有一段时间了,出事是迟早的事 可怜这些花样年华的孩子,痛心极了
Reagan National had its own close call in April 2024, when a JetBlue plane and Southwest jet nearly collided on a runway. Though the FAA later classified that incident as less than dire, it added to a major aviation fight within Congress, as lawmakers in the D.C. area objected to legislation that increased the number of flights allowed to take off and land at the already-congested airport.
01/20/25 周一,在马斯克一直要求FAA主管辞职之后,FAA主管辞职
01/28/25 周二晚上,所有联邦雇员(包括里根机场的Air Controllers)收到email说他们可以在2月6日之前选择拿钱辞职z(真正离开工作岗位会是在今年9月)。但是如果你这次不辞职的话,不能保证这个职位以后还是你的。牛逼的是,以前政府是没办法直接给全国的联邦雇员发这么一封集体信的,但是这次川普特意建了这么个系统,允许给全美国的联邦雇员这么发信。。。。。 01/29/25 周三晚上,事故发生
The offer went out to the federal workforce through a new system the Trump administration set up that gives officials the ability to email all federal employees at once. The email included a draft resignation letter for them to review. If a person wishes to resign, they will be able to reply with the word "resign." The resignation period will begin Tuesday and go through Feb. 6. "If you choose to remain in your current position, we thank you for your renewed focus on serving the American people to the best of your abilities and look forward to working together as part of an improved federal workforce," the email that will be sent to federal workers reads. "At this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency but should your position be eliminated you will be treated with dignity and will be afforded the protections in place for such positions."
Trump administration offers roughly 2 million federal workers a buyout to resign An email went out to the federal workforce Tuesday evening, with a subject line that had ties to Elon Musk.
🔥 最新回帖
说的没错 或者就是要训练风险对抗能力 不好说
这些明显是在当初进行训练飞行风险评估的时候没有做好 机场排队起降期间天边会有多架飞机,都亮着航行灯,在晚间裸眼都很难单单凭借灯光判断具体距离,以及哪个远哪个近,更别提戴着夜视仪的情况下 直升机速度慢可以随时变向,因此塔台无法根据直升机先前航线来判定直升机驾驶员现在指向(这个跟客机不一样),因此无法向直升机驾驶员提供相对方位指点 (比如你左前方, 比如11点钟方向等等) 直升机训练飞行肯定有自由航行的余地,这个余地在有繁忙航线的空域,是致命威胁。 除非直升机飞行员永远跟民航飞行员一样,100% 按照设定航线飞行,连在哪里转弯都设计好了。。。,否则就只能指望驾驶员不失误,一旦出现人为失误就酿成大祸
🛋️ 沙发板凳
塔台录音里工作人员提到了客机模型是crj,另一架看上去更大,不像crj这种小客机。新闻报道里说直升机是training flight ,国防部给出的用词是fairly experienced crew(这还是在他们急于甩锅的情形下),所以飞行员不是新手但也并不经验丰富,犯错的可能性不能排除。
同意 几年前从德州搬到ohio 的columbus,发现开高速居然经常错过路口。后来一查,ohio是美国中部交通枢纽,道路要密集很多。以前在德州austin附近,上高速后往往可以悠哉游哉开几分钟然后再找出口。好家伙,columbus好几次错过路口是因为刚上了一个高速就马上要出去了,都来不及换道。也就是说,这样密集的道路条件下,往往需要上去之前就往前想一步,知道后面的那个出口在哪,这样才有时间反应。
are they serious? mentally impaired for ATC?
这点很重要, 直升机远超过了它应该飞的高度,看起来就是直升机的飞行员出错了, 当然塔台也没提醒,另外直升机为什么没有报警,肯定是一连串小错酿成大祸
try LA high ways, you will feel Columbus high ways are heaven
整个美国人民投票hire 了脑子有毛病的人!
太密集也不是昨天才太密集的 之前怎么没事 如果集体觉得饭碗不保了工作起来还能士气高涨?
LA的高速,LA的机场(LAX) 太密集了
我也觉得是很多问题的出现其实就是个when 都是人就会犯错。
除了这个老不死 有这种规模的裁人方式的吗
Musk’s team also was critical to building the system that sent an email from “[email protected]” to most federal employees across a dizzying array of agencies — a capacity that had not existed before last week. Musk touted the offer on X soon after it hit employees’ inboxes, arguing it was a crucial first step in reorganizing a federal bureaucracy he has long characterized as lazy and disloyal. The email emphasized the importance of a “reliable, loyal, trustworthy” workforce.
Musk’s role in orchestrating what is intended to be the biggest reorganization of federal workers in decades highlights the broad influence he now enjoys across several federal agencies and the White House as his role transcends that of presidential adviser to an executor of Trump’s vision for the federal government.
是 谁tm要被一锅端的时候还能集中注意力工作?!
她倒是不说脏话不骂人 但三观真的是太歪了
这个我也同意。反正我今天一上午都没办法安心工作。可以想象调度员们收到那么depressing email后的心情
脑子被虫子吃了的都能当卫生部长? 奇闻
朝不保夕, 这帮人还怎么心平气和的上班工作? 不摸鱼骑驴找马就不错了
他的三观是 别人不能上班摸鱼,必须裁掉摸鱼的人,但他自己可以天天在版上灌水摸鱼。当然不排除人家是拿补贴上班带风向的职业。
废话,正常环境大家都能心平气和, 现在川普当道,天天搞这个EO那个EO,不知道要影响多少人的饭碗。
那位川粉层主总是让我想起亲朋好友中那种自己深陷和npd的abusive relationship不算、还不停苦口婆心劝你回头的飞猴。
视线, 盲区啊, 不然要塔台干什么
Gravelly point? 那地方是看起飞吧
哪个公园 我也想去识字眼不瞎的话自己去看
川粉们不就是啥都扯DEI么 凡是不称职的都是DEI的锅 都不好好看看老川和他那些手下
我记得不是所有联邦雇员都收到信给予辞职option,而是那些一直WFH的, 塔台工作人员肯定不是WFH 吧 "American taxpayers pay for the salaries of federal government employees, and therefore deserve employees working on their behalf who actually show up to work in our wonderful federal buildings, also paid for by taxpayers," White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. "If they don’t want to work in the office and contribute to making America great again, then they are free to choose a different line of work, and the Trump Administration will provide a very generous payout of 8 months."
这个机场之前就有过close call, 在前任政府期间。说明chaotic 的管理应该是有一段时间了,出事是迟早的事
别顺口开河了。 战场上我机和敌机dog fight 时, 还来得及让地面塔台指挥吗? 还有地面塔台吗?
没错👍, 司机开车时就跟脑筋急转弯一样, 还必须防止撞车
说了啊。 PAT25是那出事的直升机。 塔台给出的是正确信息。
这应该是几乎说了如同”奔驰奔驰注意,在你10米开外的宝马(就那一个宝马)即将进入跑到3? ” 这信息操作算违规失误吗? (这不是二维,三维的位置都告诉战斗机了吗? 错哪里呢?)
Daily mail and X as your source? 怪不得.. 自己没脑子还说别人
特别真正有关联的事件3(塔台那天的操作) 并没有专业人士指出有重大的失误,违规行为?
现在已知的是塔台管制人员understaffed ,28个职位当天只有24个人,所以有工作人员是一个人同时cover 两条航线。还已知的是Trump 正在大张旗鼓地搞voluntary layoff 以及hiring freeze ,其中就包括FAA 部门。另外众所周知的是现在FAA 部门没有头儿,Trump 有没有指派部门代理主管这就不知道了。
所以根据已知的事实,MM你认为这件事从头至尾跟川总有没有半分钱的关系?还是一如川总所言,全都是dei 的过错?
对,直升机应该在三百 feet 以下,但撞的时候在四百左右,直升机说 visual separation,所以这时候直升机应该是 take responsibility的
I didn't vote for the orange man!
这个好 猜一下什么时候开始的 2019年 谁总统? 给你一个真正source
反TRUMP的人, 跟他区别也不大。一个个就断定是TRUMP和ELON的锅。
WHAT IF 调查结果和ATC无关? 跟DEI 和TRUMP, ELON都没关系呢?
真的是半斤八两。 谁上台都没区别。也别五十步骂一百步了。