Result- 18% of Microsoft employees have an Indian ancestry What is the racial makeup of Microsoft? 34% of Microsoft employees are women, while 66% are men. The most common ethnicity at Microsoft is White (56%). 18% of Microsoft employees are Asian. 14% of Microsoft employees are Hispanic or Latino. How many employees does Microsoft have in India? Today, Microsoft entities in India have over 20,000employees, engaged in sales and marketing, research and development and customer services and support, across 10 Indian cities – Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurugram, New Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune. Microsoft employs with 120,000 based in the United States and 108,000 distributed across its international offices.Dec 8, 2024
s of 2024, there were a total of over 5.4 million Indians living in the USA. ( 3.75% 印度人在美国工作, 记住了这不包括加拿大人, 也不包括美国在印度雇佣的印度人) 1) Boeing Is Hiring 20 Times More Engineers From India As US Aims To Cut Dependence On China: Media The company employs approximately 145,000 employees across the United States and in more than 65 countries, and leverages the talents of skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide. How many Boeing employees are there in India? Boeing currently employs over 6,000 people in India, and more than 13,000 people work with its supply chain partners. 2) Which country has the most NASA scientists? India Which country represents more scientists in NASA? - Quora. According to a 2021 report by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), India has the highest number of scientists working at the agency, with 36% of all scientists being of Indian origin.Aug 13, 2019
springwaterhot 发表于 2025-01-30 13:58 s of 2024, there were a total of over 5.4 million Indians living in the USA. ( 3.75% 印度人在美国工作, 记住了这不包括加拿大人, 也不包括美国在印度雇佣的印度人) 1) Boeing Is Hiring 20 Times More Engineers From India As US Aims To Cut Dependence On China: Media The company employs approximately 145,000 employees across the United States and in more than 65 countries, and leverages the talents of skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide. How many Boeing employees are there in India? Boeing currently employs over 6,000 people in India, and more than 13,000 people work with its supply chain partners. 2) Which country has the most NASA scientists? India Which country represents more scientists in NASA? - Quora. According to a 2021 report by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), India has the highest number of scientists working at the agency, with 36% of all scientists being of Indian origin.Aug 13, 2019
NVIDIA is ALL IN DeepSeek! 英伟达全面站队DeepSeek! Wow! 1月31日,英伟达(NVIDIA )官宣,DeepSeek-R1模型已作为NVIDIA NIM微服务预览版,在英伟达(NVIDIA )面向开发者的网站上发布。英伟达(NVIDIA )方面介绍称,DeepSeek-R1模型是最先进、高效的大型语言模型,在推理、数学和编码方面表现出色。
11 小时前,微软威胁要告:DeepSeek 非法窃取了 OpenAI的知识产权。
现在,微软换了一副面孔:DeepSeek 现已上架到我们的 Azure云平台的AI模型库。
看来微软知道自己投了几百亿美元的OpenAI这个子公司I前途黯淡,当然是自己的亲儿子 Azure 云平台更重要,现金牛啊。你微软不做,亚马逊的AWS、谷歌的Google Cloud都争着要上架DeepSeek呢!
冲在最前面的Alex wang是主人推出去挡枪子儿的狗。
现在真的三边不是人。 科技界骂他傻逼不尊重科技发展规律 红脖界骂他中国人原罪 华人骂他汉奸
scale ai本身也没什么技术吧,看介绍是一个给数据做label的公司,估计也是借着AI的名头圈钱,label数据值得7 billion的价值吗,小王同学这么上蹿下跳也是可以理解的了
不要钱还不限速,别的要求也非常宽厚仁慈,关键这一切都免费不要钱啊!看来微软一脚踢开了Sam Altman的OpenAI, 反而很是看好DeepSeek,简直将其当干儿子养
基佬Altman 怎么办?open ai 原来那个苏犹founder 高兴死了
巨硬这是要干嘛? 准备用deep seek 跟卖她竞争?
就是一个大妈抢免费鸡蛋的行为, 你不抢,别人就都抢走了,到时候后悔来不及
ai 是人类的事业, 肯定还会有各种优化或突破。 deepseek 算是 OpenAI 之后的第二个? 第三个肯定已经在路上。
对 nvidia 也不一定利差呀。
没用多少块高级显卡, 都搞出这么牛的了。 那把显卡往上砸, 那不得牛的没边了。
告deep seek 有啥好处?又不像tiktok, deek seek 在美国又没有收入和经营
要技术? open source, 随便用
alex wang的父母搞不好也上华人?
因为用户有需求啊... 的确...微软不做 别人就做了
What is the racial makeup of Microsoft? 34% of Microsoft employees are women, while 66% are men. The most common ethnicity at Microsoft is White (56%). 18% of Microsoft employees are Asian. 14% of Microsoft employees are Hispanic or Latino.
How many employees does Microsoft have in India? Today, Microsoft entities in India have over 20,000 employees, engaged in sales and marketing, research and development and customer services and support, across 10 Indian cities – Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurugram, New Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune.
Microsoft employs with 120,000 based in the United States and 108,000 distributed across its international offices.Dec 8, 2024
1) Boeing Is Hiring 20 Times More Engineers From India As US Aims To Cut Dependence On China: Media The company employs approximately 145,000 employees across the United States and in more than 65 countries, and leverages the talents of skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide. How many Boeing employees are there in India? Boeing currently employs over 6,000 people in India, and more than 13,000 people work with its supply chain partners.
2) Which country has the most NASA scientists? India Which country represents more scientists in NASA? - Quora. According to a 2021 report by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), India has the highest number of scientists working at the agency, with 36% of all scientists being of Indian origin.Aug 13, 2019
微軟已經在Azure AI Foundry中添加了DeepSeek-R1,讓客戶可以使用這些模型來設計和管理 AI程序。 不僅如此,OpenAI-o1也借鑒了 DeepSeek的一些創新成果,用於優化自己的模型。
动不动给人扣“汉奸”帽子的, 会是好人吗
有良性竞争才有创新,创新+ethic, 那就会造福广大人类。
坐等AI元年,井喷,AI没垄断才好!!! 说不定哪天就突破了! (有些害怕,但更多是期待!!! AI突破,如此强大的工具,说不定NUCLEAR FUSION 有戏了。那全球紧张局势就会扭转. ).
再次感谢那些创新的人才们和deepseek 的格局! (不论国籍,大家上啊).
This explains a lot of things! 美国的航天航空技术要向印度看齐啦……
和孩子没关系, 和父母有关系, 碰到这么恶毒的父母硬灌把一张白纸给涂鸦成黑暗,也是这孩子孽缘
微软今日(1 月 30日)发文,宣布推出针对 NPU 优化的 DeepSeek-R1(已在 Azure AI Foundry 和 GitHub 上提供),首批将面向搭载高通骁龙 X 芯片的 Copilot + PC 推出,随后是英特尔酷睿 Ultra 200V 等平台。
DeepSeek-R1将在 AI Toolkit 中提供,7B 和 14B 版本也将很快推出,从而帮助开发者充分利用 Copilot + PC 中强大的 NPU 配置。
微软表示,Copilot + PC 上的 NPU 开启了一种新的范式。在这种范式下,生成式 AI 不仅可以在被调用时执行,还可以支持半连续运行的服务。这使开发者能够利用 AI 推理引擎来构建主动和持续的体验。
微软表示,要想在 Copilot+ PC 上体验 DeepSeek 只需下载 AI Toolkit VS Code 扩展即可;以 ONNX QDQ 格式优化的 DeepSeek 模型将很快出现在 AI Toolkit 的模型目录中(直接从 Azure AI Foundry 中拉取)。
听一个Wall Street analyst采访 说deepseek冲击最大的是做training, labeling 的公司,因为不需要像以前想象的那么多数据。所有的做LLM的公司都会学deepseek 用RL的办法训练。
scale AI 首当其冲,大贬值。小王急呀,要被甩了
Scale AI 依靠数据标注赚钱,而 DeepSeek 提供 开源大模型,可能帮助更多企业绕过 Scale AI 的服务,降低 AI 训练成本。如果自监督学习和合成数据技术(如 DeepSeek)变得主流,Scale AI 的市场需求可能会下降。
DeepSeek 的技术路线 减少数据标注依赖: DeepSeek 通过改进训练策略(如使用 RL 而非 RLHF),减少了对人工标注数据的依赖。 这种方法降低了数据标注的成本和时间,提高了模型训练的效率。 技术革新: DeepSeek 的改进不仅降低了 GPU 使用时间,还减少了人工干预的需求。 这种技术路线对传统数据标注服务(如 Scale AI)构成了挑战。
smart move