Laken Riley 的爸爸 "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.”
回复 1楼 辣妹子 的帖子 The Laken Riley Act expands mass detention & threatens civil rights. It allows mandatory detention before conviction & fuels racial profiling. This isn’t about safety—it’s scapegoating.
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-01-29 21:50 Laken Riley 的爸爸 "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.”
回复 1楼 辣妹子 的帖子 再配合这个新闻看一下 the Laken Riley act 刚签。 Trump announces an executive order authorizing a 30,000 capacity migrant detention center in Guantanamo. 为何在Guantanamo? 远离美国大陆。法外之地,也没有媒体盯着。比建在本土集中营可怕多。
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-01-29 21:50 Laken Riley 的爸爸 "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.”
In the United States, entering the country without permission from an immigration officer is a crime, but being in the country without legal documentation is not. Explanation Illegal entry: Entering the country without permission is a misdemeanor on the first offense, and a felony if the person has been deported and re-entered without permission. Overstaying a visa: This is a civil violation that is handled by immigration court. Other violations: Working without authorization, dropping out of school, or violating the conditions of a visa are also violations of immigration law. Some say that the term "illegal alien" is misleading because it suggests that undocumented immigrants are criminals. However, undocumented immigrants who have not been convicted of a crime are not considered criminal aliens
流浪的小孩 发表于 2025-01-29 21:50 Laken Riley 的爸爸 "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.”
这是去年三月的报道,你怎么不把上下文补全?女孩他爸是支持Trump的,支持加强边境安全 But in reaction to what Biden said, Jason Riley feels overwhelmed over how politicized the circumstances surrounding his daughter's death have become. "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.” Jason Riley said he does support former President Donald Trump and that while he prefers his daughter's death "not be so political," it has opened up necessary discussions about how best to secure the southern border and help women, including those who are victims of human trafficking.
这个法律最重要的问题是,到处都说是illegal immigrants。但是法律里却没有。 原文是这样的: To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to take into custody aliens who have been charged in the United States with theft, and for other purposes. 法律修改了原来的Immigration and Nationality Act. 原文是Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1226(c)) is amended。 而Immigration and Nationality Act里定义的alien是The term "alien" means any person not a citizen or national of the United States. (USC 1101: Definitions) 所以实际上针对任何非公民(包括绿卡)。只要被指控theft related crime,即使没有定罪,可以无限期拘押。
bill的原文 Under this bill, DHS must detain an individual who (1) is unlawfully present in the United States or did not possess the necessary documents when applying for admission; and (2) has been charged with, arrested for, convicted of, or admits to having committed acts that constitute the essential elements of burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting. 说这个bill是“合法移民的噩梦”的那位,是符合(1)和(2)的条件吗?
回复 29楼 OLOAHA 的帖子 精神白人没法交流,This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain certain non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who have been arrested for burglary, theft, larceny, shoplifting. assaulting a police officer, or a crime that results in death or serious bodily injury like drunk driving.
是不是合法移民不是你说了算,是ICE,你能保证一定不会遇到种族歧视的ICE, 你保证你带的证件一定合规。你和警察一争论,人家说你assaulting a police officer, 只要charged,不需要convicted 就行。
还有更可怕的,之前说给自己小孩带上护照真不是开玩笑的。 The Laken Riley Act has no minimum age limit for placement in mandatory detention. 24 states have no minimum age for prosecuting children. Therefore, the Laken Riley Act is now a bill that puts toddlers in solitary confinement. During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) objected to Sen. Jeff Merkley's (D-OR) bill to exclude children from being detained under the Laken Riley Act.
"I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.”
The Laken Riley Act expands mass detention & threatens civil rights. It allows mandatory detention before conviction & fuels racial profiling. This isn’t about safety—it’s scapegoating.
这个爸爸也是可怜 唉
再配合这个新闻看一下 the Laken Riley act 刚签。 Trump announces an executive order authorizing a 30,000 capacity migrant detention center in Guantanamo. 为何在Guantanamo? 远离美国大陆。法外之地,也没有媒体盯着。比建在本土集中营可怕多。
今天看到的说法是, 很多没有身份的移民,如果仅仅是没有身份,不能算criminal。
她们一家这么积极地投身政治运动,在各个场合发表感言举牌子,难道目的是不让这个名字被“used politically”?这和谁是不是天使有啥关系?这种毫无逻辑的感概,居然也被收录做名人名言一样到处抛洒。
In the United States, entering the country without permission from an immigration officer is a crime, but being in the country without legal documentation is not.
Explanation Illegal entry: Entering the country without permission is a misdemeanor on the first offense, and a felony if the person has been deported and re-entered without permission. Overstaying a visa: This is a civil violation that is handled by immigration court. Other violations: Working without authorization, dropping out of school, or violating the conditions of a visa are also violations of immigration law. Some say that the term "illegal alien" is misleading because it suggests that undocumented immigrants are criminals. However, undocumented immigrants who have not been convicted of a crime are not considered criminal aliens
这是去年三月的报道,你怎么不把上下文补全?女孩他爸是支持Trump的,支持加强边境安全 But in reaction to what Biden said, Jason Riley feels overwhelmed over how politicized the circumstances surrounding his daughter's death have become. "I think it's being used politically to get those votes," Jason Riley said. "It makes me angry. I feel like, you know, they're just using my daughter’s name for that. And she was much better than that, and she should be raised up for the person that she is. She was an angel.” Jason Riley said he does support former President Donald Trump and that while he prefers his daughter's death "not be so political," it has opened up necessary discussions about how best to secure the southern border and help women, including those who are victims of human trafficking.
她说,trump说什么,什么就是法律。 there is LAW AND ORDER IN THIS COUNTY, NOT A KING.
所以实际上针对任何非公民(包括绿卡)。只要被指控theft related crime,即使没有定罪,可以无限期拘押。
没身份入境 不就是犯法了? 为什么不算criminal? 建个集中营起码震慑一下
First time 算civic violation , 这个和 speeding 同级别。 比civic violation 再严重一个级别才算criminals
你可以说这个法律不合理,但是按照目前的法律定义,确实不算。 白宫发言人和记者狡辩说所有的undocumented immigrants 都是criminals 要么是她真不懂这里的定义,要么就是别有用心、胡搅蛮缠
精神白人没法交流,This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain certain non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) who have been arrested for burglary, theft, larceny, shoplifting. assaulting a police officer, or a crime that results in death or serious bodily injury like drunk driving.
是不是合法移民不是你说了算,是ICE,你能保证一定不会遇到种族歧视的ICE, 你保证你带的证件一定合规。你和警察一争论,人家说你assaulting a police officer, 只要charged,不需要convicted 就行。
还有更可怕的,之前说给自己小孩带上护照真不是开玩笑的。 The Laken Riley Act has no minimum age limit for placement in mandatory detention. 24 states have no minimum age for prosecuting children. Therefore, the Laken Riley Act is now a bill that puts toddlers in solitary confinement.
During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL) objected to Sen. Jeff Merkley's (D-OR) bill to exclude children from being detained under the Laken Riley Act.
这就是著名的Adverse Possession啊。只要我进到你家里了,你又没撵我出去,那对不起,只要我呆了一段时间了,这地方就是我的了,至少有我一部分了。