President Donald Trump has rescinded an order freezing an array of federal grants, loans and financial assistance, a dramatic reversal after days of uncertainty and anxiety rocked governments and nonprofit organizations. The freeze had caused mass confusion as groups checked whether their federal funding was affected. The White House rescinded an order on Wednesday that froze up to trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans and sparked mass confusion across the country. The initial directive interrupted the Medicaid system that provides health care to millions of low-income Americans and sent schools, hospitals, nonprofits, research companies and law enforcement agencies scrambling to understand if they had lost their financial support from the federal government. A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked the order in response to a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward, a liberal organization that argued that the directive violated the First Amendment and a law governing how executive orders are to be rolled out. On Wednesday, Matthew J. Vaeth, the acting director for the Office of Management and Budget, sent a notification to federal agencies notifying them that memo freezing aid had been “rescinded.” “If you have questions about implementing the President’s executive orders, please contact your agency general counsel,” Mr. Vaeth said in the notification.
This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze.
It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.
Why? To end any confusion created by the court's injunction.
The President's EO's on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented. — Karoline Leavitt (@PressSec) January 29, 2025
This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze.
It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.
Why? To end any confusion created by the court's injunction.
The President's EO's on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented. — Karoline Leavitt (@PressSec) January 29, 2025
President Trump says he stopped the following expenditures approved by Democrats:
• $45M for "diversity scholarships" in Burma • $50M for condoms to be sent to Gaza • $181M in DEI training contracts (now you know why these people hate me so much) • $1.7B in payments to… — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 29, 2025
President Trump says he stopped the following expenditures approved by Democrats:
• $45M for "diversity scholarships" in Burma • $50M for condoms to be sent to Gaza • $181M in DEI training contracts (now you know why these people hate me so much) • $1.7B in payments to… — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) January 29, 2025
dukenyc125 发表于 2025-01-29 13:40 President Donald Trump has rescinded an order freezing an array of federal grants, loans and financial assistance, a dramatic reversal after days of uncertainty and anxiety rocked governments and nonprofit organizations. The freeze had caused mass confusion as groups checked whether their federal funding was affected. The White House rescinded an order on Wednesday that froze up to trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans and sparked mass confusion across the country. The initial directive interrupted the Medicaid system that provides health care to millions of low-income Americans and sent schools, hospitals, nonprofits, research companies and law enforcement agencies scrambling to understand if they had lost their financial support from the federal government. A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked the order in response to a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward, a liberal organization that argued that the directive violated the First Amendment and a law governing how executive orders are to be rolled out. On Wednesday, Matthew J. Vaeth, the acting director for the Office of Management and Budget, sent a notification to federal agencies notifying them that memo freezing aid had been “rescinded.” “If you have questions about implementing the President’s executive orders, please contact your agency general counsel,” Mr. Vaeth said in the notification.
dukenyc125 发表于 2025-01-29 13:40 President Donald Trump has rescinded an order freezing an array of federal grants, loans and financial assistance, a dramatic reversal after days of uncertainty and anxiety rocked governments and nonprofit organizations. The freeze had caused mass confusion as groups checked whether their federal funding was affected. The White House rescinded an order on Wednesday that froze up to trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans and sparked mass confusion across the country. The initial directive interrupted the Medicaid system that provides health care to millions of low-income Americans and sent schools, hospitals, nonprofits, research companies and law enforcement agencies scrambling to understand if they had lost their financial support from the federal government. A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked the order in response to a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward, a liberal organization that argued that the directive violated the First Amendment and a law governing how executive orders are to be rolled out. On Wednesday, Matthew J. Vaeth, the acting director for the Office of Management and Budget, sent a notification to federal agencies notifying them that memo freezing aid had been “rescinded.” “If you have questions about implementing the President’s executive orders, please contact your agency general counsel,” Mr. Vaeth said in the notification.
The freeze had caused mass confusion as groups checked whether their federal funding was affected.
The White House rescinded an order on Wednesday that froze up to trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans and sparked mass confusion across the country.
The initial directive interrupted the Medicaid system that provides health care to millions of low-income Americans and sent schools, hospitals, nonprofits, research companies and law enforcement agencies scrambling to understand if they had lost their financial support from the federal government.
A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked the order in response to a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward, a liberal organization that argued that the directive violated the First Amendment and a law governing how executive orders are to be rolled out.
On Wednesday, Matthew J. Vaeth, the acting director for the Office of Management and Budget, sent a notification to federal agencies notifying them that memo freezing aid had been “rescinded.”
“If you have questions about implementing the President’s executive orders, please contact your agency general counsel,” Mr. Vaeth said in the notification.
他还知道要脸? 以前的政客是穿着西装耍流氓,到老川这儿,早就是光着屁股耍流氓了
d. 成功的验证了美国民主制度的自洽性。
川普的EO只是临时停止federal对各种NGO 和program的funding 90天,看看现在联邦政府的钱都发给哪些组织,在干什么。直接发给个人的福利完全不受影响。现在赤字严重,这个做法是负责的表现也完全在总统权限之内
奥巴马 拜登上台也有类似的做法,他们也心知肚明新总统上台会有这样的措施,否则拜登政府最后何必拼命花钱,恨不得把国库花的一分不剩。反正只要川普做事假新闻就反对一个劲煽动,骗无知的老百姓
我还清楚地记得,他第一任期结束前,就要ban 微信,后来是法官把他的禁令挡回去了,微信才没有被禁。
要禁TikTok 也是他首先提出的。后来他觉得TikTok在他这次竞选给了他很大助力,才改变主意了。现在给延期了一段时间。
“川普的EO只是临时停止federal对各种NGO 和program的funding 90天,看看现在联邦政府的钱都发给哪些组织,在干什么。”
对呀,所以我说你可以把“停止federal对各种NGO 和program的funding 90天”说的很高大上的。。。
给咱美国公民干活的主儿,出这么个造成大面积confusion的问题,我们不能嘲笑么?难不成必须他做的什么都全错,没有一件对的,我们才能嘲笑?那敢情 - 他这俩自相矛盾的东西,肯定有一个是对的,所以他就是对的?
这是切到动脉了, 才补救的 切华人, 你哪来自信会有足够backfire让他停手?
川粉都是弱智, 即使自己不在高校,也可以问问高校的朋友到底有什么影响。
什么东西越洗越脏呢? 传统答案是水, 美式答案是川普。
TRUMP 在拿民生玩火啊! 这些钱的背后是人啊!!! 没见过这样对待美国人民的美国总统。
NYT有篇文章分析,这是故意试水,看看能把美国的法律侵犯到什么地步而没有后果。 你觉得他还会改,不是因为他主动改,是因为反应太强烈,而且他被告上了法庭,他也知道没有赢得可能。如果没人发声反对,没人去告他,他的恶法就会成为现实。 这样试水的另一个目的,就是把大家的承受值提高,过段时间,这样的恶法大家也懒得反对了,他就又得逞了
所谓的辟谣,是指没有5千万避孕套,是一亿contraceptive和g family planning这种咬文嚼字的辟谣吗?
用点常识想想,避孕套和family planning都是虚的,只有开曼和卡塔尔账户才是真的,你们是第一天出生的宝宝吗?大概一分钱美国税也不需要交吧
Minnesota governor 在这段视频里面totally roasted Trump
人家political porn star的名头可不是白来的,不脱光了表演怎么对得起蟆噶观众?
这次烧到他的基本盘的痛点了,要不是白卡网站被关了,估计那些拿福利的maga们还觉得owning the libs好爽
其实他的eo绝大部分都违法。 把自己当皇帝了。eo圣旨一道一道的下。
当然是因为family planning women’s reproductive health kit 没有condom简单易懂,朗朗上口
如果这就是造谣,那么主党这些年的 海地重建,fine people,Russian gate,Hunter laptop,transitory inflation, sharp as tack, border under control 等等, 都是啥?
在全国人民眼前把自己当猴耍, 真行!
EO, 不管对错,它都是有效力的 如果你不遵从EO, 你也犯法了
正确的姿势是不要硬刚EO , do as it rules 然后上法院告丫的 如果EO废了, 你不仅可以原地补偿,还可以反咬一嘴
重要的是 违不违法你我说了不算数,只有法官才能裁定, 硬刚是在找抽
后面肯定还有官司告这个短暂的EO造成的各种损失 Good luck with defending. 因为黄毛狗自己都缩回去了, 前后立和废EO,在法官面前所有的辩护都互相打脸, 总有一个是错的
春晚上的相声还更可笑呢(当然,如果您特融入美国文化,那说不定您觉得美国人的talk show更可笑,也无所谓啊)。。。这世界这么大,找可笑的事,可笑的人,还不容易?
黄川粉 谈素质。
也不是第一次了 没啥