这个说的非常好。deepseek 翻译了一下: 社会学家詹妮弗·沃尔特(Jennifer Walter)关于我们国家当前局势及应对之道的明智而重要的话语: “作为一名社会学家,我必须告诉你们:你们的不知所措正是他们的目的。 1/ 特朗普上任初期签署的200多项行政命令,正是娜奥米·克莱恩(Naomi Klein)所描述的‘休克主义’的体现——利用混乱和危机推动激进变革,而人们在迷失方向时难以有效抵抗。这不仅仅是常规政治操作,而是一种对认知极限的战略性利用。 2/ 媒体理论家麦克卢汉(McLuhan)曾预言:当人类面对信息过载时,会变得被动和疏离。密集发布的行政命令制造了认知瓶颈,使得公民和媒体几乎无法深入分析任何单一政策。 3/ 议程设置理论解释了这一策略:当多个重大政策同时争夺注意力时,公众讨论会被分散。传统媒体无法跟上节奏,导致报道流于表面。 结果是什么?民主监督被削弱,公众参与度下降。 那现在该怎么办? 1/ 设定界限:选择2-3个你真正关心的关键问题,集中注意力。你无法追踪所有事情——这正是设计好的。影响力来自持续的关注,而非分散的意识。 2/ 利用聚合工具和专家:找到值得信赖的分析师,他们能为你进行综合梳理。寻找那些解释模式而非仅仅报道事件的人。 3/ 记住:让你感到不知所措正是他们的目的。当你意识到这一点时,你就重新掌握了一些主动权。适时休息,消化信息。这是一场马拉松。 4/ 练习放慢节奏:在新政策发布后等待48小时再作出反应。紧急的事情往往会掩盖重要的事情。最初的报道常常缺乏背景信息。 5/ 建立社区:分担认知负担。不同的人关注不同的问题。 网络智慧胜过个人过载。 记住:他们希望你分散注意力。你的专注就是抵抗。 Wise and important words from sociologist Jennifer Walter about what is happening in our country right now and what to do about it: "As a sociologist, I need to tell you: Your overwhelm is the goal. 1/ The flood of 200+ executive orders in Trump's first days exemplifies Naomi Klein's "shock doctrine" - using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist. This isn't just politics as usual - it's a strategic exploitation of cognitive limits. 2/ Media theorist McLuhan predicted this: When humans face information overload, they become passive and disengaged. The rapid-fire executive orders create a cognitive bottleneck, making it nearly impossible for citizens and media to thoroughly analyze any single policy. 3/ Agenda-setting theory explains the strategy: When multiple major policies compete for attention simultaneously, it fragments public discourse. Traditional media can't keep up with the pace, leading to superficial coverage. The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement. What now? 1/ Set boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can’t track everything - that’s by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness. 2/ Use aggregators & experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events. 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. 4/ Practice going slow: Wait 48hrs before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context. 5/ Build community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues. Network intelligence beats individual overload. Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance.
chuckler 发表于 2025-01-28 22:58 这个说的非常好。deepseek 翻译了一下: 社会学家詹妮弗·沃尔特(Jennifer Walter)关于我们国家当前局势及应对之道的明智而重要的话语: “作为一名社会学家,我必须告诉你们:你们的不知所措正是他们的目的。 1/ 特朗普上任初期签署的200多项行政命令,正是娜奥米·克莱恩(Naomi Klein)所描述的‘休克主义’的体现——利用混乱和危机推动激进变革,而人们在迷失方向时难以有效抵抗。这不仅仅是常规政治操作,而是一种对认知极限的战略性利用。 2/ 媒体理论家麦克卢汉(McLuhan)曾预言:当人类面对信息过载时,会变得被动和疏离。密集发布的行政命令制造了认知瓶颈,使得公民和媒体几乎无法深入分析任何单一政策。 3/ 议程设置理论解释了这一策略:当多个重大政策同时争夺注意力时,公众讨论会被分散。传统媒体无法跟上节奏,导致报道流于表面。 结果是什么?民主监督被削弱,公众参与度下降。 那现在该怎么办? 1/ 设定界限:选择2-3个你真正关心的关键问题,集中注意力。你无法追踪所有事情——这正是设计好的。影响力来自持续的关注,而非分散的意识。 2/ 利用聚合工具和专家:找到值得信赖的分析师,他们能为你进行综合梳理。寻找那些解释模式而非仅仅报道事件的人。 3/ 记住:让你感到不知所措正是他们的目的。当你意识到这一点时,你就重新掌握了一些主动权。适时休息,消化信息。这是一场马拉松。 4/ 练习放慢节奏:在新政策发布后等待48小时再作出反应。紧急的事情往往会掩盖重要的事情。最初的报道常常缺乏背景信息。 5/ 建立社区:分担认知负担。不同的人关注不同的问题。 网络智慧胜过个人过载。 记住:他们希望你分散注意力。你的专注就是抵抗。 Wise and important words from sociologist Jennifer Walter about what is happening in our country right now and what to do about it: "As a sociologist, I need to tell you: Your overwhelm is the goal. 1/ The flood of 200+ executive orders in Trump's first days exemplifies Naomi Klein's "shock doctrine" - using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist. This isn't just politics as usual - it's a strategic exploitation of cognitive limits. 2/ Media theorist McLuhan predicted this: When humans face information overload, they become passive and disengaged. The rapid-fire executive orders create a cognitive bottleneck, making it nearly impossible for citizens and media to thoroughly analyze any single policy. 3/ Agenda-setting theory explains the strategy: When multiple major policies compete for attention simultaneously, it fragments public discourse. Traditional media can't keep up with the pace, leading to superficial coverage. The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement. What now? 1/ Set boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can’t track everything - that’s by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness. 2/ Use aggregators & experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events. 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. 4/ Practice going slow: Wait 48hrs before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context. 5/ Build community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues. Network intelligence beats individual overload. Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance.
chuckler 发表于 2025-01-28 22:58 这个说的非常好。deepseek 翻译了一下: 社会学家詹妮弗·沃尔特(Jennifer Walter)关于我们国家当前局势及应对之道的明智而重要的话语: “作为一名社会学家,我必须告诉你们:你们的不知所措正是他们的目的。 1/ 特朗普上任初期签署的200多项行政命令,正是娜奥米·克莱恩(Naomi Klein)所描述的‘休克主义’的体现——利用混乱和危机推动激进变革,而人们在迷失方向时难以有效抵抗。这不仅仅是常规政治操作,而是一种对认知极限的战略性利用。 2/ 媒体理论家麦克卢汉(McLuhan)曾预言:当人类面对信息过载时,会变得被动和疏离。密集发布的行政命令制造了认知瓶颈,使得公民和媒体几乎无法深入分析任何单一政策。 3/ 议程设置理论解释了这一策略:当多个重大政策同时争夺注意力时,公众讨论会被分散。传统媒体无法跟上节奏,导致报道流于表面。 结果是什么?民主监督被削弱,公众参与度下降。 那现在该怎么办? 1/ 设定界限:选择2-3个你真正关心的关键问题,集中注意力。你无法追踪所有事情——这正是设计好的。影响力来自持续的关注,而非分散的意识。 2/ 利用聚合工具和专家:找到值得信赖的分析师,他们能为你进行综合梳理。寻找那些解释模式而非仅仅报道事件的人。 3/ 记住:让你感到不知所措正是他们的目的。当你意识到这一点时,你就重新掌握了一些主动权。适时休息,消化信息。这是一场马拉松。 4/ 练习放慢节奏:在新政策发布后等待48小时再作出反应。紧急的事情往往会掩盖重要的事情。最初的报道常常缺乏背景信息。 5/ 建立社区:分担认知负担。不同的人关注不同的问题。 网络智慧胜过个人过载。 记住:他们希望你分散注意力。你的专注就是抵抗。 Wise and important words from sociologist Jennifer Walter about what is happening in our country right now and what to do about it: "As a sociologist, I need to tell you: Your overwhelm is the goal. 1/ The flood of 200+ executive orders in Trump's first days exemplifies Naomi Klein's "shock doctrine" - using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist. This isn't just politics as usual - it's a strategic exploitation of cognitive limits. 2/ Media theorist McLuhan predicted this: When humans face information overload, they become passive and disengaged. The rapid-fire executive orders create a cognitive bottleneck, making it nearly impossible for citizens and media to thoroughly analyze any single policy. 3/ Agenda-setting theory explains the strategy: When multiple major policies compete for attention simultaneously, it fragments public discourse. Traditional media can't keep up with the pace, leading to superficial coverage. The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement. What now? 1/ Set boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can’t track everything - that’s by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness. 2/ Use aggregators & experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events. 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. 4/ Practice going slow: Wait 48hrs before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context. 5/ Build community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues. Network intelligence beats individual overload. Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance.
社会学家詹妮弗·沃尔特(Jennifer Walter)关于我们国家当前局势及应对之道的明智而重要的话语:
1/ 特朗普上任初期签署的200多项行政命令,正是娜奥米·克莱恩(Naomi Klein)所描述的‘休克主义’的体现——利用混乱和危机推动激进变革,而人们在迷失方向时难以有效抵抗。这不仅仅是常规政治操作,而是一种对认知极限的战略性利用。
2/ 媒体理论家麦克卢汉(McLuhan)曾预言:当人类面对信息过载时,会变得被动和疏离。密集发布的行政命令制造了认知瓶颈,使得公民和媒体几乎无法深入分析任何单一政策。
3/ 议程设置理论解释了这一策略:当多个重大政策同时争夺注意力时,公众讨论会被分散。传统媒体无法跟上节奏,导致报道流于表面。
1/ 设定界限:选择2-3个你真正关心的关键问题,集中注意力。你无法追踪所有事情——这正是设计好的。影响力来自持续的关注,而非分散的意识。
2/ 利用聚合工具和专家:找到值得信赖的分析师,他们能为你进行综合梳理。寻找那些解释模式而非仅仅报道事件的人。
3/ 记住:让你感到不知所措正是他们的目的。当你意识到这一点时,你就重新掌握了一些主动权。适时休息,消化信息。这是一场马拉松。
4/ 练习放慢节奏:在新政策发布后等待48小时再作出反应。紧急的事情往往会掩盖重要的事情。最初的报道常常缺乏背景信息。
5/ 建立社区:分担认知负担。不同的人关注不同的问题。
Wise and important words from sociologist Jennifer Walter about what is happening in our country right now and what to do about it:
"As a sociologist, I need to tell you: Your overwhelm is the goal.
1/ The flood of 200+ executive orders in Trump's first days exemplifies Naomi Klein's "shock doctrine" - using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist. This isn't just politics as usual - it's a strategic exploitation of cognitive limits.
2/ Media theorist McLuhan predicted this: When humans face information overload, they become passive and disengaged. The rapid-fire executive orders create a cognitive bottleneck, making it nearly impossible for citizens and media to thoroughly analyze any single policy.
3/ Agenda-setting theory explains the strategy: When multiple major policies compete for attention simultaneously, it fragments public discourse. Traditional media can't keep up with the pace, leading to superficial coverage.
The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement.
What now?
1/ Set boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can’t track everything - that’s by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness.
2/ Use aggregators & experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events.
3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon.
4/ Practice going slow: Wait 48hrs before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context.
5/ Build community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues.
Network intelligence beats individual overload.
Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance.
1: federal register 更新的慢的要死。根本不是什么第二天,或几天的延迟。
2: white house.gov 这个网站更新及时,但presidential actions 不单单是EO。 直接把我的o1 gpt 搞死机几次。必须得我一个个网页喂给它。
3: 总算喂好了。发现EO什么的都有。有些都不知道在干嘛。 信息说了等于没说。让GPT解读,也是非常概括性质。虽然已经让它pretend to be a lawyer...
最后没得出什么特别有用的。 同情所有被它各种EO影响到的手下机构。
真的是老板一句话,底下跑断腿。 ~~~ 这样的领导人~~~
我觉得川普那句he knows those machines总不会就是字面意思。
wait and see