中国2年前被赶出联合国China crime government teamed with 妓女流氓搞垮加拿大。人民币被逐出世界货币 中国2年前被赶出联合国-evil China invasion Canada,destroy entire Canada Law system,teames with local underground crime chain,steal money,local residents house,property. include over 109 house property which belong to Rothchild family in Mississauga China crime government teamed with 妓女流氓搞垮加拿大。 China revoked illegal united nations invasion my private property with fake witness and fraud paper occupy Russia embassy. Thanks radio canada offer me special channel Protect local residents and Mississauga All John lo hooker must out of Russian embassy president putin family and North Korea president family immediately No hooker allowed here to no illegal military devices and weapons allowed, no illegal drugs. Love Russia America very much My channel is radio canada Love canada and our own home Special thanks for everyone who support guard Mississauga and our own home, secure everyone''''''''''''''''s life and safety in Canada. Help clean the entire house, no China hooker allowed here No taiwan hooker allowed No hongkong hooker allowed. China France Philippines taiwan 3 country force invasion Canada, attack America white house, Russia president putin. Atten - former American president Barack Obama Bill O''''''''''''''''Reilly immediately Mayor of Toronto rishi Gupta immediately Chief police of Toronto Nishan Duraiappah immediately
My dear husband Anderson cooper 360 immediately White house emergency due to multiple nuclear bomb death threaten to entire Canada and America. 4 military force invasion Canada and America, China liyuan want entire Canada and America, France want Montreal and quebec, UK prince William want 4 states of Canada, Philippines want to steal my house with 3 armed force hide inside the basement. China former first lady liyuan hooker(already sentenced to death penalty) force teamed with France air force (France former president, Jacques Chirac (1995–2007) Nicolas Sarkozy (2007–12) François Hollande (2012–17) Emmanuel Macron (2017– ), Taiwan 萧美琴#2047 taiwan female hooker head,Philippines military force teamed with Pansy Ho, Rong zhijian hooker head attacked America Russia moon 19 times recently, which caused 5000 innocent victim serious injured or lose their lives, each time cost $50 million. Special thanks to our hero mayor of Mississauga Carolyn Parrish who saved Mississauga today, stopped small nuclear device attack during past 1 month. 中国丽媛hooker 军队多次入侵主权国家加拿大,今天丽媛hooker 军攻击了美国白宫总统办公室,Russia 总统办公室,city of Mississauga 市长办公室,市议员办公地点,city of Mississauga 警察办公室,north Korea 政府军事保护区,Austria Vienna 办公室,伤害了41个无辜受害者,China liyuan hooker teamed with Latvia illegal force invasion private military property, invasion entire basement with nuclear bomb threaten to Canada America Russia and Austria. 人民币被逐出世界货币 中国利用流氓妓女搞乱俄国,非法入侵加拿大,地下军队残害无辜。 与垮台的土豆余劣勾结,抢占民居,强抢少女,中国留学妓女假留学真卖淫,贩卖人体器官无讹不做。 养了一群替罪羊,2022就被逐出联合国,人民币也被逐出世界货币。 加拿大正式成为美国RUSSIAN特区 Now entire quebec deport out of revoked Canada 6 resident country of united nations. America,Russian,Austria,Swiss,UAE Dubai Royal family,Spain Royal Family 世界货币重新颁发新货币 ameru-America Russian Power 没有Anderson cooper,谁也救不了哭泣的加拿大,include 月球9000多人World CELEBRITY FAMILY
2月24日晚,英雄的美国太空部队像天使一样来到我身边,我的养父母正在中国饱受电子酷刑折磨,几乎失去了生命。 美国军队当时没有救我,也没有救哭泣的加拿大。 2月25日,我把心爱的Brian抱出来,告诉他们:Brian 再也回不来了,他在梦中失去了生命. Michelle Obama 和World如同天使同时来到我身边。 Michelle Obama 带来了美国各界总统。 Anderson cooper 带来了法国,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,肯尼亚太空部队。 Anderson cooper 拯救过很多妇女儿童,到最艰苦的地方从炮火中拯救生命, 2月的太空保卫战,美国找不到第三个Anderson cooper 和Barack Obama cute cia,anderson cooper 360 brazil life partner human DNA on moon, 击败中国千亿美金的太空机器人部队,维护了美国主权领土完整。 RAT JOR BIDEN 掩盖HAWAII 战争真相,英国皇家军事学院毕业的Anderson cooper与奥地利,瑞士一起, 击败中国,FRANCE AIR FORCE 赢得HAWAII 保卫战的胜利 英雄的各国太空部队在加拿大的领空英勇奋战,他们在与太空机器人部队作战。 中国军方国安的贤丞良将危难时从流氓手里夺走了核密码箱,赢得了胜利 Ivanka Trump可爱小女孩的歌声,在核密码箱千钧一发的时刻,让流氓头头犹豫,赢得了时间。 Trump president 危难时送爱心,被流氓欺负受了好多委屈,还依然爱国。 一个拥有2000万平方公里美丽福绕的俄罗斯神奇的救了我好多次,与中国美国德国并肩作战, 从恶魔手中拯救世界,拯救了人类文明。 是Michelle Obama 和Anderson cooper 救了美国和全世界。 是我的哭泣赢来了援助,也救了加拿大。 第三次世界大战是太空星球大战 为什么会遇到天使,和你一样善良 中国公民魏新被世界警察中国政府警察达州扫黑救了好多次,还是被流氓残暴砍断手,神秘消失 加州大学教授魏芳在23年秋天被流氓军队绑架,被我的未婚夫DrBen和联合国维持和平部队美国警察及时救走。流氓还是欺负魏芳,和谐了廖玮。 成都商人马萧虎的女儿在成都被流氓绑架,被世界警察中国当地警察及时救走 Obama的闺女也被看不见的秘密武器打伤,丽媛的格格公主也被欺负,Ivanka的小公主,Dubai 皇室,印度伊朗kenya,尼日利亚,尼泊尔皇室,Rockefeller Kennedy Hilton barbie 优秀的家族都被欺负。 Peel Regional 24 的马蒂尔德,后院英国裔加籍高级警察帅哥,RCMP在2022年的5月,加拿大国会山庄的madam官员一直保护着深爱的加拿大。 白宫管家Cia, fbi 7天24小时浴血奋战,效率高热爱美国,真爱生命,在2月残暴的太空站立下汗马功劳,有的为了热爱的美国付出了生命。 英雄的美国陆海空,中国海军都并肩抗战。 Rothschild family 创始人同一天被Stephen Harper Montreal 太空站神秘消失,太空站偷取真人DNA, 用手机wifi 通过犯罪太空站让全球数万人失去宝贵的生命。
中国2年前被赶出联合国-evil China invasion Canada,destroy entire Canada Law system,teames with local underground crime chain,steal money,local residents house,property. include over 109 house property which belong to Rothchild family in Mississauga China crime government teamed with 妓女流氓搞垮加拿大。 China revoked illegal united nations invasion my private property with fake witness and fraud paper occupy Russia embassy. Thanks radio canada offer me special channel Protect local residents and Mississauga All John lo hooker must out of Russian embassy president putin family and North Korea president family immediately No hooker allowed here to no illegal military devices and weapons allowed, no illegal drugs. Love Russia America very much
My channel is radio canada
Love canada and our own home
Special thanks for everyone who support guard Mississauga and our own home, secure everyone''''''''''''''''s life and safety in Canada.
Help clean the entire house, no China hooker allowed here No taiwan hooker allowed No hongkong hooker allowed. China France Philippines taiwan 3 country force invasion Canada, attack America white house, Russia president putin. Atten - former American president Barack Obama Bill O''''''''''''''''Reilly immediately Mayor of Toronto rishi Gupta immediately Chief police of Toronto Nishan Duraiappah immediately
My dear husband Anderson cooper 360 immediately White house emergency due to multiple nuclear bomb death threaten to entire Canada and America. 4 military force invasion Canada and America, China liyuan want entire Canada and America, France want Montreal and quebec, UK prince William want 4 states of Canada, Philippines want to steal my house with 3 armed force hide inside the basement. China former first lady liyuan hooker(already sentenced to death penalty) force teamed with France air force (France former president, Jacques Chirac (1995–2007) Nicolas Sarkozy (2007–12) François Hollande (2012–17) Emmanuel Macron (2017– ), Taiwan 萧美琴#2047 taiwan female hooker head,Philippines military force teamed with Pansy Ho, Rong zhijian hooker head attacked America Russia moon 19 times recently, which caused 5000 innocent victim serious injured or lose their lives, each time cost $50 million.
Special thanks to our hero mayor of Mississauga Carolyn Parrish who saved Mississauga today, stopped small nuclear device attack during past 1 month. 中国丽媛hooker 军队多次入侵主权国家加拿大,今天丽媛hooker 军攻击了美国白宫总统办公室,Russia 总统办公室,city of Mississauga 市长办公室,市议员办公地点,city of Mississauga 警察办公室,north Korea 政府军事保护区,Austria Vienna 办公室,伤害了41个无辜受害者,China liyuan hooker teamed with Latvia illegal force invasion private military property, invasion entire basement with nuclear bomb threaten to Canada America Russia and Austria. 人民币被逐出世界货币
中国利用流氓妓女搞乱俄国,非法入侵加拿大,地下军队残害无辜。 与垮台的土豆余劣勾结,抢占民居,强抢少女,中国留学妓女假留学真卖淫,贩卖人体器官无讹不做。 养了一群替罪羊,2022就被逐出联合国,人民币也被逐出世界货币。 加拿大正式成为美国RUSSIAN特区
Now entire quebec deport out of revoked Canada
6 resident country of united nations.
America,Russian,Austria,Swiss,UAE Dubai Royal family,Spain Royal Family
世界货币重新颁发新货币 ameru-America Russian Power
没有Anderson cooper,谁也救不了哭泣的加拿大,include 月球9000多人World CELEBRITY FAMILY
英雄的各国太空部队在加拿大的领空英勇奋战,他们在与太空机器人部队作战。 中国军方国安的贤丞良将危难时从流氓手里夺走了核密码箱,赢得了胜利 Ivanka Trump可爱小女孩的歌声,在核密码箱千钧一发的时刻,让流氓头头犹豫,赢得了时间。 Trump president 危难时送爱心,被流氓欺负受了好多委屈,还依然爱国。 一个拥有2000万平方公里美丽福绕的俄罗斯神奇的救了我好多次,与中国美国德国并肩作战, 从恶魔手中拯救世界,拯救了人类文明。 是Michelle Obama 和Anderson cooper 救了美国和全世界。 是我的哭泣赢来了援助,也救了加拿大。 第三次世界大战是太空星球大战 为什么会遇到天使,和你一样善良 中国公民魏新被世界警察中国政府警察达州扫黑救了好多次,还是被流氓残暴砍断手,神秘消失 加州大学教授魏芳在23年秋天被流氓军队绑架,被我的未婚夫DrBen和联合国维持和平部队美国警察及时救走。流氓还是欺负魏芳,和谐了廖玮。 成都商人马萧虎的女儿在成都被流氓绑架,被世界警察中国当地警察及时救走 Obama的闺女也被看不见的秘密武器打伤,丽媛的格格公主也被欺负,Ivanka的小公主,Dubai 皇室,印度伊朗kenya,尼日利亚,尼泊尔皇室,Rockefeller Kennedy Hilton barbie 优秀的家族都被欺负。 Peel Regional 24 的马蒂尔德,后院英国裔加籍高级警察帅哥,RCMP在2022年的5月,加拿大国会山庄的madam官员一直保护着深爱的加拿大。 白宫管家Cia, fbi 7天24小时浴血奋战,效率高热爱美国,真爱生命,在2月残暴的太空站立下汗马功劳,有的为了热爱的美国付出了生命。 英雄的美国陆海空,中国海军都并肩抗战。 Rothschild family 创始人同一天被Stephen Harper Montreal 太空站神秘消失,太空站偷取真人DNA, 用手机wifi 通过犯罪太空站让全球数万人失去宝贵的生命。