前两天看一个欧洲小哥的视频,他现在住在第三国,因为美国全球征税,他被居住国和美国double tax, 所以他想取消美籍,结果发现他可能还要被收一笔钱才能退籍。学到一个冷知识叫做Exit Tax,ChatGPT总结如下 When someone renounces their U.S. citizenship, they may be subject to something called the exit tax (officially known as the ** expatriation tax**). The U.S. imposes this tax on individuals who give up their citizenship or long-term U.S. permanent residency (green card holders who have held it for 8 out of the last 15 years) if they meet certain criteria. Here's how it works: Who is Subject to Exit Tax? You may be subject to the exit tax if: Your net worth is $2 million or more at the time of expatriation, or Your average annual net income tax for the five years prior to expatriation exceeds a certain threshold (for 2023, it's about $178,000), or You fail to certify that you've filed all required U.S. tax returns for the last five years. How Does the Exit Tax Work? Capital Gains on Assets: The U.S. treats the expatriation as if you sold all of your assets on the day you renounce your citizenship, which means you might owe capital gains tax on the unrealized gains of those assets. For example, if you own stocks, real estate, or other investments that have appreciated in value, the U.S. will consider those gains taxable, even though you haven't actually sold them yet. There’s a $737,000 exclusion (2023 figure) on gains for individuals subject to the exit tax, so you can exclude that amount from tax, but anything above that could be taxable. Tax Treatment of Retirement Accounts: Special rules apply to retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs. In some cases, these can be taxed differently when you expatriate, and it's often advisable to consult a tax advisor to handle this properly. Other Considerations: If you’re married, your spouse might also be affected by the exit tax if certain conditions are met. The tax rate could vary depending on the types of assets and income involved. How to Avoid It To avoid the exit tax: Make sure your net worth is under the $2 million threshold. Ensure your income in the last five years hasn’t exceeded the required average threshold. Certify that you’ve been compliant with U.S. tax laws for the past five years. The exit tax is a complicated process, so if someone is considering renouncing their citizenship, it's strongly recommended to consult with a tax professional who specializes in expatriation issues.
无数次深夜流泪,至今吃抗抑郁药,性格扭曲,时不时来个episode,低沉很多天, 非常影响生活和事业 省略一万字控诉,因为已经没有意义
现在不可能退籍 只是劝大家三思! 除非自己想入籍,不要因为其他客观原因入
我只能安慰自己说自己原本也只是十八户口 好歹不是一线大城市 国内也没有任何财产房产医保
劝三思 现在已经没有退路 只能看将来的侨民政策
我目前也不确定。孩子还小。局势不稳。只是没了退路我心塞。除非自己真心想入,否则慎重! 不要单纯为了给父母办移民入籍。尤其是和父母关系本身就紧张的。看到的就算我提醒了。
When someone renounces their U.S. citizenship, they may be subject to something called the exit tax (officially known as the ** expatriation tax**). The U.S. imposes this tax on individuals who give up their citizenship or long-term U.S. permanent residency (green card holders who have held it for 8 out of the last 15 years) if they meet certain criteria. Here's how it works: Who is Subject to Exit Tax? You may be subject to the exit tax if: Your net worth is $2 million or more at the time of expatriation, or Your average annual net income tax for the five years prior to expatriation exceeds a certain threshold (for 2023, it's about $178,000), or You fail to certify that you've filed all required U.S. tax returns for the last five years. How Does the Exit Tax Work? Capital Gains on Assets: The U.S. treats the expatriation as if you sold all of your assets on the day you renounce your citizenship, which means you might owe capital gains tax on the unrealized gains of those assets. For example, if you own stocks, real estate, or other investments that have appreciated in value, the U.S. will consider those gains taxable, even though you haven't actually sold them yet. There’s a $737,000 exclusion (2023 figure) on gains for individuals subject to the exit tax, so you can exclude that amount from tax, but anything above that could be taxable. Tax Treatment of Retirement Accounts: Special rules apply to retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs. In some cases, these can be taxed differently when you expatriate, and it's often advisable to consult a tax advisor to handle this properly. Other Considerations: If you’re married, your spouse might also be affected by the exit tax if certain conditions are met. The tax rate could vary depending on the types of assets and income involved. How to Avoid It To avoid the exit tax: Make sure your net worth is under the $2 million threshold. Ensure your income in the last five years hasn’t exceeded the required average threshold. Certify that you’ve been compliant with U.S. tax laws for the past five years. The exit tax is a complicated process, so if someone is considering renouncing their citizenship, it's strongly recommended to consult with a tax professional who specializes in expatriation issues.
低级 5 毛的水平就这样,编个故事都编不圆
“无数次深夜流泪,至今吃抗抑郁药,性格扭曲,时不时来个episode,低沉很多天, 非常影响生活和事业”
有娃有配偶的,不应该问问他们愿不愿意,合不合适,搬家么 。楼主这想一出是一出的,杞人…
是啊 绿卡长时间不待美国就没了
塞翁失马,没准今后你感激她逼你入籍呢。 中国真的没想跟美国脱钩,现在都是反制。美籍回国常驻也不少见吧。希望中国允许双重国籍,或给中国出生的华人特殊常住待遇,这样会有不少老留带资常住。