这是退休签?话说你们也要溜了? The Portuguese government introduced a special type of visa in 2007: the D7 Visa. It is also known as Portugal Retirement Visa or Passive Income Visa. This residence visa allows any non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen who has a reasonable net regular passive income to apply for residency in Portugal. This income can be from pensions, transferable equity, real estate, intellectual property, or financial investment. The minimum required value to be eligible for this visa is a yearly income of €8,460, plus 50 percent of this amount for the spouse and 30 percent for each dependent child. This is regardless of the person’s country of origin. This visa allows you and your family legal residence in Portugal. It is intended to attract retirees and those living on passive income to reside in Portugal in an effort to boost the economy. Additionally, holders of this visa are not precluded from having a professional activity in Portugal. You can apply for the D7 visa at the Portuguese consulate through a series of residence applications. After you have your visa, your immediate family also becomes entitled to a residence permit there under the family reunification regulations.
Mintcafe 发表于 2025-01-26 13:47 这是退休签?话说你们也要溜了? The Portuguese government introduced a special type of visa in 2007: the D7 Visa. It is also known as Portugal Retirement Visa or Passive Income Visa. This residence visa allows any non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen who has a reasonable net regular passive income to apply for residency in Portugal. This income can be from pensions, transferable equity, real estate, intellectual property, or financial investment. The minimum required value to be eligible for this visa is a yearly income of €8,460, plus 50 percent of this amount for the spouse and 30 percent for each dependent child. This is regardless of the person’s country of origin. This visa allows you and your family legal residence in Portugal. It is intended to attract retirees and those living on passive income to reside in Portugal in an effort to boost the economy. Additionally, holders of this visa are not precluded from having a professional activity in Portugal. You can apply for the D7 visa at the Portuguese consulate through a series of residence applications. After you have your visa, your immediate family also becomes entitled to a residence permit there under the family reunification regulations.
Mintcafe 发表于 2025-01-26 13:47 这是退休签?话说你们也要溜了? The Portuguese government introduced a special type of visa in 2007: the D7 Visa. It is also known as Portugal Retirement Visa or Passive Income Visa. This residence visa allows any non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen who has a reasonable net regular passive income to apply for residency in Portugal. This income can be from pensions, transferable equity, real estate, intellectual property, or financial investment. The minimum required value to be eligible for this visa is a yearly income of €8,460, plus 50 percent of this amount for the spouse and 30 percent for each dependent child. This is regardless of the person’s country of origin. This visa allows you and your family legal residence in Portugal. It is intended to attract retirees and those living on passive income to reside in Portugal in an effort to boost the economy. Additionally, holders of this visa are not precluded from having a professional activity in Portugal. You can apply for the D7 visa at the Portuguese consulate through a series of residence applications. After you have your visa, your immediate family also becomes entitled to a residence permit there under the family reunification regulations.
"没吃没喝没玩"? are you serious? maybe you are too narrow-minded when it comes to food. I wish I would have had more time to enjoy the food there. bbsquest 发表于 2025-01-26 17:25
补充一下,不是退休,只是考虑搬去生活一段时间,如果美国亚裔生活环境越来越差的话; 国内退休的话/生活一段时间的话,大概情况已经比较了解,想看看欧洲的选择
有个老中,刚退休的, 刚跑到葡萄牙买了个房,准备退休。你搜油管 天马行
治安和消费,葡萄牙更好。 但环境和舒适度,西班牙更好些。
The Portuguese government introduced a special type of visa in 2007: the D7 Visa. It is also known as Portugal Retirement Visa or Passive Income Visa. This residence visa allows any non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizen who has a reasonable net regular passive income to apply for residency in Portugal. This income can be from pensions, transferable equity, real estate, intellectual property, or financial investment. The minimum required value to be eligible for this visa is a yearly income of €8,460, plus 50 percent of this amount for the spouse and 30 percent for each dependent child. This is regardless of the person’s country of origin. This visa allows you and your family legal residence in Portugal. It is intended to attract retirees and those living on passive income to reside in Portugal in an effort to boost the economy. Additionally, holders of this visa are not precluded from having a professional activity in Portugal. You can apply for the D7 visa at the Portuguese consulate through a series of residence applications. After you have your visa, your immediate family also becomes entitled to a residence permit there under the family reunification regulations.
自己去看就知道了. 西班牙葡萄牙我都去过. 葡萄牙比较穷落后大城市都是非洲南美移民治安不太好 小城市没去过, 节奏慢感觉像南美国家但是比南美安全, 原来主打便宜, 现在已经不算便宜了. 我觉得美国哪里都比葡萄牙好. 出了大城市, 普通人英语不好, 要学当地语言才能长期居住. 歧视不明显因为到处都是有色人种, 黑人 印度人, 南美人, 一点不比美国少.
西班牙先进一点, 到处是南美人因为他们可以很容易的移民西班牙, 美国的路堵了估计以后会更多去西班牙. 不便宜, 我觉得不如美国任何地方, 除了安全一点.
为什么不去国内三线城市呢? 娱乐什么的都方便。按摩,美食,文化都接近。葡萄牙语言不同肯定不会舒服
政府好聪明啊, 比搞旅游业强
是啊,实在想不通,能去西班牙葡萄牙退休,为啥不回国呢? 图啥呢,还严肃问
My dog is banned in Singapore. I was going to tell everyone that he’s a lab but my husband is a honest man and cannot lie for his wife’s happiness.
任何人都不喜欢穷亲戚来拜访吧,何况是长住蹭家里福利。 同理国家也一样,美国穷人多到一个程度了挤兑医疗教育养老再有钱也受不了。
葡萄牙我只玩过,感觉还好,西班牙我经常去度假,很喜欢啊,南部北部中部都不一样的风情,我个人特别喜欢南部,人善良温厚,吃的太好了,美国养成的急性子节奏到那边放慢下来的,确实是享受得到slow life, 再加上一点,我特别喜欢西班牙红酒。
"没吃没喝没玩"? are you serious? maybe you are too narrow-minded when it comes to food. I wish I would have had more time to enjoy the food there.
你不知道欧洲都是抱美国大腿的吗? 怕美国的话,应该去南美退休。
国内哪个三线城市有地中海气候和廉价的地中海饮食? 国内城市的气候一个比一个恶劣 饮食也都是科技与狠活 生活节奏996、完全不适合养老
无脑西班牙 好太多