今天看到一个英文论坛里的 My kid deferred from Michigan. Straight As (couple of A minuses) and high rigor from a grade deflating private, 1550, 5's on all APs, captain of 2 sports, head of multiple clubs (the big name ones), paid internship at a fortune 500 company (applied for on their own), summer food service job for 2 summers, leadership at church, academic awards, etc. This kid worked so bloody hard for 4 years--struggled through top math and science classes. There was one kid admitted from their school to Michigan and they had worse grades, minimal rigor, no school leadership at all. I don't know what is going wrong. So far deferred from top20 ED, Texas, USC, Michigan, and UNC (waitlisted). Only admit is Clemson. This is really hard. We're feeling like the kid may end up at Clemson. Which is not the end of the world but in retrospect they should have taken gen ed classes and relaxed.
落地无声 发表于 2025-01-25 09:46 今天看到一个英文论坛里的 My kid deferred from Michigan. Straight As (couple of A minuses) and high rigor from a grade deflating private, 1550, 5's on all APs, captain of 2 sports, head of multiple clubs (the big name ones), paid internship at a fortune 500 company (applied for on their own), summer food service job for 2 summers, leadership at church, academic awards, etc. This kid worked so bloody hard for 4 years--struggled through top math and science classes. There was one kid admitted from their school to Michigan and they had worse grades, minimal rigor, no school leadership at all. I don't know what is going wrong. So far deferred from top20 ED, Texas, USC, Michigan, and UNC (waitlisted). Only admit is Clemson. This is really hard. We're feeling like the kid may end up at Clemson. Which is not the end of the world but in retrospect they should have taken gen ed classes and relaxed.
落地无声 发表于 2025-01-25 09:46 今天看到一个英文论坛里的 My kid deferred from Michigan. Straight As (couple of A minuses) and high rigor from a grade deflating private, 1550, 5's on all APs, captain of 2 sports, head of multiple clubs (the big name ones), paid internship at a fortune 500 company (applied for on their own), summer food service job for 2 summers, leadership at church, academic awards, etc. This kid worked so bloody hard for 4 years--struggled through top math and science classes. There was one kid admitted from their school to Michigan and they had worse grades, minimal rigor, no school leadership at all. I don't know what is going wrong. So far deferred from top20 ED, Texas, USC, Michigan, and UNC (waitlisted). Only admit is Clemson. This is really hard. We're feeling like the kid may end up at Clemson. Which is not the end of the world but in retrospect they should have taken gen ed classes and relaxed.
落地无声 发表于 2025-01-25 09:46 今天看到一个英文论坛里的 My kid deferred from Michigan. Straight As (couple of A minuses) and high rigor from a grade deflating private, 1550, 5's on all APs, captain of 2 sports, head of multiple clubs (the big name ones), paid internship at a fortune 500 company (applied for on their own), summer food service job for 2 summers, leadership at church, academic awards, etc. This kid worked so bloody hard for 4 years--struggled through top math and science classes. There was one kid admitted from their school to Michigan and they had worse grades, minimal rigor, no school leadership at all. I don't know what is going wrong. So far deferred from top20 ED, Texas, USC, Michigan, and UNC (waitlisted). Only admit is Clemson. This is really hard. We're feeling like the kid may end up at Clemson. Which is not the end of the world but in retrospect they should have taken gen ed classes and relaxed.
认真的吗?安娜堡那个地方 冬天零下三十几度 穿着加拿大鹅感觉都要被冻s,暴露的皮肤都是撕裂疼 住了几年的表示 那一带大概是美国气候最差的地方了 根本不适合人类居住
Community college毕业的是护工,和护士不一样的
还真不是护工,community college的护士项目两年读完考过RN就是护士。 因为学费比大学低很多,有些州低收入还可以免费读,向来是香饽饽,招生一直都有waiting list的。学生资质比其他项目的高一截。
yield protection? 或者是一个说了需要financial aid, 另一个说了不需要?
This kid worked so bloody hard for 4 years--struggled through top math and science classes. There was one kid admitted from their school to Michigan and they had worse grades, minimal rigor, no school leadership at all.
I don't know what is going wrong. So far deferred from top20 ED, Texas, USC, Michigan, and UNC (waitlisted). Only admit is Clemson. This is really hard. We're feeling like the kid may end up at Clemson. Which is not the end of the world but in retrospect they should have taken gen ed classes and relaxed.
本科读nursing 算premed, 以后会上医学院。
加州的?um 就这样,知道牛蛙会被top UC录,所以一般都defer
都是自费。优秀的孩子SAT 1590,AP 10 多门AP课都是 5分,但有一两门B+ (历史);普通的孩子 AP只有5门,只有一个5分,SAT才1510。同一地区不同学校。
不是,都看. 你不了解这个一般的孩子.
推荐信出问题或者报了热门专业. 美国大学招人挺准的. 不用太抱怨.
私校推荐信肯定很强的,还有 school counselor 把关。除了 yield protection,不知道有什么别的原因。
+1 我们学校去年有一个类似的,也是early不理想,但是RD拿了很多不错的offer,最后去了一个藤
最无聊的就是你这种,张嘴就来。 知道-30 摄氏度是多冷吗?
记得那里冬天umichi 大学生还会裸跑?不会冻死人吗?
Umich早就发榜?不可能吧, 都是昨天统一早申的发榜
有可能申请的不同学院?umich的lsa相对容易进多了,engineering school就难一些,cs是单独招生,更难进。
UC Berkeley全方位吊打UMich吧,你要是嫌州外学费贵另说
只是对密州学生贵, 同样是外州ucb还便宜。umich 拿不到本州学费没意义,本州大说得过去就不要考虑了。
牛校里冬天气候最恶劣至少得有5,6个学校并列第一,Yale 冬天下大雪一次能下一米多深,下冻雨很常见,车要是露天趴着,早上要先砸一层厚冰壳子;Boston 那两校也差不多。
没什么不好的,可以修premed的课将来申请医学院,可以去都PA,可以读master出来做麻醉护士或者nurse practitioner,总之也算是进可攻,退可守,将来不会没饭吃
本科大公校基本都差不多,加州生活费贵学费贵我能理解,但底特律为什么学费更贵我就不理解了,不过我们也没申请,也不想研究为什么这样。以前孩子朋友有去umich honor college, 学费减免交本州学费,而且确实是他录的最好的。通常申umich 也申ucb la, rice Emory cmu这些,反正就是个申请费而已
ucb吊打个球,一门破课千人上,GPA给的巨低,课程质量低劣, 对本科生教育那叫一个差。