前几天的又一起校园枪击,新闻上一闪而过,华人根本没有提及。 这个案子比较特别的是:枪手是黑人,但是是一个自恨是黑人的白人至上主义者: “Henderson also apparently shared a 51-page document before the shooting expressing violent white supremacist beliefs, sources said. He expressed self-hatred as a Black person, and he wrote of wishing violence on other Black people. He also expressed violent hatred toward Jews and used antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories to express his views, according to the sources. Henderson appeared to support neo-Nazi accelerationist and violent incel beliefs and expressed a desire to see genocide committed against racial and religious minorities, according to sources.”
“Henderson also apparently shared a 51-page document before the shooting expressing violent white supremacist beliefs, sources said. He expressed self-hatred as a Black person, and he wrote of wishing violence on other Black people.
He also expressed violent hatred toward Jews and used antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories to express his views, according to the sources. Henderson appeared to support neo-Nazi accelerationist and violent incel beliefs and expressed a desire to see genocide committed against racial and religious minorities, according to sources.”