The US trade deficit with Canada During the question-and-answer portion of the Thursday event, Trump falsely claimed that the US has a trade deficit with Canada of $200 billion or $250 billion, saying “it’s not fair” that the bilateral deficit should be this high. In fact, the US goods and services trade deficit with Canada was about $40.6 billion in 2023, according to the US government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. Even if you only consider trade in goods and ignore the services trade at which the US excels, the US deficit with Canada was about $72.3 billion in 2023, the bureau reported, still far shy of Trump’s figure. And it’s worth noting that the deficit is overwhelmingly caused by the US importing a large quantity of inexpensive Canadian oil, which helps keep Americans’ gas prices down. The US imported about 3.9 million barrels of Canadian crude oil per day on average in 2023. The heavy crude from the Alberta oil sands is in high demand by US refineries, mostly in the Midwest, that are designed to process heavy crude – into products like gasoline and diesel – rather than the lighter crude the US tends to extract domestically. “If (hypothetically) Canadian oil were not available, many US refineries would struggle to find heavy crude elsewhere, and they might even stop operating in such a scenario. Historically, Venezuela had been a large producer of heavy crude, but Venezuela’s oil industry is a shadow of its former self,” Pavel Molchanov, an energy expert who is an investment strategy analyst at Raymond James, said in an email. “So, in fact, importing Canadian oil helps protect jobs in the US refining industry. Furthermore, US refining companies appreciate the fact that Canadian heavy crude is cheaper than the light sweet crude that is produced in Texas and Louisiana.”
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普周四在谈到美国北方邻国时表示:“多年来,加拿大一直很难对付,我们有 2000 至 2500 亿美元的贸易逆差,这是不公平的。”特朗普发表上述言论之际,美国和加拿大的关系紧张,此前几周,特朗普在 1 月 20 日重返白宫前威胁要对所有加拿大商品征收 25% 的关税。特朗普坚信美国经济可以在没有加拿大援助的情况下蓬勃发展,他说:“我们不需要他们来制造我们的汽车,他们制造了很多汽车。我们不需要他们的木材,因为我们有自己的森林。我们不需要他们的石油和天然气。我们比任何人都多。”如果这位共和党领袖决定对加拿大和其他几个国家征收关税,他声称将于 2 月 1 日开始动议。
高赞回复” 加拿大是时候醒悟了,开始建设基础设施,向其他国家出口石油和天然气。当你依赖一个客户时,就会发生这种情况!“。。。。。就这么回事,左派小土豆之流除了会作秀什么都不懂最后被掐脖子只能说自作孽
Even if you only consider trade in goods and ignore the services trade at which the US excels, the US deficit with Canada was about $72.3 billion in 2023, the bureau reported, still far shy of Trump’s figure. And it’s worth noting that the deficit is overwhelmingly caused by the US importing a large quantity of inexpensive Canadian oil, which helps keep Americans’ gas prices down.
The US imported about 3.9 million barrels of Canadian crude oil per day on average in 2023. The heavy crude from the Alberta oil sands is in high demand by US refineries, mostly in the Midwest, that are designed to process heavy crude – into products like gasoline and diesel – rather than the lighter crude the US tends to extract domestically.
“If (hypothetically) Canadian oil were not available, many US refineries would struggle to find heavy crude elsewhere, and they might even stop operating in such a scenario. Historically, Venezuela had been a large producer of heavy crude, but Venezuela’s oil industry is a shadow of its former self,” Pavel Molchanov, an energy expert who is an investment strategy analyst at Raymond James, said in an email.
“So, in fact, importing Canadian oil helps protect jobs in the US refining industry.
Furthermore, US refining companies appreciate the fact that Canadian heavy crude is cheaper than the light sweet crude that is produced in Texas and Louisiana.”
川普上台才几天,欧盟主席那娘们就转向了,表示要和中国多合作,互利双赢才是未来。 前几个月,还强硬的狠的。 日韩更别说了,已经开始掉头了。现在跟着大哥混,要先给大哥交保护费!世道变了,小弟们心寒了!
统统赶到greenland 去挖矿
you never pay to get paid, 黑涩会也不能例外啊!
鸡蛋不要放在一个篮子里普通人都懂的道理 加拿大这些政客不懂!?他们这群吃干饭的只关心放点蝇头小利给选民以获得选票。未来是否洪水滔天根本不是他们这些公务员临时工考虑的
以前喊一声“大哥吉祥”就能揩油的日子一去不返了,现在必须先交保护费大哥才给罩着。 加拿大小弟都震惊了,大哥说好的中国60%关税,现在我是第一个。大哥:没错加拿大就是你,利索交钱。。
不理能不加关税了吗,加拿大的问题是经济和贸易太依赖美国, 一旦被当作开刀对象将对其经济产生很大负面影响
通常说的和美帝关系最铁的的3个:加拿大,英国,以色列; 因为地缘上的原因,后2者在经贸上都没有像加拿大这样高的对美依存度