回复 1楼 fionaK 的帖子 我的经验。我最后找了一个最快能出结果的,给的第二意见和国内医生类似,但是美国医生给的其中一个意见是很多国内医生没有提到的。私下里有认识的医生很认同美国医生的那个意见,所以帮家人下定了决心做那个治疗方案。 Second opinion medical agencies in the US accepting China patients 1. UCLA, needs to fill a form and upload documents. Accepts China patients. Local physician (in China) required for teleconsultation. If no local physician, then written report is provided. Follow up services is possible with additional and lower second payment. 2. University of Chicago medicine (UCM), $850 with 30 min video consultation, did not require presence of local physician, or $750 with a written report only. Claims to deliver the report within 3 days. 3. https://startmitrua.com/ , claims to deliver 2nd opinion report within 24 hours, charges $460 upfront, uploads documents in system, assigns 2 doctors to look at case, seems very quick a process. https://mitrua.com/ 4. UCSF, $900, upfront payment, Writen report only, https://app.summusglobal.com/Payment/WrittenOpinion 还有一些省心,接受国内的病人,但是很昂贵的中介平台比如Morehealth (收费至少六七千美金起步)。会有agent微信和你对接,适合不怕花钱想省心的情况。给找的医生都不错,你可以有一定选择。有半小时tele consultation 时间,这个上面1,2也有。 哈佛、西北大学、Mayo clinic, Cleveland clinic 这些不收国内病人或者不提供在线second opinion 的服务。 应该还有其它一些医院比如斯坦福也提供second opinion 服务,时间有限,没有一个个问。 医疗记录需要翻译成英语并由翻译机构盖章认证,淘宝上可以找,比在美国翻译要便宜得多。
chuckler 发表于 2025-01-23 12:41 回复 1楼 fionaK 的帖子 我的经验。我最后找了一个最快能出结果的,给的第二意见和国内医生类似,但是美国医生给的其中一个意见是很多国内医生没有提到的。私下里有认识的医生很认同美国医生的那个意见,所以帮家人下定了决心做那个治疗方案。 Second opinion medical agencies in the US accepting China patients 1. UCLA, needs to fill a form and upload documents. Accepts China patients. Local physician (in China) required for teleconsultation. If no local physician, then written report is provided. Follow up services is possible with additional and lower second payment. 2. University of Chicago medicine (UCM), $850 with 30 min video consultation, did not require presence of local physician, or $750 with a written report only. Claims to deliver the report within 3 days. 3. https://startmitrua.com/ , claims to deliver 2nd opinion report within 24 hours, charges $460 upfront, uploads documents in system, assigns 2 doctors to look at case, seems very quick a process. https://mitrua.com/ 4. UCSF, $900, upfront payment, Writen report only, https://app.summusglobal.com/Payment/WrittenOpinion 还有一些省心,接受国内的病人,但是很昂贵的中介平台比如Morehealth (收费至少六七千美金起步)。会有agent微信和你对接,适合不怕花钱想省心的情况。给找的医生都不错,你可以有一定选择。有半小时tele consultation 时间,这个上面1,2也有。 哈佛、西北大学、Mayo clinic, Cleveland clinic 这些不收国内病人或者不提供在线second opinion 的服务。 应该还有其它一些医院比如斯坦福也提供second opinion 服务,时间有限,没有一个个问。 医疗记录需要翻译成英语并由翻译机构盖章认证,淘宝上可以找,比在美国翻译要便宜得多。
大医院都有。有的还专门有国际部。你Google一下 https://www.clinicbyclevelandclinic.com/lp/second-opinion-cancer/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=oncsecop_17443091971&cr=oncsecop_17443091971&utm_agency=unlock&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA7se8BhCAARIsAKnF3ryjQ60lHZwhxwzL63ugt2Y1dApXEe3tPNZqrAvzqR6EKNcSY7U13UUaAg5JEALw_wcB
Second opinion medical agencies in the US accepting China patients 1. UCLA, needs to fill a form and upload documents. Accepts China patients. Local physician (in China) required for teleconsultation. If no local physician, then written report is provided. Follow up services is possible with additional and lower second payment. 2. University of Chicago medicine (UCM), $850 with 30 min video consultation, did not require presence of local physician, or $750 with a written report only. Claims to deliver the report within 3 days. 3. https://startmitrua.com/ , claims to deliver 2nd opinion report within 24 hours, charges $460 upfront, uploads documents in system, assigns 2 doctors to look at case, seems very quick a process. https://mitrua.com/ 4. UCSF, $900, upfront payment, Writen report only, https://app.summusglobal.com/Payment/WrittenOpinion 还有一些省心,接受国内的病人,但是很昂贵的中介平台比如Morehealth (收费至少六七千美金起步)。会有agent微信和你对接,适合不怕花钱想省心的情况。给找的医生都不错,你可以有一定选择。有半小时tele consultation 时间,这个上面1,2也有。 哈佛、西北大学、Mayo clinic, Cleveland clinic 这些不收国内病人或者不提供在线second opinion 的服务。 应该还有其它一些医院比如斯坦福也提供second opinion 服务,时间有限,没有一个个问。 医疗记录需要翻译成英语并由翻译机构盖章认证,淘宝上可以找,比在美国翻译要便宜得多。
我们在国内接受治疗,美方给的治疗方案和中方几乎是一样的。家人是结肠癌,治疗方案国际上都类似。我们的second opinion是只拿个书面意见,之后可以和中间平台机构的医疗主任约一次电话,但那个主要是帮着解释医学用语帮助理解医生的意见。这个second opinion 服务也可以是视频进行病人或者家属直接和医生对话,但是我们选的机构要求中方主治医生也在视频会议里面,这个中国的情况不太好办,我们就只要了个书面意见报告。