fdfwe 发表于 2025-01-22 13:11 BREAKING: Donald Trump has ordered a communications blackout at America''s federal health agencies, per WaPo. The CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories.
Milieux 发表于 2025-01-22 11:46 这不是新闻,去年懂王在竞选campaign中就多次提到通过提高关税逐步削减甚至取消联邦收入税 也就是说通过对进口商品征收关税来减轻国内人民的税赋 薅外国羊羊毛🦙少从本地韭菜身上榨钱 🤣 雅虎财经官网上的原话:“During his 2024 presidential campaign, President-elect Donald Trump suggested that he is considering instituting a policy of tariffs that would lead to the elimination of the federal income tax.”
fdfwe 发表于 2025-01-22 13:11 BREAKING: Donald Trump has ordered a communications blackout at America's federal health agencies, per WaPo. The CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories.
TRUMP: John Bolton and Dick Cheney convinced George Bush to blow up the Middle East. We got nothing out of it except a lot of death. REPORTER: "Why did you remove John Bolton's security clearance, sir?" TRUMP: "Because I think that was enough time. You take a job. You want to do a job. We're not going to have security on people for the rest of their lives. Why should we? I thought he was a very dumb person, but I used him well because every time people saw me come into a meeting with John Bolton standing behind me, they thought that he'd attack them because he was a warmonger. He's the one that got us involved, along with Cheney and a couple of others, convinced Bush, which was a terrible decision, to blow up the Middle East. We blew up the Middle East, and we left. We got nothing out of it except a lot of death. We killed a lot of people, and John Bolton was one of those guys, a stupid guy."
fdfwe 发表于 2025-01-22 13:11 BREAKING: Donald Trump has ordered a communications blackout at America's federal health agencies, per WaPo. The CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories.
你要多看书啊。 巴菲特们大约每年每人交1个亿。 “They paid a total of $13.6 billion in federal income taxes in those five years, the IRS data shows” https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax
哈哈哈。这还挺牛的。 我也觉得政府机构的大清洗就该这样,把什么工作都停了,然后按紧急度报告,你干的每件事都是在提供什么服务,非essential的,都不准重启,essential的才给发钱
你看看他全家发币圈钱的嘴脸,他入职仪式上出席的贵宾都是谁, 他是哪种人还没看清楚吗?
消费税是公认的对穷人打击大的一种税。富人的消费占他们总收入很少一部分 而穷人的收入很大一部分要拿去消费 很多人live paycheck by paycheck. 更别说富人很多消费都能做成business expense来进一步省税
巴菲特说的是effective tax rate。不是交税的金额。
他的政策永远有利于富人。 富人挣几个米, 40%收入税是大头, 现在好了, 富人实质性减税了。 富人减的税得有人pick, 那就是中产。 关税导致物价飞涨, 但是日常消费富人, 尤其川普这样的富人, 就是0.01%, 对他几乎没有影响, 但是40% 的收入税是妥妥的减了。 所以这个制度, 越富越获利, 都努力挣钱吧
这版上很多人是不是不知道以前美国是没有收入税的?这么多年是被IRS 虐的爽起来了难道? 居然考虑取消还不乐意?
收关税 恐怕大家的购买力得下降了
这位又明白了,你是说1861之前的靠land sales 作为政府收入的那个年代?你是想回到1861吗?
IRS的税, 50% 是income tax, 40% 是社保。 美国这些富人和公司上税太少了
对不起, 就中产和穷人。 富人无所谓, 出国购物也是杠杠, 消费税比收入税还容易搞
mayflower time...暴动吧
我就我知道的,来说一下吧 1 建国早期,工业还没有大规模发展,以个体农业为单位,对政府整体的基建和商业不依赖,所以不需要联邦税收的支出。 2 当时美国人口很少,也主要依靠消费税和关税来解决一些政府开支。 3 当时宪法第16修正案没有通过,所以,对于宪法里的联邦不能强制向各人征税阻止了联邦征税。 那么现在: 1 如果要废除宪法第十六条,从法案上说,现实不现实,能不能通过。 2 消费税和关税能不能填补政府的国防基建医疗金融救市的开支?
我个人认为这是一步很险的决定: 1 关税在国际贸易中,稳定否? 2 关税的监管能否到收益于老百姓? 3 1和2成立了,消费税才可能完成。
对, 如果这三年取消联邦收入税, 第一件事就是把401K 全部取出,转成自己投资账号。
如果真能做到, 那还是很不错.
即使做不到取消, 减一半联邦税, 都是 make a big difference.
富人交很多income tax 了吗?
用消费税替代了收入税,就不存在用business expenses 省税这一说了
政府开销有多少用在建设美国和benefit美国人身上?砍这些没必要的开销,精简机构,消除corruption, 理论上是不是可行?我也同意这是wishful thinking, 实行很难,怎么我就傻了?
REPORTER: "Why did you remove John Bolton's security clearance, sir?"
TRUMP: "Because I think that was enough time. You take a job. You want to do a job. We're not going to have security on people for the rest of their lives. Why should we?
I thought he was a very dumb person, but I used him well because every time people saw me come into a meeting with John Bolton standing behind me, they thought that he'd attack them because he was a warmonger.
He's the one that got us involved, along with Cheney and a couple of others, convinced Bush, which was a terrible decision, to blow up the Middle East. We blew up the Middle East, and we left.
We got nothing out of it except a lot of death. We killed a lot of people, and John Bolton was one of those guys, a stupid guy."
你们要多看书啊。 全美的personal income tax 40% 是top 1%交的
说的是percentage 富人大部分收入不是用于消费掉这你知道吧
新加坡当然是交所得税的, 只是税率很低而已。
我觉得取消收入税,vat/ sales tax ear marked to usage.吃的税支持农民,武器税支持军队,车速支持道路。大家觉得哪个重要就多买点儿。donations are welcome too!
you know what? China will pay for it.
你要多看书啊。 巴菲特们大约每年每人交1个亿。 “They paid a total of $13.6 billion in federal income taxes in those five years, the IRS data shows” https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax
只是从一个account transfer 到另一个account 又不是取钱跑路.