我建议你去读Peter Attia''s Outlive, 至少多听听他的podcasts. 你说的这些话题他都有系统阐述。现代医学(Attia calls it Medicine 2.0)的一个问题在于医疗干预往往是病情开始显示或者症状出现以后, 而不是早干预和预防。早期预测的准确程度取决于biomarker(s)的相关度。在AD and cancer area, 很多biomarkers只是cooralation, 没有证明很高的causal relationship. 有很多早期预测是这样的:if your biomarket A, B and C are this and that, then your risk for AD/Cancer for the next 10 years is 3X or 5X of general population. 这样的结论,就个人而言,some are actionable medically, most are not, 也就是有些可以早吃药预防,但是大多数不能。 但是!减少风险的生活方式改变是一样的!What''s good for the heart is what''s good for the brain, and what''s good for the heart is good for preventing cancer. 所以营养均衡,保持健康体重,充足睡眠,力量训练加VO2Max 训练是普通人从年轻时就应该开始做的事情。你读Attia和其它界内专家的著述很快就能得到结论These are pretty much the only actionable items that you can do (but most people are too lazy to do it).
SAT 发表于 2025-01-22 12:06 我建议你去读Peter Attia''s Outlive, 至少多听听他的podcasts. 你说的这些话题他都有系统阐述。现代医学(Attia calls it Medicine 2.0)的一个问题在于医疗干预往往是病情开始显示或者症状出现以后, 而不是早干预和预防。早期预测的准确程度取决于biomarker(s)的相关度。在AD and cancer area, 很多biomarkers只是cooralation, 没有证明很高的causal relationship. 有很多早期预测是这样的:if your biomarket A, B and C are this and that, then your risk for AD/Cancer for the next 10 years is 3X or 5X of general population. 这样的结论,就个人而言,some are actionable medically, most are not, 也就是有些可以早吃药预防,但是大多数不能。 但是!减少风险的生活方式改变是一样的!What''s good for the heart is what''s good for the brain, and what''s good for the heart is good for preventing cancer. 所以营养均衡,保持健康体重,充足睡眠,力量训练加VO2Max 训练是普通人从年轻时就应该开始做的事情。你读Attia和其它界内专家的著述很快就能得到结论These are pretty much the only actionable items that you can do (but most people are too lazy to do it).
SAT 发表于 2025-01-22 12:06 我建议你去读Peter Attia''s Outlive, 至少多听听他的podcasts. 你说的这些话题他都有系统阐述。现代医学(Attia calls it Medicine 2.0)的一个问题在于医疗干预往往是病情开始显示或者症状出现以后, 而不是早干预和预防。早期预测的准确程度取决于biomarker(s)的相关度。在AD and cancer area, 很多biomarkers只是cooralation, 没有证明很高的causal relationship. 有很多早期预测是这样的:if your biomarket A, B and C are this and that, then your risk for AD/Cancer for the next 10 years is 3X or 5X of general population. 这样的结论,就个人而言,some are actionable medically, most are not, 也就是有些可以早吃药预防,但是大多数不能。 但是!减少风险的生活方式改变是一样的!What''s good for the heart is what''s good for the brain, and what''s good for the heart is good for preventing cancer. 所以营养均衡,保持健康体重,充足睡眠,力量训练加VO2Max 训练是普通人从年轻时就应该开始做的事情。你读Attia和其它界内专家的著述很快就能得到结论These are pretty much the only actionable items that you can do (but most people are too lazy to do it).
比如什么是早期预测老年痴呆症? MCI是AD的早期阶段吗?预测MCI,就是早期预测老年痴呆症吗?
假设把一个疾病分成五个阶段,stage I,II,III, IV, V. 那么预测出病人属于stage I,就是早期预测吗?
有没有一个病人,是正常,但是预测他5年后就得癌症(stage V),这也是早期预测吗?这个需要怎么设计实验才能得出来?
早期预测,用cross-section 方法,和longtitudinal 方法,有何利弊? 业界,流行哪种实验设计呢?
但是!减少风险的生活方式改变是一样的!What''s good for the heart is what''s good for the brain, and what''s good for the heart is good for preventing cancer. 所以营养均衡,保持健康体重,充足睡眠,力量训练加VO2Max 训练是普通人从年轻时就应该开始做的事情。你读Attia和其它界内专家的著述很快就能得到结论These are pretty much the only actionable items that you can do (but most people are too lazy to do it).
正解👍 你所能控制的只有运动、营养和睡眠。基因随他去吧。但运动、营养和睡眠必须是每天必做的功课。