Trump orders all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees placed on paid leave starting Wednesday
U.S. President Donald Trump stands afer delivering remarks on AI infrastructure at the Roosevelt room at White House in Washington, U.S., January 21, 2025. Carlos Barria | Reuters The Trump administration is ordering all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion roles placed on paid leave by Wednesday evening, according to a new memo from the Office of Personnel Management. The memo, issued Tuesday to heads of departments and agencies, sets a deadline of no later than 5 p.m. ET Wednesday to inform the employees that they will be put on paid administrative leave as the agencies prepare to close all DEI-related offices and programs and to remove all websites and social media accounts for such offices. It also asks federal agencies to submit a written plan by Jan. 31 for dismissing the employees. President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs in federal agencies, with DEI offices and programs being ordered to shut down. “President Trump campaigned on ending the scourge of DEI from our federal government and returning America to a merit based society where people are hired based on their skills, not for the color of their skin,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement Tuesday night. “This is another win for Americans of all races, religions, and creeds. Promises made, promises kept.” It was not clear how many employees would be affected. Trump signed 46 executive orders and presidential actions Monday that addressed a number of campaign pledges, including ending Biden-era border policies and pardoning the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters. Tuesday, he signed an executive order that targeted diverse hiring practices at the Federal Aviation Administration, arguing that such initiatives penalized “hard-working Americans who want to serve in the FAA but are unable to do so, as they lack a requisite disability or skin color.” Trump’s steps in the first days of his second administration continue efforts he made near the end of his first term. In 2020, hesigned an executive order prohibiting federal DEI programs. President Joe Biden countered that by signing actions aimed at bolstering racial equality shortly after he took office in 2021.
exactly. You got it. 白人选川普,可以理解。他们(自己不努力啊)看着好工作被外来精英(中国人、印度人)抢走,心里不甘心,选了川二货,通过非法渠道(不公平)拿回工作,以便他们自己好混吃等死。 加拿大为啥烂?白人太多! 中西部为啥烂?白人太多! 川二,为啥当选?美国 白人太多!---87%啊
never forgot Chump said:" my beautiful white skin...." 其实,白皮就是他妈骷髅皮,邹巴巴,恶心死人。像个死猪肉。 白人为啥要把皮肤tanning?因为他们自己都觉得丑陋,像死猪肉啊。 “移民,污染了我们的血液!。。。” 这个二货自己娶的不就是移民吗?美拉尼亚,斯洛伐克人。比川二货小24。自己是个三婚。这时候,怎么不说,污染了它的血液呢?
扶苏 发表于 2025-01-22 11:45 RE 其实就算照顾亚裔也是不对的。所有部门应该用该用的人,这样绝大多数人受益。
也别那么天真,世上的事哪有“应该怎么样”就解决了的。merit是人定的,那种old boys club完全可以认为白男才符合他们团队文化,所以是merit的一部分。这种意识形态的改变确实需要外力去推动一下,各式背景的人多了整个团队文化才会改变。说实话宁可矫枉过正然后course correct,也好过全盘否定
前段時間我公司電腦出了問題,通常IT remotely基本都能解決。這次解決不了,所以IT file了一個ticket,然後派了一個 local 的 IT 親自到我電腦上操作。結果來的是個年輕黑人小夥子。不像以前遇到過的IT,可以在我電腦上飛一般地操作。小夥子動作極慢,很不熟練。最後讓我崩潰的是,後來他查一個設置,居然找不到,還是靠我告訴他在哪兒。我心裏就嘀咕,這位會不會就是DEI招進來的吧,工作能力實在是搖頭啊。最後,果然他還是沒解決我的問題。最可笑的是,我們公司2周還在newsletter裏面宣佈,我們公司被評爲 a Leader in LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion。這才過2周,懂王一個結束DEI的號令,讓公司的這條新聞聽起來無比的諷刺和好笑。
BREAKING: Donald Trump has ordered a communications blackout at America's federal health agencies, per WaPo. The CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories.
这里有点不太清楚的是遣散所有 DEI 雇员还是 DEI 部门的雇员,前者要界定是需要时间很费周折的。 个人对川大此项举措表示赞同,招聘就该 merit based 而不是看肤色种族 seekingalpha 发表于 2025-01-22 09:04
看看川普EO原文 全篇只说了“废除xxx EO”,没有说要保护什么 川普新EO的效果就是,从今天起,招人广告上可以堂而皇之的写 colored people need not apply了。 哪天你们所在的公司开除所有华人员工,也没法打歧视官司了
U.S. President Donald Trump stands afer delivering remarks on AI infrastructure at the Roosevelt room at White House in Washington, U.S., January 21, 2025. Carlos Barria | Reuters
The Trump administration is ordering all federal employees in diversity, equity and inclusion roles placed on paid leave by Wednesday evening, according to a new memo from the Office of Personnel Management.
The memo, issued Tuesday to heads of departments and agencies, sets a deadline of no later than 5 p.m. ET Wednesday to inform the employees that they will be put on paid administrative leave as the agencies prepare to close all DEI-related offices and programs and to remove all websites and social media accounts for such offices.
It also asks federal agencies to submit a written plan by Jan. 31 for dismissing the employees.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs in federal agencies, with DEI offices and programs being ordered to shut down. “President Trump campaigned on ending the scourge of DEI from our federal government and returning America to a merit based society where people are hired based on their skills, not for the color of their skin,” White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement Tuesday night. “This is another win for Americans of all races, religions, and creeds. Promises made, promises kept.”
It was not clear how many employees would be affected.
Trump signed 46 executive orders and presidential actions Monday that addressed a number of campaign pledges, including ending Biden-era border policies and pardoning the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters.
Tuesday, he signed an executive order that targeted diverse hiring practices at the Federal Aviation Administration, arguing that such initiatives penalized “hard-working Americans who want to serve in the FAA but are unable to do so, as they lack a requisite disability or skin color.”
Trump’s steps in the first days of his second administration continue efforts he made near the end of his first term. In 2020, he signed an executive order prohibiting federal DEI programs. President Joe Biden countered that by signing actions aimed at bolstering racial equality shortly after he took office in 2021.
个人对川大此项举措表示赞同,招聘就该 merit based 而不是看肤色种族
嗯 影响人数未知,也许只是title里面直接带diversity的才是板上钉钉的人选。
“in diversity, equity and inclusion roles” 你们这都是看不懂英文?
不是指因为DEI招进来的人,而是负责管理和推动DEI的员工,比如现在很多大学都有DEI office,是这些office的staffs
DEI 部门的员工。
川普毫无疑问是人渣 但是美国也只有借助川普这种人渣总统,才能逆转极左风气,而最小化美国信誉损失。 以后讲起来,连美国自己都说,是川普这个人渣法西斯总统干的,我们美国人可是恨进步的。
全世界拿美国一点办法都没有,只能苦苦熬过川普四年任期。 希望民主党能够往中间靠拢一些,下次夺回总统位置,重建美国信誉。
那你我更加没戏啦!如果不考虑diversity,你的英语和文化能比得了白人?甚至黑人?人家会打着merit based的招牌,明目张胆地不让你进入任何公司工作啊。
你这是被人卖了,还替人数钱啊!! 智商,是个好东西。
RE 其实就算照顾亚裔也是不对的。所有部门应该用该用的人,这样绝大多数人受益。
高人,真人,真高人! 手动赞啊。 网上总是有许多不动脑筋的傻逼弱智,跟着川普这个二货挥刀,殊不知砍得就是他们自己的头啊。
州立大学系统DEI director有这个数,有点没想到。
举个例子,精算考试,说白了,就是放屁! 浪费钱财。实际应该废止。 但是呢,如果真的废止了,那些夸夸其谈的白人,肯定比咱们混得好 啊。
恰恰是这个扯淡的(极难)考试,挡住了不少白人啊。否则,华人混个P啊?! 精算领域为啥印度人都少? 考试,挡住了他们啊。不是说印度人不善于玩考试,而是对于他们, “性价比”不合算。
You got it. 白人选川普,可以理解。他们(自己不努力啊)看着好工作被外来精英(中国人、印度人)抢走,心里不甘心,选了川二货,通过非法渠道(不公平)拿回工作,以便他们自己好混吃等死。
加拿大为啥烂?白人太多! 中西部为啥烂?白人太多! 川二,为啥当选?美国 白人太多!---87%啊
弱智! 先照镜子看看自己肤色,好吗?
那个LA的deputy mayor还是什么的,也是负责DEI,年薪400K+
不是按DEI,是凡是家门口挂国旗或trump sign的都不救,就是NC最近那次
也别那么天真,世上的事哪有“应该怎么样”就解决了的。merit是人定的,那种old boys club完全可以认为白男才符合他们团队文化,所以是merit的一部分。这种意识形态的改变确实需要外力去推动一下,各式背景的人多了整个团队文化才会改变。说实话宁可矫枉过正然后course correct,也好过全盘否定
看你的智商,符合DEI hire 的水平,夸你呢不用谢!
我们公司还有DEI training。大农村的公司,真的是无语。可见DEI散播的深度。
而且,这些背后都是钱,training module花不了多少钱,但是我猜各大公司都要花大价钱买or subscribe,研究一下看看又是和谁related:)公立学校的CRT教材就是Merrick Garland的女婿在收割
你可真可怜, 一点点真才实学都没有吗? 没读过书?
这是DEI hire 的智商,逻辑水平写出来的小作文么?
白人最牛x的地方在哪里? 改规则!
ABC? 举个例子,那直接说文化上不fit in他们的白人客户(欧洲)
你的种族歧视言论比 川普更加极端一些。
全篇只说了“废除xxx EO”,没有说要保护什么
川普新EO的效果就是,从今天起,招人广告上可以堂而皇之的写 colored people need not apply了。
哈哈,好事连连,Day 2, 我川就任的第二天就对极左分子冥主党的老巢加州动手了:
Are you kidding me? What order stated is loud and clear.