As president, Trump imposed tariffs with a flourish — targeting imported solar panels, steel, aluminum and pretty much everything from China. “Tariff Man,” he called himself. This time, he’s gone much further: He has proposed a 60% tariff on goods from China — and a tariff of up to 20% on everything else the United States imports.
加拿大,墨西哥,先挨了一拳 Trump says he’s thinking of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico in February Published Mon, Jan 20 20258:00 PM ESTUpdated 2 Hours Ago
President Donald Trump said Monday that tariffs could be levied against Mexico and Canada as soon as Feb. 1. The remarks were made to members of the press as the newly minted chief executive offered a slew of executive orders aimed at everything from regulations to free speech to immigration. The president also toyed with the idea of hitting China with intensified tariffs over social media site TikTok.
wueda 发表于 2025-01-20 22:31 加拿大,墨西哥,先挨了一拳 Trump says he’s thinking of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico in February Published Mon, Jan 20 20258:00 PM ESTUpdated 2 Hours Ago
President Donald Trump said Monday that tariffs could be levied against Mexico and Canada as soon as Feb. 1. The remarks were made to members of the press as the newly minted chief executive offered a slew of executive orders aimed at everything from regulations to free speech to immigration. The president also toyed with the idea of hitting China with intensified tariffs over social media site TikTok.
wueda 发表于 2025-01-20 22:31 加拿大,墨西哥,先挨了一拳 Trump says he’s thinking of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico in February Published Mon, Jan 20 20258:00 PM ESTUpdated 2 Hours Ago
President Donald Trump said Monday that tariffs could be levied against Mexico and Canada as soon as Feb. 1. The remarks were made to members of the press as the newly minted chief executive offered a slew of executive orders aimed at everything from regulations to free speech to immigration. The president also toyed with the idea of hitting China with intensified tariffs over social media site TikTok.
“Tariff Man,” he called himself.
This time, he’s gone much further: He has proposed a 60% tariff on goods from China — and a tariff of up to 20% on everything else the United States imports.
Trump says he’s thinking of imposing 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico in February
Published Mon, Jan 20 20258:00 PM ESTUpdated 2 Hours Ago
President Donald Trump said Monday that tariffs could be levied against Mexico and Canada as soon as Feb. 1. The remarks were made to members of the press as the newly minted chief executive offered a slew of executive orders aimed at everything from regulations to free speech to immigration. The president also toyed with the idea of hitting China with intensified tariffs over social media site TikTok.
“It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.”
直接跟生活相关的, 水果什么受到影响吗?
对于版上一些网购奢侈品的 来自欧洲和加拿大的 这些难道也要加税吗
兔子不吃窝边草 这个窝边草也要吃
川普表示,如果TikTok在关闭时间之后继续运营,美国“应该有权获得一半的股份”,如果中国拒绝达成协议,他“肯定”会对中国征收关税。川普将中国拒绝达成协议形容为一种“敌意行为”。 他表示,关税可能高达100%。川普在签署该命令时表示:“(北京方面)最终会批准,因为我们要对中国征收关税。我不是说我会这么做,但你肯定可以这么做。如果我们说,‘你们不会批准的’,那就是一种敌意,我们会征收25%、30%、40%、50%,甚至100%的关税。” 中国是川普上任第一天威胁要征收关税的三个国家之一。周一,他表示可能从2月1日起对加拿大和墨西哥征收25%的关税。 但他没有像竞选期间承诺的那样,对中国进口商品征收60%的全面关税,否则将标志着他首个任期内与北京方面的贸易战进入一个新阶段。 《金融时报》称,推迟对中国征收关税的举动似乎为TikTok的交易提供了一个讨价还价的筹码。
这叫耍流氓吧? 你既然要禁了TT,怎么自己要一半的股权? 你既然要加税,自己也很明白,有些商品么有替代品,加了的税只有加在自己国内通涨上? 人家辛苦做出来的TT,凭什么要让你占一半股份? 你可以禁止在你国运行,但是要股份,就是个明抢了。 你可以合作合资投资,你这个连基本的资金技术都不出,这个不太讲理吧?
他不如试试200%关税 看谁怕谁