今天带九岁孩子去做眼睛检查,右眼1.25, 左眼0.25。右眼需要戴近视眼镜,医生建议今年先戴普通的框架priscription glasses, 明年看情况是否需要戴Ortho-K镜来控制视力。 可是孩子不愿意戴框架眼镜,想要尝试OK镜 ,因为他的好朋友就是晚上戴OK镜 。医生也说可以直接戴OK镜,或者另外一种白天戴得用来控制视力的misight. 请教大家有经验的推荐Ortho-K or Misight? 谢谢! 谷歌的建议是: For a child with a 1.25 sphere prescription, MiSight is generally considered a better option than Ortho-K because it is a daily disposable soft contact lens, making it easier to manage and maintain good hygiene, especially for younger children who might not be as adept at handling rigid lenses like Ortho-K; however, the best choice depends on the individual child''s responsibility level and comfort with contact lens care, so consulting an eye doctor is key to make the best decision.
建议家长最好找两种都会做的医生,而不是只会做其中一种的医生。 来看看chatGPT 的回答 是的,OK镜(角膜塑形镜)与MiSight(美赛瞳,主要为日戴型的软性隐形眼镜)在设计理念和功能上有显著差异,其中包括以下几点: 1. OK镜(角膜塑形镜)特点 • 作用原理: OK镜通过夜间佩戴改变角膜形状,从而暂时矫正近视和控制眼轴增长。它主要通过调控角膜的中央和周边屈光力分布,形成离焦区,达到近视控制效果。 • 定制化设计: 目前的OK镜采用先进的计算机辅助设计(CAD)和高精度制造技术,根据患者的角膜地形图和眼部数据(如角膜曲率、直径等)个性化定制。镜片能更精准地贴合眼球表面,提供更舒适的佩戴感和更高的矫正效果。 • 使用方式: 夜间佩戴6-8小时,白天无需戴镜即可获得清晰的视力。 2. MiSight(软性隐形眼镜)特点 • 作用原理: MiSight是一款日戴型软性隐形眼镜,主要通过多焦点设计(包括中心清晰区和周边离焦区)来减缓眼轴增长,从而达到近视控制的目的。 • 标准化设计: 与OK镜不同,MiSight通常为批量生产的标准镜片,适用于一定范围的角膜参数,适配范围较为固定。虽然它有多个参数选择,但个性化程度不如OK镜高。 • 使用方式: 白天佩戴,晚上摘除,每天更换一副(为日抛型)。 两者的核心区别 1. 定制化程度: • OK镜是根据患者的眼部情况量身定制,个性化更强。 • MiSight是标准化生产,适配范围较窄。 2. 佩戴时间: • OK镜是夜戴型,白天无需佩戴眼镜。 • MiSight是日戴型,需要全天佩戴。 3. 矫正方式: • OK镜通过物理塑形改变角膜曲率。 • MiSight通过多焦设计的光学机制减缓眼轴增长。 总结 OK镜目前在镜片设计上确实更依赖计算机软件技术和患者个性化参数,能更精确地满足不同患者的需求。而MiSight虽然简单易用,但个性化和适配能力不如OK镜,适合一些眼部条件符合要求、追求方便的患者。选择时需结合验光师的专业建议和患者的使用需求。 来再看看其他配镜网站回答 What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients. Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities. While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients.Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities. While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
hellohey 发表于 2025-01-19 01:36 What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients.Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities. While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
there are toric multifocal contact lens too for kids with astigmatism.
There are no current studies regarding multifocal toric contact lenses and the impact of myopia progression. However, if the patient has over 1.00D of astigmatism, the Proclear Toric multifocal, Proclear Toric multifocal XR and Biofinity toric multifocal are available. If clinicians choose to use a custom lens, a smaller optical zone is preferred to affect a larger retinal area and allow greater myopia control.4 https://www.reviewofoptometry.com/article/add-multifocals-to-your-myopia-toolbox
What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients.Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities. While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
请教大家有经验的推荐Ortho-K or Misight? 谢谢!
谷歌的建议是: For a child with a 1.25 sphere prescription, MiSight is generally considered a better option than Ortho-K because it is a daily disposable soft contact lens, making it easier to manage and maintain good hygiene, especially for younger children who might not be as adept at handling rigid lenses like Ortho-K; however, the best choice depends on the individual child''s responsibility level and comfort with contact lens care, so consulting an eye doctor is key to make the best decision.
我个人喜欢misight, 理由同上,软性的,对眼睛伤害不大。 我家孩子就是75, 100 上的misight
我们没保险 一年是1500刀 包含一年的misight和所有的检查费用 然后医生给我们coupon找厂家拿了300刀的rebate
如果医生肯出prescription 的话,Costco有insight, 134.99一盒90片。
是的,你去Costco店里让他们查contact lenses catalog, misight is under the brand name cooper vision . 你必须有prescription , 就跟买其它隐形眼镜一样操作。
5岁难道不是先滴阿托品控制眼轴 等8岁以后再带ok镜
医生是建议阿托品和ok镜不同时上只选一个,但是更建议用ok镜。。。 哎
请问costco哪里可以买?我去年还看到,今年costco app里进去却查不到misight了
第一次戴,我觉的需要去配镜医生那里,因为隐形眼镜第一年需要fitting(我去的那家fitting fee一年大概200多),我们后来两年每次去检查一下,拿prescription ,买一年supply大概1500。 去年在huaren上看到有人说costco有,我们就去了以前的医生那里年检和拿prescription (大概50),然后去Costco 买,1070。感觉前两年损失几个亿
Costco 医生给配,价格比外边医生便宜。如果有VSP眼保还可以报销一些
OK镜比Costco的misight 更贵。我们医生这两种都是1200一年,但Costco卖misight 900多,如果有VSP眼保还会更便宜,Costco收VSP眼保,eyemed 需要自己提交报销一部分。
Costco有misight 比外边医生便宜。 不过我个人认为这个属于刚出来的新东西,OK镜已几十年了,好或者不好早就知道了。
2% or 0.02%? 2% sounds a bit high.
Costco 配眼镜的地方,给他处方,他会告诉你保险包不包,多少钱。我们一直在那里买。
配镜师或者眼科医生都可以查视力。查完后直接问要处方copy。by law都会给的。因为这也算是medical record。
我们医生说是60% 有效率
只用药水 白天视力恢复正常吗 还是他度数低? 我的眼医说光点药水不能恢复正常
OK镜已经出现几十年了,技术越来越好,目前有计算机软件帮助按照病人个人眼睛设计的镜片更舒适。高科技真是造福人类!misight 属于批量生产不如OK镜的个性化设计。OK镜的个性化设计戴上会更舒适。
ok镜的原理本身就有巨大的缺陷。再怎么高科技软件也无法改变本身的理论缺陷。 懂得都懂,不多说了。
建议家长最好找两种都会做的医生,而不是只会做其中一种的医生。 来看看chatGPT 的回答 是的,OK镜(角膜塑形镜)与MiSight(美赛瞳,主要为日戴型的软性隐形眼镜)在设计理念和功能上有显著差异,其中包括以下几点:
1. OK镜(角膜塑形镜)特点 • 作用原理: OK镜通过夜间佩戴改变角膜形状,从而暂时矫正近视和控制眼轴增长。它主要通过调控角膜的中央和周边屈光力分布,形成离焦区,达到近视控制效果。 • 定制化设计: 目前的OK镜采用先进的计算机辅助设计(CAD)和高精度制造技术,根据患者的角膜地形图和眼部数据(如角膜曲率、直径等)个性化定制。镜片能更精准地贴合眼球表面,提供更舒适的佩戴感和更高的矫正效果。 • 使用方式: 夜间佩戴6-8小时,白天无需戴镜即可获得清晰的视力。
2. MiSight(软性隐形眼镜)特点 • 作用原理: MiSight是一款日戴型软性隐形眼镜,主要通过多焦点设计(包括中心清晰区和周边离焦区)来减缓眼轴增长,从而达到近视控制的目的。 • 标准化设计: 与OK镜不同,MiSight通常为批量生产的标准镜片,适用于一定范围的角膜参数,适配范围较为固定。虽然它有多个参数选择,但个性化程度不如OK镜高。 • 使用方式: 白天佩戴,晚上摘除,每天更换一副(为日抛型)。
两者的核心区别 1. 定制化程度: • OK镜是根据患者的眼部情况量身定制,个性化更强。 • MiSight是标准化生产,适配范围较窄。 2. 佩戴时间: • OK镜是夜戴型,白天无需佩戴眼镜。 • MiSight是日戴型,需要全天佩戴。 3. 矫正方式: • OK镜通过物理塑形改变角膜曲率。 • MiSight通过多焦设计的光学机制减缓眼轴增长。
来再看看其他配镜网站回答 What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients. Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities.
While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
What are the disadvantages of MiSight? Disadvantages. MiSight can be detrimental to children with moderate astigmatism. Ill-fitting lenses can cause misalignment of vision zones since all of them are standard for all patients.Because your child needs to wear them during the day, it is hard to monitor their activities. https://www.findclarityvision.com/blog/contact-lenses-for-childhood-myopia-misight.html#:~:text=Disadvantages,hard%20to%20monitor%20their%20activities.
While MiSight contact lenses are an excellent choice to treat low levels of myopia, vision correction using MiSight lenses is more limited than what can be achieved using Ortho-k lenses. In addition, the MiSight lens design consists of one standard size and shape. If the lens fit isn’t ideal, the visual acuity that can be achieved will be compromised. While MiSight lenses can restore far vision, they cannot correct astigmatism. https://www.miamicontactlens.com/misight-vs-orthokeratology-which-option-is-better-for-your-child/
周围一堆戴 OK 的, 没听见一个抱怨的。 白天不用戴, 方便的太多太多, 尤其小孩有体育活动的话
There are no current studies regarding multifocal toric contact lenses and the impact of myopia progression. However, if the patient has over 1.00D of astigmatism, the Proclear Toric multifocal, Proclear Toric multifocal XR and Biofinity toric multifocal are available. If clinicians choose to use a custom lens, a smaller optical zone is preferred to affect a larger retinal area and allow greater myopia control.4
misight 唯一现在的解决不了的就是没有散光度数,所以我说的ok镜只适用于极端案例比如散光很大。现在ok镜有巨大的产业链,但是对于他的问题科普却很少。
ok镜的两大幻觉: 1. 早上起来视力20/20 == 小孩度数一定没涨。 2.只要customized一定好过standardized,
training fee 大约不到三百, 去训练了两个 sessions才勉强戴上后就可以购买了。一千出头一年, 还给了两百刀coupon,所以价格貌似不贵了。 保险不包
主要问题是 咱娃亚洲人眯眯眼小啊,娃真是自己戴不上, 回家后没一次自己成功戴上的。 现在我每天早上帮他戴, 从一开始要预留二三十分钟戴眼镜的时间到现在留出几分钟戴。
戴上后, 没有任何感觉, 也根本不会掉下来。 刚开始的时候娃说掉下来了, 上学备着眼镜, 但其实是没戴好。 现在完全没发生掉下的情况。
但很多眼医是搞什么Myopia control program,检查+misight的套餐,每年一两千的套餐里misight是“送”的,就没法报了。
那是因为老中default thinking misight比ok贵。因为misight是日抛。如果他们知道might costco买比ok便宜,还接受vision insurance,我相信很快就不是这样了。
我医生给我地报价也是1600一年,我自己的保险cover 300, factory coupon 300,就只用1000.
OK镜我也有第一手发言权, 我堂弟堂妹应该是中国第一批戴OK镜的小孩, 我记得好像是98年99年的时候, 两个人都是初中一年级开始戴到大学毕业, 然后我堂弟大学毕业不久就开始戴眼镜了, 500度。 我堂妹考研的时候视力就不行了, 300度的眼镜。
我家娃就直接上misight了, 一个是戴了4年一度都没有涨, 一个是戴了2年一只眼睛涨了25度, 一只没变。