看到这样的回复特别好笑! 真的! 你去google 一下坚决不要孩子的措施是什么,给你quote一下 What is the best way to avoid getting pregnant? Abstinence: Sexual abstinence 正常夫妻,可能吗??? 其他所有避孕手段,第一选择birth control pills, effectiveness 91%。 其他手段概率依次下降。作为女人,所谓的最后补救措施是什么啊?第一plan B,但如果已经排卵,屁用没有! 剩下就是堕胎了。现在美国大环境,只能回国。。。 最后都是对女性造成身体上的伤害。所以别说风凉话了好吗? 女人为难女人啊!
天啊! 真能抬杠啊! 但是意义在哪里?? 我说的这些都是要女性有意识到底避孕手段的概率和原理在哪里。 一定要自己搞清楚。否则吃亏的是自己不是吗? 你没完没了的argue是为了谁啊??? How exactly does Plan B work? Plan B One-Step works before release of an egg from the ovary. As a result, Plan B One-Step usually stops or delays the release of an egg from the ovary. It is one tablet that contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills and works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy.
花花朵朵 发表于 2025-01-16 15:37 不是。plan b阻止排卵,但如果做之前刚刚排过卵,plan b就没用。你难道认为plan b 百分百有效吗?
Of course not. Only 87% according to Google. What I meant was they didn't even try to do plan B after realizing the possibility of an accident. So now we didn't know if plan B would work in their case or not.
天啊! 真能抬杠啊! 但是意义在哪里?? 我说的这些都是要女性有意识到底避孕手段的概率和原理在哪里。 一定要自己搞清楚。否则吃亏的是自己不是吗? 你没完没了的argue是为了谁啊??? How exactly does Plan B work? Plan B One-Step works before release of an egg from the ovary. As a result, Plan B One-Step usually stops or delays the release of an egg from the ovary. It is one tablet that contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills and works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy. tastycakes 发表于 2025-01-16 15:16
我总共发了一个回帖,只是本着科学的精神讨论一下plan B的工作机制而已。你不管出于什么原因,但是不能偏离事实啊。为了证明一个观点而bend facts是不对的(即使你的观点是对的,你这种approach也是在discredit你的argument而已) Plan B (levonorgestrel) is a type of emergency contraception used to help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure (e.g., a condom breaking). It is most effective when taken as soon as possible after the event, ideally within 72 hours (3 days), but it can work up to 5 days, with decreasing effectiveness over time. How It Works: 1. Delays Ovulation: Plan B primarily works by delaying or preventing the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). If there’s no egg to be fertilized, pregnancy cannot occur. 2. Thickens Cervical Mucus: It can make it harder for sperm to travel through the cervix and reach an egg if ovulation has already occurred. 3. Prevents Fertilization or Implantation: In some cases, it may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.
老二只要在家里就不会安静,经常拉着他哥哥要打架,或者要和他爸爸打。给他报的几乎所有的体育类兴趣课都喜欢,尤其是有输赢的,和他安静的哥哥完全不同。还喜欢故意逗着玩骗人,被揭穿后,就哈哈大笑的说 “just kidding”。
太肤浅了! 坚决不生的想要100%就是不要滚床单就可以了。 任何避孕手段,在不伤害女性的基础上,都有怀孕的概率。
看到这样的回复特别好笑! 真的! 你去google 一下坚决不要孩子的措施是什么,给你quote一下 What is the best way to avoid getting pregnant? Abstinence: Sexual abstinence 正常夫妻,可能吗???
其他所有避孕手段,第一选择birth control pills, effectiveness 91%。 其他手段概率依次下降。作为女人,所谓的最后补救措施是什么啊?第一plan B,但如果已经排卵,屁用没有! 剩下就是堕胎了。现在美国大环境,只能回国。。。 最后都是对女性造成身体上的伤害。所以别说风凉话了好吗? 女人为难女人啊!
Re. 真有unexpected situations, plan B the next day will take care of it.
天真啊! 再说一遍,plan B如果是排卵之后的accident, 屁用没有!!!! 可以给你ob打电话确认!
They already knew accident might happen right after the act.
如果知道 会有accdient 还叫accident吗? plan B的作用是排卵前抑制或者推迟排卵。如果已经排卵,没有任何效果。
不讨论科学那讨论什么意外概率啊? 有多少夫妻即吃birth control又要lg戴套?? 你要是个男的就是盲目自信,如果是个女的就是对自己不负责了!
天啊! 真能抬杠啊! 但是意义在哪里?? 我说的这些都是要女性有意识到底避孕手段的概率和原理在哪里。 一定要自己搞清楚。否则吃亏的是自己不是吗? 你没完没了的argue是为了谁啊??? How exactly does Plan B work? Plan B One-Step works before release of an egg from the ovary. As a result, Plan B One-Step usually stops or delays the release of an egg from the ovary. It is one tablet that contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills and works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy.
不是。plan b阻止排卵,但如果做之前刚刚排过卵,plan b就没用。你难道认为plan b 百分百有效吗?
Of course not. Only 87% according to Google. What I meant was they didn't even try to do plan B after realizing the possibility of an accident. So now we didn't know if plan B would work in their case or not.
我总共发了一个回帖,只是本着科学的精神讨论一下plan B的工作机制而已。你不管出于什么原因,但是不能偏离事实啊。为了证明一个观点而bend facts是不对的(即使你的观点是对的,你这种approach也是在discredit你的argument而已)
Plan B (levonorgestrel) is a type of emergency contraception used to help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure (e.g., a condom breaking). It is most effective when taken as soon as possible after the event, ideally within 72 hours (3 days), but it can work up to 5 days, with decreasing effectiveness over time.
How It Works: 1. Delays Ovulation: Plan B primarily works by delaying or preventing the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). If there’s no egg to be fertilized, pregnancy cannot occur. 2. Thickens Cervical Mucus: It can make it harder for sperm to travel through the cervix and reach an egg if ovulation has already occurred. 3. Prevents Fertilization or Implantation: In some cases, it may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.
整整12个月前,我因为和老公、公婆的生育分歧,很苦闷,上来倾诉。好家伙,因为我不愿意生孩子论坛把我骂的,还有个人骂我因为我不想生孩子应该被老公虐杀。 然后老天爷开了个大玩笑,3月初我发现意外怀孕了。我不长记性,来论坛咨询。好家伙,都是女人,只是因为我不愿意生孩子,在和公婆、老公有生育分歧的时候不愿意妥协,论坛把我骂的,说我骗婚,说我是故意策划的怀孕再打胎,还说我怀的孩子肯定不是我老公的,说我是精致的利己主义者。不只在我的贴子下面骂我,还额外开了两个贴子骂我。都是女人,却对孕妇口出恶言。
yes, 这种如果怀上了那才能叫意外 发现有液体在体内又没有吃Plan b那不叫意外,叫不小心