要买车买大件的赶紧吧。 成立对外收税局,终结自由贸易,加征关税。七十年代全球化开始,红红火火五十年,到川普结束。 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113827650534234057 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 13.3k ReTruths 49.4k Likes Jan 14, 2025, 11:28 AM
I went to the TRUMP STORE inside of TRUMP TOWER and nothing is Made in the USA. Where will MAGA move the goalpost on this one? pic.twitter.com/DHVCc8n4s1 — Walter Masterson (@waltermasterson) January 13, 2025
I went to the TRUMP STORE inside of TRUMP TOWER and nothing is Made in the USA. Where will MAGA move the goalpost on this one? pic.twitter.com/DHVCc8n4s1 — Walter Masterson (@waltermasterson) January 13, 2025
KVmitbbs 发表于 2025-01-14 17:39 要买车买大件的赶紧吧。 成立对外收税局,终结自由贸易,加征关税。七十年代全球化开始,红红火火五十年,到川普结束。 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113827650534234057 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 13.3k ReTruths 49.4k Likes Jan 14, 2025, 11:28 AM
还有人不知道吗,是importer要交关税,不是外国的生产商,然后wholesaler再把关税转嫁给消费者,所以表面上的external revenue还是从消费者兜里掏钱。美好理想是让消费者买本国生产的产品,问题是美国有多少产品是自己生产的 Who pays the tariffs in trade? the importer It is paid by the importer, a probable wholesaler, who passes it on in the form of higher prices for his or her customers. The usual aim of the tariff is to make imported goods more expensive so that people will buy good produced domestically instead.
liumajia 发表于 2025-01-15 12:37 还有人不知道吗,是importer要交关税,不是外国的生产商,然后wholesaler再把关税转嫁给消费者,所以表面上的external revenue还是从消费者兜里掏钱。美好理想是让消费者买本国生产的产品,问题是美国有多少产品是自己生产的 Who pays the tariffs in trade? the importer It is paid by the importer, a probable wholesaler, who passes it on in the form of higher prices for his or her customers. The usual aim of the tariff is to make imported goods more expensive so that people will buy good produced domestically instead.
MAGA 们对这个不了解,以为这就跟收保护费一样,直接要钱就行。他们其实一半的人,连中国在哪个方向都不知道。
可是他没说要取缔irs啊。其实就是美国韭菜用原来的项目(税收保险等等)割到根了,现在需要新的借口来割,所以成立新的部门开展新的项目继续从根部再片几下。 其他国家也一样,全世界都一样,二战后的world order所用的割韭菜项目随着韭菜的割无可割都得更新换代,各个国家的统治阶级they are all on it together。
“China's foreign trade reached a new record in 2024, with total exports and imports growing by 5% year-on-year to hit 43.85 trillion yuan ($5.98 trillion)“ 这算被全球化隔离?
Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 13.3k ReTruths 49.4k Likes Jan 14, 2025, 11:28 AM
弱智 就是美国让人随便赚钱,其他国家才装作自由贸易的样子 美国开始加税,其他国家全面跟上,就这么简单。
DOGE 局类似国内成立的: 机构精简办公室
只有美国在逆全球化 中国依然还在到处推自贸区。。。
民营银行有19家: 天津金城银行,上海华瑞银行,浙江网商银行,温州民商银行,深圳前海微众银行,湖南三湘银行,重庆富民银行,四川新网银行,北京中关村银行,吉林亿联银行,武汉众邦银行,福建华通银行,威海蓝海银行,江苏苏宁银行,梅州客商银行,安徽新安银行,辽宁振兴银行,江西裕民银行,无锡锡商银行
就这还硬拉中国垫背 呵呵
那应该禁temu ,恶霸亚麻上的中国卖家,
你可能少见多怪了 国内河南的一家半导体大企业,出口芯片的 实际控权是美国人。有美国护照的. 你要不要去查一下?
中国进口货物平均关税税率2.3% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tariff_rate 和欧洲一个水平
就是啊,川普老畜生不懂,他那团队里的人不知道海关就是用来收这个税的,还再整个劳什子External Revenue Service脱了裤子放屁啊?
Who pays the tariffs in trade?
the importer
It is paid by the importer, a probable wholesaler, who passes it on in the form of higher prices for his or her customers. The usual aim of the tariff is to make imported goods more expensive so that people will buy good produced domestically instead.
MAGA 们对这个不了解,以为这就跟收保护费一样,直接要钱就行。他们其实一半的人,连中国在哪个方向都不知道。
可是他没说要取缔irs啊。其实就是美国韭菜用原来的项目(税收保险等等)割到根了,现在需要新的借口来割,所以成立新的部门开展新的项目继续从根部再片几下。 其他国家也一样,全世界都一样,二战后的world order所用的割韭菜项目随着韭菜的割无可割都得更新换代,各个国家的统治阶级they are all on it together。
所以才要逆全球化,要不然, 美国就彻底完了
你才是真正的双标。 美国比别人强的时候就要自由贸易。 关税是合法保护弱势企业的方式, 中国的方式很合理。 你看看为啥中国的汽车进不来, 太阳能600% 关税? 现在美国强的照卖(技术独裁, 你敢加关税吗?), 在别国的大企业像麦当劳早就立足, 包括微软。 现在就是全世界为美国打工。 这也是为社么我们来的美国, 谁不幕强? 但是你挣着眼说瞎话就让人鄙视
美国没有自我隔离, 全球化还在,只是把中国隔离出去了。
“China's foreign trade reached a new record in 2024, with total exports and imports growing by 5% year-on-year to hit 43.85 trillion yuan ($5.98 trillion)“
从他对H1 & MAGA 这评论和言论... 很难相信川普会有啥作为... 另外本来也是积重难返...
美国工人的困境不是全球化, 是美国的财富分配出现了大问题。
去全球化后,美国不但分配的问题不能解决,同时美国屁民再也买不到物廉价美的产品, 只有死路一条。
慕强其实还好 我们就是慕强来美国淘金的 某些人慕强慕到把自己洗脑成傻逼, 那就是自作自受了
全球化是资本逐利,想利润最大化的结果,而高收入高物价高税收是导致高成本,利润降低的原因,两者结合促使资本外流。 所谓工人受害,是因为生产外包的原因吗?搞生产线自动化,难道工人也受害了吗?为啥港口工人反对自动化?主要原因是大部分利润都进的资本家腰包,不管你怎么减少成本。