首先,羊肉最好买,Costco business center 有切好的全羊一箱,新西兰草饲羊,非常非常好吃。推荐给大家。 刚刚搜了一下附近butcher shop, 发现个网站叫butcherbox,可以订制每个月的牛,猪,鸡肉,都是grass fed的,肉是冷冻后每月送到家里来,有人用过吗? 还有就是怎么找自己家附近的butcher shop吗?Google吗
We like to pick out meats ourselves so don't use delivery services. We have started to go to Wild Fork, which provides different cuts of meats not available in Costco or other major supermarkets, for meats and seafood from time to time
proserpina 发表于 2025-01-14 17:16 We like to pick out meats ourselves so don't use delivery services. We have started to go to Wild Fork, which provides different cuts of meats not available in Costco or other major supermarkets, for meats and seafood from time to time
首先,羊肉最好买,Costco business center 有切好的全羊一箱,新西兰草饲羊,非常非常好吃。推荐给大家。 刚刚搜了一下附近butcher shop, 发现个网站叫butcherbox,可以订制每个月的牛,猪,鸡肉,都是grass fed的,肉是冷冻后每月送到家里来,有人用过吗? 还有就是怎么找自己家附近的butcher shop吗?Google吗
刚刚搜了一下附近butcher shop, 发现个网站叫butcherbox,可以订制每个月的牛,猪,鸡肉,都是grass fed的,肉是冷冻后每月送到家里来,有人用过吗?
还有就是怎么找自己家附近的butcher shop吗?Google吗
butcher‘s shop很多的,有的贵的grocery store自己就有,确实贵多了但是新鲜好吃,我们这儿farmers market也有农场grass fed的肉,还可以固定每个月送。
是呀,butcher那里买的胜在一个新鲜。 还能找到每月送货的butcher,我是不是该多去farmer market逛逛 哈哈
We have started to go to Wild Fork, which provides different cuts of meats not available in Costco or other major supermarkets, for meats and seafood from time to time
Wild Fork 都是冰冻的吧?
sorry can't type chinese now. how to store the whole lamb? it looks like a whole lamb without cutting online...
用的butcherbox那家吗? 他家的牛肉我看了下没有看到organic的? 最多是grass fed. 还是说grass fed 就是organic?
我看了一圈,感觉可能还是whole foods最方便😂
Costco business center有整羊也有切好不同部位的
对 butcherbox。牛肉来说,all nqtural和grass fed都没有激素,我大概记得grass fed比organuc还要好一点
ButcherBox 很多健身营养方面的网红给作推广已经很久了,貌似口碑不错。
想订鱼🈶Wild Alaskan Company,也是subscription.
我家旁边有一个meat shop,local的肉禽,很新鲜,肉质好,价格比超市贵一丢丢,但性价比高,有一些超市没有的部位,比如牛舌,我们常去。
我们有朋友去农场选牛。两家订一头牛,pasture raised,一家半架牛。养好了杀了打包给你,需要独立冰柜才够装。算下来非常划算。
谢谢! 请问离你家几十迈的ranch卖牛肉这种信息是怎么找到的呢?搜什么关键词?