建议带孩子去医院检查排除CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment), light gazing是CVI眼科症状之一 The most common CVI symptoms presenting to the ophthalmic clinician are: Abnormal light response — light gazing or photophobia Blunted or avoidant social gaze Brief fixations, intermittent following Poor visual acuity Visual field loss — generalized constriction, inferior altitudinal, hemianopic defect Behaviors reported by parents, teachers, and low vision specialists include: Variable or inconsistent visual responses to the same stimuli Better responses to familiar than to novel stimuli Fatiguing from visual tasks Peripheral vision dominates when reaching Colored stimuli elicit better responses than B&W stimuli Visual attention for moving stimuli is better than for static stimuli Vision for navigation is unexpectedly good Difficulty seeing an object or image in a "crowded" array or a busy background Reduced responses to visual stimuli when music, voices, and other sounds are present, and often, when the child is touched
Milieux 发表于 2025-01-14 12:39 建议带孩子去医院检查排除CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment), light gazing是CVI眼科症状之一 The most common CVI symptoms presenting to the ophthalmic clinician are: Abnormal light response — light gazing or photophobia Blunted or avoidant social gaze Brief fixations, intermittent following Poor visual acuity Visual field loss — generalized constriction, inferior altitudinal, hemianopic defect Behaviors reported by parents, teachers, and low vision specialists include: Variable or inconsistent visual responses to the same stimuli Better responses to familiar than to novel stimuli Fatiguing from visual tasks Peripheral vision dominates when reaching Colored stimuli elicit better responses than B&W stimuli Visual attention for moving stimuli is better than for static stimuli Vision for navigation is unexpectedly good Difficulty seeing an object or image in a "crowded" array or a busy background Reduced responses to visual stimuli when music, voices, and other sounds are present, and often, when the child is touched
带他去看了眼科医生,确认了眼睛没有physical的问题. 儿子自己也说他知道是心理上的问题,他说自己就是控制不住自己,要盯着光源看,这个甚至影响了上课的focus,因为他说老师讲课时站的位置附近有不少强光,他想看老师,眼睛却控制不住盯着那些光去了.
The most common CVI symptoms presenting to the ophthalmic clinician are: Abnormal light response — light gazing or photophobia Blunted or avoidant social gaze Brief fixations, intermittent following Poor visual acuity Visual field loss — generalized constriction, inferior altitudinal, hemianopic defect Behaviors reported by parents, teachers, and low vision specialists include: Variable or inconsistent visual responses to the same stimuli Better responses to familiar than to novel stimuli Fatiguing from visual tasks Peripheral vision dominates when reaching Colored stimuli elicit better responses than B&W stimuli Visual attention for moving stimuli is better than for static stimuli Vision for navigation is unexpectedly good Difficulty seeing an object or image in a "crowded" array or a busy background Reduced responses to visual stimuli when music, voices, and other sounds are present, and often, when the child is touched
你的儿子的问题听起来像是 强迫性行为(OCD的一种表现) 或 抽动障碍(Tic Disorder) 的早期症状。这种情况可能与焦虑、压力或神经发育问题有关。下面详细分析一下:
1. 可能的原因
A. 强迫症状(Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms)
你的描述中提到他“控制不住自己盯着光源”,而且知道这样对眼睛不好,但还是无法停止。这种行为符合 强迫症(OCD) 的特征:
B. 抽动障碍(Tic Disorder)
你提到他有 眼睛和嘴巴的不自主抽动,尤其是在集中精力时,这符合 抽动障碍 的表现。
常见的 简单运动抽动 包括眨眼、面部抽搐、嘴巴扭动等。
复杂抽动 可能包括眼睛盯着某个特定目标等行为。
C. 感觉寻求行为(Sensory Seeking Behavior)
有些孩子可能对 光线或特定视觉刺激 有更强的感官需求,这种情况在 感官处理障碍 或 自闭谱系障碍(ASD) 中也可能出现。但如果你的儿子没有其他自闭症特征,这个可能性较低。
2. 推荐的专科医生
A. 儿童精神科医生(Child Psychiatrist)
首选去看 儿童精神科医生,因为他的问题更像是心理和神经方面的。
儿童精神科医生可以评估是否有 OCD、焦虑症、抽动障碍 或 其他神经发育问题。
B. 神经科医生(Neurologist)
如果抽动症状加重,可以考虑带他去看 神经科医生,排除 Tourette 综合症 或其他神经系统问题。
C. 儿童心理治疗师(Child Psychologist)
同时建议找一个 心理治疗师,尤其是 认知行为治疗(CBT),这对控制强迫症状和抽动症状非常有效。
3. 可能的诊断方向
4. 你可以做的事情
A. 环境调整
减少强光刺激:尽量避免让他长时间暴露在强光源下,比如在家里的灯光尽量选择 柔和的光源,在教室里尽量坐在避开光源的位置。
使用蓝光过滤眼镜:如果他在使用手机或电脑时症状明显,试着让他戴 蓝光眼镜,减少视觉刺激。
B. 练习放松技术
教他一些 深呼吸、冥想 或 肌肉放松练习,帮助缓解焦虑和紧张情绪。
C. 不要批评或强行纠正
5. 可能需要的检查
神经检查:排除是否有神经系统的问题,比如 Tourette 综合症或其他神经发育障碍。
6. 家长可以说的话
你儿子的情况可能涉及 OCD 或 抽动障碍,建议尽快带他去看 儿童精神科医生。治疗通常包括 认知行为治疗(CBT) 和必要时的 药物治疗,很多孩子在治疗后都能大大改善。