有可能从搬家去美国住5-10年,但澳洲这样都说美国食品药品监管几乎为零,所以寿命低 请问是这样吗,如果只买有机食品是不是能做到寿命和澳洲没区别 医疗小病似乎美国看的更快(但要收费) 大病肯定还是回澳洲兜底 https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/australia-offers-lessons-increasing-american-life-expectancy The researchers found that Australians had the longest life expectancy at birth over the study period, with women living nearly 4 more years and men 5 more years than their American counterparts. The Irish showed the largest gains in life expectancy, with men’s lifespans increasing by approximately 8 years and women’s lifespans by more than 6.5 years. Americans had the shortest life expectancy at birth, with women living an average of almost 81.5 years and men an average of nearly 76.5 years in 2019.
bigpenny 发表于 2025-01-12 08:29 有可能从搬家去美国住5-10年,但澳洲这样都说美国食品药品监管几乎为零,所以寿命低 请问是这样吗,如果只买有机食品是不是能做到寿命和澳洲没区别 医疗小病似乎美国看的更快(但要收费) 大病肯定还是回澳洲兜底 https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/australia-offers-lessons-increasing-american-life-expectancy The researchers found that Australians had the longest life expectancy at birth over the study period, with women living nearly 4 more years and men 5 more years than their American counterparts. The Irish showed the largest gains in life expectancy, with men’s lifespans increasing by approximately 8 years and women’s lifespans by more than 6.5 years. Americans had the shortest life expectancy at birth, with women living an average of almost 81.5 years and men an average of nearly 76.5 years in 2019.
The last chart is from an NIH paper. BMI is not a good measurement for individual’s body composition, but it’s epidemiologically significant. Dr. Peter Attia refers to what average Americans eat as Standard American Diet, or SAD for short. You eat SAD, you be SAD.
The researchers found that Australians had the longest life expectancy at birth over the study period, with women living nearly 4 more years and men 5 more years than their American counterparts. The Irish showed the largest gains in life expectancy, with men’s lifespans increasing by approximately 8 years and women’s lifespans by more than 6.5 years. Americans had the shortest life expectancy at birth, with women living an average of almost 81.5 years and men an average of nearly 76.5 years in 2019.
Dr. Peter Attia refers to what average Americans eat as Standard American Diet, or SAD for short. You eat SAD, you be SAD.
我搜了一下美国和澳大利亚的毒品和他杀死亡率,区别有,但是不足以statistically significant. 主要因素还是个人健康和公共卫生的区别。
区别是不是statistical significant的结论是如何得出的?
毒品和枪支泛滥至少会减少2-3年平均寿命了,澳大利亚应该是禁枪的。 另外就是高糖高油摄入量太多了。我倒没有觉得医疗上有什么区别,因为美国穷人有Medicaid免费医疗,中产的医疗保险贵,但是也不至于看不起病。美国医疗技术也比较发达,人均医疗资源占有还是比较多的。 如果比较两国人民的平均寿命,就比较比较自律犯罪率少的种族,比如说亚裔。美国亚裔的平均寿命应该和澳大利亚的差不多。
美国的白人也一样受毒品,枪支泛滥, 暴力犯罪的影响, 只是比例没有有些族裔高罢了。寿命在发达国家里垫底不是必然吗。