The main differences between Premium Plus vs. Economy Plus United's premium economy option is called United Premium Plus, and it offers a significantly better experience than a United economy seat. Though these passengers fly in the same cabin, the main difference between Premium Plus and Economy Plus on United is more legroom and upgraded amenities (including free food and alcohol) on United and United Express flights. Legroom: United Premium Plus seats, located at the front of the economy cabin, feature up to seven extra inches of legroom over a standard economy seat, while the Economy Plus seat offers travelers six inches of extra legroom. Premium Plus seats also recline up to three inches more than a standard seat. Amenities. United Premium Plus seats offer features like an adjustable leg and footrest, an individual power outlet and USB charger, a larger entertainment screen and Saks Fifth Avenue bedding. Service: Flyers with Premium Plus tickets receive upgraded dining options on select long-haul international flights, plus a complimentary hot meal and alcohol on premium transcontinental domestic routes. Meanwhile, Economy Plus flyers must pay for premium drinks on domestic flights. Both ticket levels include the ability to check up to two bags for free.
premium economy只有在第二段13小时的时候是真的,那个7小时的还是普通comfort+的座位。大家说说座位差多少,能舒服的睡觉吗?delta的。
另外第一排都 靠厕所吧,你们会选过道的位置(宽敞自由),还是窗户的位置(离人远安静)?窗户位置是否因为飞机墙壁内斜而更窄呢?
这次刚坐了comfort+的座位,感觉就比economy大一点点,感觉premium economy比较值
把手固定 指的是不能抬起来?这个我无所谓,就我独自旅行,把手本来就是放低的。
美国 国内段 有7个小时的 航班?
United's premium economy option is called United Premium Plus, and it offers a significantly better experience than a United economy seat. Though these passengers fly in the same cabin, the main difference between Premium Plus and Economy Plus on United is more legroom and upgraded amenities (including free food and alcohol) on United and United Express flights. Legroom: United Premium Plus seats, located at the front of the economy cabin, feature up to seven extra inches of legroom over a standard economy seat, while the Economy Plus seat offers travelers six inches of extra legroom. Premium Plus seats also recline up to three inches more than a standard seat. Amenities. United Premium Plus seats offer features like an adjustable leg and footrest, an individual power outlet and USB charger, a larger entertainment screen and Saks Fifth Avenue bedding. Service: Flyers with Premium Plus tickets receive upgraded dining options on select long-haul international flights, plus a complimentary hot meal and alcohol on premium transcontinental domestic routes. Meanwhile, Economy Plus flyers must pay for premium drinks on domestic flights.
Both ticket levels include the ability to check up to two bags for free.
main cabin躺平 有风险。我有一次就准备这么玩,放弃了航空公司免费提供的Economy Plus, 选了经济舱靠后,一排四个座位只有我一个人,心中窃喜,准备躺平。
一句话值不值得要靠你自己体验, 每个人的感觉不同。
商务舱不用说, 有钱当然首选。
Premium economy 也要看航班以及飞机型号, 甚至同一趟航班也有不同的飞机型号。 自己去上seat guru 以及航班网站研究。 一些参数比如座位仰角大小, 座位宽度以及座位离前面座位的距离(pitch) , 飞机型号以及premium economy 是232 布局还是242 布局。 都搞清楚了以后最好自己体验一下, 值不值得, 对于我来说是值得的, 明显比经济舱舒服, 国际航线经济舱一般都是343 布局。
经济舱第一排位置或者有些机型紧急出口旁边位置。 现在很多航线选位置时候这些位置要加钱, 如果不需要加钱还是值得去抢抢的。 这些位置脚可以伸比较直。第一排旁边位置确实离厕所比较近, 中间的位置受上厕所人影响较小, 但是晚上睡觉有些上厕所的会switch lane 容易被踩到脚。 别问我怎么知道。
总之这是个小马过河的问题, 只有自己体验才知道
谢谢。我打算多掏一点钱 选个好座位了。
如果你那里华人多,尽量不要premium economy第一排,大概率有娃哭一路。选安全出口那里比较保险。 经济舱差别没那么大,都是坐着睡不好。淡季这个价钱,换了我选comfort+最后一排中间靠过道,赌这排没人能躺平
希望世界和平啊, 早点有直飞航线
投票帖怎么发?我想看看经济800,超经1000,商务1600的时候大家怎么选?当然还有broke as fuck的750。