对啊。每件睡衣都有个黄色的长长的强调flame resistance的tag。wool不容易着火,snug fit 还是有用的。 The US federal government requires children’s sleepwear and certain work uniforms to be flame resistant. Accidents involving kid’s pajamas and fireplaces and candles go back as far as the late 1800s, when “flannelette,” a fluffy and cheap simulacrum for wool, was invented and became popular with British families on a budget. Wool is naturally flame retardant, but flannelette pajamas are extremely flammable. When children wearing flannelette nightgowns got too close to the open fireplace (which was going at all times during the winter in every home) they were almost instantly consumed by fire. Children could be severely burned, even to death. That’s when chemists started playing around with different chemical coatings to prevent this from happening. In 1953, following a rash of accidents involving extremely flammable rayon kids clothing, the US government mandated flame resistance for children’s pajamas. To meet the government’s standards, manufacturers had two choices: use fabrics like wool or certain types of polyester that are inherently not flammable, or add a chemical finish. Many chose the finish. But the CPSC updated its rules in 2000 to allow tight-fitting cotton children’s pajamas without a flame retardant finish, since it is unlikely to touch a candle accidentally. Plus, tight-fitting cotton has less oxygen between it and the skin to feed flames. Pajama makers can also make children’s pajamas out of inherently flame-resistant polyester.
多买natural fiber, 绵麻丝绒皮.
纽约地铁那个是被泼了lighter fluid,相当于泼了汽油
对啊。每件睡衣都有个黄色的长长的强调flame resistance的tag。wool不容易着火,snug fit 还是有用的。
The US federal government requires children’s sleepwear and certain work uniforms to be flame resistant. Accidents involving kid’s pajamas and fireplaces and candles go back as far as the late 1800s, when “flannelette,” a fluffy and cheap simulacrum for wool, was invented and became popular with British families on a budget. Wool is naturally flame retardant, but flannelette pajamas are extremely flammable. When children wearing flannelette nightgowns got too close to the open fireplace (which was going at all times during the winter in every home) they were almost instantly consumed by fire. Children could be severely burned, even to death. That’s when chemists started playing around with different chemical coatings to prevent this from happening. In 1953, following a rash of accidents involving extremely flammable rayon kids clothing, the US government mandated flame resistance for children’s pajamas. To meet the government’s standards, manufacturers had two choices: use fabrics like wool or certain types of polyester that are inherently not flammable, or add a chemical finish. Many chose the finish.
But the CPSC updated its rules in 2000 to allow tight-fitting cotton children’s pajamas without a flame retardant finish, since it is unlikely to touch a candle accidentally. Plus, tight-fitting cotton has less oxygen between it and the skin to feed flames. Pajama makers can also make children’s pajamas out of inherently flame-resistant polyester.
紧身的是snug fit。这样空气进不去,不会很快烧起来
我一般都给宝宝买美国全有机棉睡衣,现在感觉marino wool也是很好的选择,不是说wool是阻燃的吗?
按这楼里某些人的逻辑 纽约被推下地铁的人, 鞋子得查查是不是中国生产, 抓地力这么差 校园枪击案的孩子, 衣服牌子也得查查哪儿造的, 连子弹都挡不住