洗洗睡吧。 哪个保险说了 FSD 不包? 不要凭空自己想象。 1. Personal Auto InsuranceDriver Responsibility: Most jurisdictions hold the driver responsible for the operation of the vehicle, even if FSD is active. If you have comprehensive or collision coverage, your insurance may cover damages to your car, and liability coverage may pay for damages or injuries caused to others, subject to policy terms. Negligence Assessment: If it’s determined that you were negligent in supervising FSD (e.g., not paying attention), this might affect coverage or claims decisions. 2. Tesla''s Role in Coverage Tesla has stated that drivers are ultimately responsible for their vehicles, even when FSD is in use. However, Tesla might bear some liability if there’s evidence of a system defect or malfunction. In some cases, Tesla has offered insurance directly to its customers, which might provide specific provisions for accidents involving FSD.
当然那是几年前了,现在保险公司(除了特斯拉自己)政策有变化了吗?如果FSD 出车祸造成对方损失,而且是FSD的责任,保险公司会赔对方吗?
这还不容易吗? 事后把 log 调出来看看当时有没 enable 就知道了。
如果买Tesla 自己的保险, 那是肯定是 cover 的。 其他公司的就不知道了。
FSD 出的错误是常人不会犯的错误。那个case好像是家属同时要起诉特斯拉FSD草菅人命
人也会出“bug”啊,比如突然打个喷嚏了,突然肚子疼了,不要说看短信打电话看风景的注意力不集中了。。。这个概率应该比fsd出bug 概率要高的多了。
问题不是会不会出错,是保险会不会Cover,人为的驾驶保险会Cover,FSD 呢?
洗洗睡吧。 哪个保险说了 FSD 不包? 不要凭空自己想象。
1. Personal Auto Insurance Driver Responsibility: Most jurisdictions hold the driver responsible for the operation of the vehicle, even if FSD is active. If you have comprehensive or collision coverage, your insurance may cover damages to your car, and liability coverage may pay for damages or injuries caused to others, subject to policy terms. Negligence Assessment: If it’s determined that you were negligent in supervising FSD (e.g., not paying attention), this might affect coverage or claims decisions. 2. Tesla''s Role in Coverage Tesla has stated that drivers are ultimately responsible for their vehicles, even when FSD is in use. However, Tesla might bear some liability if there’s evidence of a system defect or malfunction. In some cases, Tesla has offered insurance directly to its customers, which might provide specific provisions for accidents involving FSD.
The odds of dying in a plane crash are about 1 in 11 million, while the odds of being in a car crash are about 1 in 5,000.