升级到10,对性能基本无影响。不过十几年前的Dell工作站,graphics用的是Optimus: Optimus is a technology from NVIDIA that helps Dell laptops improve performance and battery life by automatically switching between the built-in Intel GPU and the more powerful NVIDIA GPU。我的经验是:从7升到10以后,Windows updates一开始无法自动找到正确NVIDIA graphics drivers,连声音都出了问题有很多静电噪音(因为用的是NVIDIA audio drivers),后来经过几个月自动更新才变好。 但是升级到11,会慢得像蜗牛。
不需要几天,几天花都谢了。 》 怎么镜像任何重装到物理机器上?虚拟机倒是好弄 How to Clone a Drive Using Windows PE Have Windows PE on an external SSD and boot from it. Using the disk imaging software of your choice, perform a "disk to image" operation to clone the internal drive to an image. On the target PC, boot to Windows PE and perform an "image to disk" operation. Note: I don't go through Sysprep on home PCs; I just perform a straight cloning.
baidukaohe333 发表于 2025-01-07 03:13 不需要几天,几天花都谢了。 》 怎么镜像任何重装到物理机器上?虚拟机倒是好弄 How to Clone a Drive Using Windows PE Have Windows PE on an external SSD and boot from it. Using the disk imaging software of your choice, perform a "disk to image" operation to clone the internal drive to an image. On the target PC, boot to Windows PE and perform an "image to disk" operation. Note: I don't go through Sysprep on home PCs; I just perform a straight cloning.
一开始以为必须要8代或以后的Intel Core CPU加上TPM2.0才能升Win11,因为下载运行Microsoft PC Health Check是这么说的,但实际上在微软网站下载Win11 iso自己做成闪盘启动电脑以后,clean install根本就不在乎电脑用的是什么CPU以及电脑带TPM2.0还是较早的1.2还是根本就没有TPM,只要电脑UEFI里面有Secure Boot选项,哪怕没有在Secure Boot那项打勾,也照升不误,连网上说的CPU和TPM的registry hack都不需要。如果是很早的十几年前生产的电脑,BIOS只有MBR,没有UEFI,或者是十年前生产的电脑,BIOS刚刚从MBR改为UEFI但还没有加入Secure Boot选项,也不要紧,网上说把Win11 iso里面某个检测文件去掉就能顺利升级了。
升级到10,对性能基本无影响。不过十几年前的Dell工作站,graphics用的是Optimus: Optimus is a technology from NVIDIA that helps Dell laptops improve performance and battery life by automatically switching between the built-in Intel GPU and the more powerful NVIDIA GPU。我的经验是:从7升到10以后,Windows updates一开始无法自动找到正确NVIDIA graphics drivers,连声音都出了问题有很多静电噪音(因为用的是NVIDIA audio drivers),后来经过几个月自动更新才变好。
》 怎么镜像任何重装到物理机器上?虚拟机倒是好弄
How to Clone a Drive Using Windows PE Have Windows PE on an external SSD and boot from it. Using the disk imaging software of your choice, perform a "disk to image" operation to clone the internal drive to an image. On the target PC, boot to Windows PE and perform an "image to disk" operation. Note: I don't go through Sysprep on home PCs; I just perform a straight cloning.
我记得Best Buy和Micro Center的2位销售经理都说过,高端商用笔记本,Dell Latitude比HP EliteBook更耐用。
十几年以前IBM ThinkPad很好,但后来可能耐用性比Latitude/EliteBook差一点。
高端家用笔记本,Lenovo Yoga性价比非常高。当年Yoga刚推出第1代,我就怂恿一个我辅导的学生买了,可惜那个铰链在一年之内就折断了,虽然免费保修了,但学生说不会再买第二台Yoga。今年2025年Yoga已经是第7代了,我还在犹豫要不要给自己买一台,因为网评说铰链依然容易折断。