还说,如果现在的事情发生在我们邦,我们这些sons of soil被取代,我们会对这些公司进行血洗,会烧掉这些公司。 还说,他们公司的同事,有因为失业找不到工作自杀的,有无家可归的,有婚姻破裂的。 jos @Mjoshy25 I am an Indian Immigrant and now a US Citizen, also working in tech for decades, all I can say is in India there is "sons of soil" in every state and if their citizens are replaced by foreigners like what is happening in USA- there will be a blood bath and probably burn down these companies. CEOS and higher management gets billions of dollars as bonus on one side, corporates get record profit but then they force US Citizens to train foreign workers and let go...many of our colleague's are committing suicide after not being able to find a job- homelessness- broken marriages everything follow Job loss for years.....US companies get free access to US markets, get subsidies and bail out when they go bankrupt, they have a moral responsibility to hire unemployed American workers first but they use Americans as pones to collect resume, then their lawyers make fake cases that they tried to recruit Americans but could not find...Now percentage of American workers in tech is less than 15% and every year it goes down...already majority of entry level IT job is sent to India and only supervisory IT roles exist in USA for every 10 jobs in India there will be one person in USA- even for that One person, they bring someone from India on is a betrayal to Americans
I am an Indian Immigrant and now a US Citizen, also working in tech for decades, all I can say is in India there is "sons of soil" in every state and if their citizens are replaced by foreigners like what is happening in USA- there will be a blood bath and probably burn down… — jos (@Mjoshy25) January 4, 2025
“they use Americans as pones to collect resume, then their lawyers make fake cases that they tried to recruit Americans but could not find...” 他们造假编简历、编造本地招不到员工所以要从海外招已经众所周知了,收集利用本地人简历的事尽管很多人都知道,公开说出来的还是少。 很早就发现印度中介不可靠,一看印度中介理都不理。后来干脆连LinkedIn上面的工作内容都去掉了,只留公司名和Title,就是防这些人钻空子抄简历
Unionville 发表于 2025-01-05 11:10 “they use Americans as pones to collect resume, then their lawyers make fake cases that they tried to recruit Americans but could not find...” 他们造假编简历、编造本地招不到员工所以要从海外招已经众所周知了,收集利用本地人简历的事尽管很多人都知道,公开说出来的还是少。 很早就发现印度中介不可靠,一看印度中介理都不理。后来干脆连LinkedIn上面的工作内容都去掉了,只留公司名和Title,就是防这些人钻空子抄简历
操作方式和 Mexican Cartel 没什么区别。 A big shot employment attorney in California called me last night re: H1B visa fraud / trafficking of workers. Here’s what she said: The market is cornered by visa body shops who apply for ~50% of the visas. The economics of it: These body shops are headed by former hiring managers from Big Tech companies. They bring people to America, rent apartments for them, and house about 10 together in one apartment. They put these recipients through a ~4 week bootcamp of basic tech training, fraudulently rewrite their resumes, teach them how to interview. The body shops land them jobs, primarily at the companies these hiring managers came from, and pay the workers less than half of the money in hand. Ex. Job is listed as a $200k salary, but the company is contracted with the body shop *not* the H1B worker, and the worker is actually paid closer to $40 an hour. The body shops pocket most of the money and are making millions by essentially trafficking people. The abuse and fraud must end!
就是因为有你这种“天真主义者”,才有这种认为可以在美国放火的“美国人”。 看不懂吧,哈哈哈。 你到底是不是Maga口中所谓的美国人和你的法律身份有关吗?只和你的肤色有关。What kind of American are you? 这一句话问的话不够明白吗??? 究竟是我这么认为?还是白Maga这么执着的认为??? 人最难认清的是自己,最难认清自己在这个乱世里要面对的人,有这杀人放火血洗大厂的心,用错地方了,听得懂吗??? 真的听得懂吗???
Only 25% of American stem graduates able to find a job, even ivy league professors are complaining that their students with 4.0 GPA can't find job for months, im an Indian American with Masters degree and more than 15 years of data engineering experience, i am unable to find a… — jos (@Mjoshy25) January 6, 2025
还说,如果现在的事情发生在我们邦,我们这些sons of soil被取代,我们会对这些公司进行血洗,会烧掉这些公司。
jos @Mjoshy25 I am an Indian Immigrant and now a US Citizen, also working in tech for decades, all I can say is in India there is "sons of soil" in every state and if their citizens are replaced by foreigners like what is happening in USA- there will be a blood bath and probably burn down these companies. CEOS and higher management gets billions of dollars as bonus on one side, corporates get record profit but then they force US Citizens to train foreign workers and let go...many of our colleague's are committing suicide after not being able to find a job- homelessness- broken marriages everything follow Job loss for years.....US companies get free access to US markets, get subsidies and bail out when they go bankrupt, they have a moral responsibility to hire unemployed American workers first but they use Americans as pones to collect resume, then their lawyers make fake cases that they tried to recruit Americans but could not find...Now percentage of American workers in tech is less than 15% and every year it goes down...already majority of entry level IT job is sent to India and only supervisory IT roles exist in USA for every 10 jobs in India there will be one person in USA- even for that One person, they bring someone from India on is a betrayal to Americans
可惜他曾经是这里的被剥削entry level,管理十个entry的工签Supervisor,在白人眼里的十足印度人,在自己眼里的如假包换美国人。
放火?Sons of soil? 每个国家民族有自己的民族性,难怪印度是今天这个样子。
三抽不中H1的老印骂H1 abuse的老印,告洋状。 上船有身份的老印骂公司搬来visa老印取代他,还把工作搬去印度。号召要火烧大厂。
他是美国人,这样说很自然啊。没看出来他在“白人眼里是十足印度人“,只看出来在你眼里只有白人才是美国人。你这种人才是最racist 的
操作方式和 Mexican Cartel 没什么区别。 A big shot employment attorney in California called me last night re: H1B visa fraud / trafficking of workers. Here’s what she said:
The market is cornered by visa body shops who apply for ~50% of the visas.
The economics of it: These body shops are headed by former hiring managers from Big Tech companies. They bring people to America, rent apartments for them, and house about 10 together in one apartment.
They put these recipients through a ~4 week bootcamp of basic tech training, fraudulently rewrite their resumes, teach them how to interview.
The body shops land them jobs, primarily at the companies these hiring managers came from, and pay the workers less than half of the money in hand.
Ex. Job is listed as a $200k salary, but the company is contracted with the body shop *not* the H1B worker, and the worker is actually paid closer to $40 an hour.
The body shops pocket most of the money and are making millions by essentially trafficking people.
The abuse and fraud must end!
你到底是不是Maga口中所谓的美国人和你的法律身份有关吗?只和你的肤色有关。What kind of American are you? 这一句话问的话不够明白吗???
他就是自认美国人,完全不认为自己会被反问What kind of American are you?