回复 1楼 公用甲马天 的帖子 对,就连一般被认为不可能被外包的桥梁维修都外包了。比如2002-2013年的Eastern span replacement of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge In contrast, China, where the SAS deck components (including the massive cable, key sections of the iconic tower and deck) were built by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company, has low cost materials producers. Other major components were produced in Japan, owing to the availability of large steel casting, welding, and machining capabilities. Suspender saddles were made in England. 相比之下,中国的材料生产商成本较低,SAS 桥面组件(包括巨大的电缆、标志性塔和桥面的关键部分)由上海振华重工集团制造。其他主要部件在日本生产,因为日本拥有大型钢铸件、焊接和机加工能力。吊索鞍座在英国制造。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_span_replacement_of_the_San_Francisco%E2%80%93Oakland_Bay_Bridge#Bidding_and_initial_construction
对,就连一般被认为不可能被外包的桥梁维修都外包了。比如2002-2013年的Eastern span replacement of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge
In contrast, China, where the SAS deck components (including the massive cable, key sections of the iconic tower and deck) were built by Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company, has low cost materials producers. Other major components were produced in Japan, owing to the availability of large steel casting, welding, and machining capabilities. Suspender saddles were made in England. 相比之下,中国的材料生产商成本较低,SAS 桥面组件(包括巨大的电缆、标志性塔和桥面的关键部分)由上海振华重工集团制造。其他主要部件在日本生产,因为日本拥有大型钢铸件、焊接和机加工能力。吊索鞍座在英国制造。
关键是关税得到的钱,会不会返回到消费者(普通老百姓)手中,这样就抵消了物价上涨的负面影响。估计川普是想通过减税来分发关税带来的好处。高进口关税和低收入税,是川普经济学的两个大棒。说穿了,就是自循环,资本跑出去了(外包),那你也别想在我这里赚钱。但效果如何,go see啦…
outsoursing 无解。 这是资本逐利的必然结果。 政府也没什么好办法, 也许可以调整海外收入的企业税。
各种选择都是加强政府在经济中的影响力, 最终都会导致资本的消亡, 社会主义的兴起。