Poll: 60% of Americans Says U.S. Does Not Need Any More H-1B Visa Workers https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/27/poll-60-of-americans-says-u-s-does-not-need-any-more-h-1b-visa-workers/ https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/americans-say-us-doesn-t-need-more-foreigners/ar-AA1wMLS4 The majority of likely American voters says the United States does not need any more foreign H-1B visa workers to fill white-collar jobs, a new poll finds. A Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that 6-in-10 Americans say the U.S. “already has enough talented people to train and recruit” for white-collar jobs when asked whether Congress should increase the inflow of foreign workers, primarily those arriving through the H-1B visa program.
Breitbart新闻的标题的确是你说的那个意思:60%的受访者认为不应该再有H1B了。 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/27/poll-60-of-americans-says-u-s-does-not-need-any-more-h-1b-visa-workers/ 但是原始的Rasmussen Survey的问题是“Should Congress increase the number of foreign workers taking higher-skill U.S. jobs or does the country already have enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs?” 似乎问的还是要不要增加H1B名额。 该问题下面还有一问“In terms of the effect on the overall quality of life in the United States, do you favor continuing this level of immigration-driven population growth, slowing down immigration-driven population growth or having no immigration-driven population growth at” 回答保持现状的占28%,认为应该减缓移民带来的人口增长的占44%,认为应该不要有移民带来的人口增长的占18%,不确定的占10%。 https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/immigration_index/crosstabs_rasmussen_reports_immigration_index_novermber_25_2024
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/27/poll-60-of-americans-says-u-s-does-not-need-any-more-h-1b-visa-workers/ https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/americans-say-us-doesn-t-need-more-foreigners/ar-AA1wMLS4
The majority of likely American voters says the United States does not need any more foreign H-1B visa workers to fill white-collar jobs, a new poll finds. A Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that 6-in-10 Americans say the U.S. “already has enough talented people to train and recruit” for white-collar jobs when asked whether Congress should increase the inflow of foreign workers, primarily those arriving through the H-1B visa program.
H1B 都反对,更别想敞开绿卡大门了。而且绿卡向来按国籍分配,不太可能为烙印网开一面。
不可能的,X上一吵吵,给美国人科普了是老印在Abuse H1B,对烙印深恶痛绝,绝对不会取消国别Cap的
我也在疑惑我英文出了啥问题,any more….
Breitbart新闻的标题的确是你说的那个意思:60%的受访者认为不应该再有H1B了。 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/12/27/poll-60-of-americans-says-u-s-does-not-need-any-more-h-1b-visa-workers/
但是原始的Rasmussen Survey的问题是“Should Congress increase the number of foreign workers taking higher-skill U.S. jobs or does the country already have enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs?” 似乎问的还是要不要增加H1B名额。
该问题下面还有一问“In terms of the effect on the overall quality of life in the United States, do you favor continuing this level of immigration-driven population growth, slowing down immigration-driven population growth or having no immigration-driven population growth at” 回答保持现状的占28%,认为应该减缓移民带来的人口增长的占44%,认为应该不要有移民带来的人口增长的占18%,不确定的占10%。
H1-B abuse的根源到底在哪里?
正确的做法我觉得应该仿效类似加拿大的技术移民, 每年自由控制名额就好了。 h1b 由公司负责,确实很容易 abuse.
如果root cause不解决,大量的H1B也会被印度人abuse,反而不利于吸引真正的人才(印度人有不错的人才,但滥竽充数的太多)