BREAKING: Trump said "we need a lot of people coming in." A reporter asked: Why did you change your mind on H1B visas? Trump said: I didn’t change my mind. I always felt we have to have the most competent people in our country. We need competent people. We need smart people coming into our country. We need a lot of people coming in. We’re going to have jobs like we’ve never had before
几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他 “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他 “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
wwloib 发表于 2024-12-31 22:22 BREAKING: Trump said "we need a lot of people coming in." A reporter asked: Why did you change your mind on H1B visas? Trump said: I didn’t change my mind. I always felt we have to have the most competent people in our country. We need competent people. We need smart people coming into our country. We need a lot of people coming in. We’re going to have jobs like we’ve never had before
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
weisji 发表于 2024-12-31 22:32 几年前,也是他,到底该信哪次说的? “H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
where is the source? trump在podcast all-in 上说过,他支持给取得美国大学学位的外国人直接发放绿卡。他的移民立场没变过。 极右翼如班农早就被边缘化了,他的话谁信谁傻。 至于在x上的辩论。这就是民主本主好不好!
回复 38楼 hr717 的帖子 yeah, where is the source? I also remember Trump said he supports giving green card to foreign students obtained degrees in US. We all know H1B visa is being abused. The point is to not using H1B as a way for cheaper labor(tech worker). This was not an obvious issue since US needs large quatities of tech workers. But now US univ. poping out larger volumes of gradudates and also IT job shrinking, it is becoming obvious.
原本的Rasmussen Survey的问题是 “Should Congress increase the number of foreign workers taking higher-skill U.S. jobs or does the country already have enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs?” 似乎确实是问国会要不要增加H1B。不过这个用词也很模糊。
A reporter asked: Why did you change your mind on H1B visas?
Trump said: I didn’t change my mind. I always felt we have to have the most competent people in our country. We need competent people. We need smart people coming into our country. We need a lot of people coming in. We’re going to have jobs like we’ve never had before
“H1B is very very bad for our workers. It’s very bad for business. It’s bad for our workers. It’s unfair for our workers. And we should end it.”
政客的嘴 谁信谁傻 最傻的就是一群把川普当神一样跪拜的
这个孩子还小,能让他装, 别的都大了,稀罕理他这个爹,觉得他不够丢人的。
不支持中國人引進中國人 賣力賣命
以前看过一个剧,恺撒每次出门开会,除了卫队都要带一个有声誉的平民随身跟着他,这样刺客就不会刺杀他,因为怕伤到这个平民。然后有一天平民半路被间谍透露妻子出轨,一气之下从队伍里走了,恺撒当天有急事,就没派人去追他,结果刚进议会,涌上来一群人,拿起刀刷刷刷把恺撒捅死了。 所以这小孩就是老马的铜墙铁壁吧,相当于天然护脖、护耳、护脑袋。心脏应该有防弹衣。很考验狙击手啊
Didn't change 哪一次的mind?
Most competent people in our country 已经rule out 现在大多数的H1B了
你自己多看看历史,哪有这么简单,坏事都是共产党在后面捣乱 1936年3月,张到洛川与李克农会谈,对其他问题谈得很顺利,很快取得一致意见;唯独在对蒋态度问题上双方意见相左,谁也没有说服谁[5]:426。李克农一一作回答,但在联合蒋和进军路线上没有取得一致意见;李克农表示:“张将军的意见,我们可以向党中央报告。 3月16日,李克农到石楼向中国共产党中央汇报洛川会谈情况;中央立即决定周为代表到肤施同张谈判,李克农也同去[3]:18。3月27日会议上,毛泽东谈到与张谈判问题时,仍坚持反日与反蒋不可分离[5]:4 4月9日,周与张在肤施会谈[5]:426。周问张:“怎么张伯苓是你的老师?”;张说:“过去我抽大烟、打吗啡,是听了张伯苓劝告后戒除的,因此拜张伯苓为师。”[3]:23张是当时最早接受中国共产党抗日民族统一战线主张之中国国民党将军,已和红军秘密达成停战、通商等协议。 中国共产党代表刘鼎住在张公馆里,令木匠出身涂胜华做一部一百瓦电台于这天做好[7]:61。刘鼎致电周,说“全西北蒋张对立已成不可掩饰的事实”[7]:61。午夜过后,张率其重要将领和幕僚来到新城大楼,和杨将在此指挥兵谏[5]:583
民调出来了,60% 的美国人反对继续增加H1, 估计最后的结果就是取消绿卡的国籍cap。背后的印度势力有两个诉求取消每年H1 的限额和取消绿卡的国籍限额。前者这么一闹阻力太大,后者美国人也不关心。
where is the source?
trump在podcast all-in 上说过,他支持给取得美国大学学位的外国人直接发放绿卡。他的移民立场没变过。
这是摘自 杨奎松 的 西安事变新探?
也没说抓蒋 是 周鼓动张去干的呀。
yeah, where is the source? I also remember Trump said he supports giving green card to foreign students obtained degrees in US. We all know H1B visa is being abused. The point is to not using H1B as a way for cheaper labor(tech worker). This was not an obvious issue since US needs large quatities of tech workers. But now US univ. poping out larger volumes of gradudates and also IT job shrinking, it is becoming obvious.
你的翻译: 60% 的美国人反对继续增加H1 正确的翻译: 60% 的美国人反对继续H1
你说对了,这次左右和各种族裔都站在一个立场,就是需要尽量把美国的工作留给美国人,最起码要马上停止abuse h1b和outsource工作到印度。奉劝某些傻川粉看清楚到底是谁和谁的矛盾,别傻乎乎无脑跟着川普支持印度人。
原本的Rasmussen Survey的问题是 “Should Congress increase the number of foreign workers taking higher-skill U.S. jobs or does the country already have enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs?”