最近后知后觉看了几个访谈AMD CEO Lisa Su的视频, 惊讶的是她看起来听起来 完全没有华人的印象, 都像白人, 如果不知道她的名字和她的背景,说是白人也完全可以. 问题是她并不是混血儿,也没有高级刻意的化妆,只是干练的花白头发短发造型. 言行举止都完全是本土美国人样子. 相比之下tiktok CEO 虽然新加坡人, 言行举止和口音 都是华人的样子. Lisa 三岁才来美国,父母都是台湾人,从小家里大概也都说中文, 很多abc二代虽然完全美国出生长大也明显有口音. 这是为什么?
Lisa Tzwu-Fang Su was born in November[15] of 1969[7][2] in Tainan, Taiwan. She was born in a Taiwanese Hokkien speaking family.[16] She immigrated to the United States[2] at the age of 3 with her parents Su Chun-hwai (蘇春槐) and Sandy Lo (羅淑雅).[15][1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Su
英国的public school 都教Received pronunciation. 我身边的一个英国同事,public school 毕业。说地就是received pronunciation. “Received Pronunciation (RP), standard speech used in London and southeastern England. It has traditionally been associated with the middle and upper classes and as a mark of public school education.”
percipient64 发表于 2024-12-29 14:19 英国的public school 都教Received pronunciation. 我身边的一个英国同事,public school 毕业。说地就是received pronunciation. “Received Pronunciation (RP), standard speech used in London and southeastern England. It has traditionally been associated with the middle and upper classes and as a mark of public school education.”
英国的public school不等于公校 要交钱的。 伊顿也是public school。 received pronouncetion确实是英国最posh的口音了
percipient64 发表于 2024-12-29 14:19 英国的public school 都教Received pronunciation. 我身边的一个英国同事,public school 毕业。说地就是received pronunciation. “Received Pronunciation (RP), standard speech used in London and southeastern England. It has traditionally been associated with the middle and upper classes and as a mark of public school education.”
percipient64 发表于 2024-12-29 14:19 英国的public school 都教Received pronunciation. 我身边的一个英国同事,public school 毕业。说地就是received pronunciation. “Received Pronunciation (RP), standard speech used in London and southeastern England. It has traditionally been associated with the middle and upper classes and as a mark of public school education.”
Lisa Tzwu-Fang Su was born in November[15] of 1969[7][2] in Tainan, Taiwan. She was born in a Taiwanese Hokkien speaking family.[16] She immigrated to the United States[2] at the age of 3 with her parents Su Chun-hwai (蘇春槐) and Sandy Lo (羅淑雅).[15][1]
她本科到博士都是MIT EE
她两三岁来的 跟ABC没什么区别
美国其实口音阶级化不算很明显了,在英国才是,精英,中产和working class有鸿沟,然后突破阶级上了牛建的孩子也有自己特有的posh口音, 叫做received pronounceation。
英国的public school 都教Received pronunciation. 我身边的一个英国同事,public school 毕业。说地就是received pronunciation.
“Received Pronunciation (RP), standard speech used in London and southeastern England. It has traditionally been associated with the middle and upper classes and as a mark of public school education.”
英国的public school不等于公校 要交钱的。 伊顿也是public school。 received pronouncetion确实是英国最posh的口音了
英国的public school就是私校啊 公立叫state school
我想你是对的。 楼上的也对。 人确实不能望文生意。合着我同事还是upper class.
英国的public school是private school,grammar school才是真正公立磁校
对,是表舅,英文是cousin once removed
那么大名鼎鼎的伊顿公学其实是私校?这似乎更make sense。当时我还挺奇怪公学来着。