我跟一同事聊天,那时候英语也不好,她说很久前去过北京,我说了句:you should visit Beijing again, Beijing has changed a lot. 她明显不爽了,回了句: what has changed except more pollution. 我惊呆了不知如何回答。 同事年纪长我挺多,不是开玩笑,明显挑衅的回复。 后来想了一下是不是英语里不能说人 you should do sth? 还是这人有病? 顺便问一下这种语境怎么说/用什么词最合适
密码是mima12345 发表于 2024-12-29 07:05 我跟一同事聊天,那时候英语也不好,她说很久前去过北京,我说了句:you should visit Beijing again, Beijing has changed a lot. 她明显不爽了,回了句: what has changed except more pollution. 我惊呆了不知如何回答。 后来想了一下是不是英语里不能说人 you should do sth? 还是这人有病? 顺便问一下这种语境怎么说/用什么词最合适
你们全是一帮子歪果仁在乱摸人家的英语大象,自己去看看下面Chat GPT的回答和我说的有啥不同 我问Telling someone about a good restaurant and tell him he should try the food there, does the should sound rude? GPT答 No, saying someone “should try the food” at a restaurant is not typically considered rude. It often conveys enthusiasm and a friendly recommendation. The tone and context matter, though. For example: • Friendly: “You should try the food there! It’s amazing!” (This shows excitement and encouragement.) • Forceful: “You should try the food there.” (With emphasis, it might sound a bit pushy.) If you’re concerned about sounding too direct, you can soften it by saying: • “I highly recommend trying the food there!” • “You might really enjoy the food at that place.” These alternatives maintain a polite and inviting tone.
密码是mima12345 发表于 2024-12-29 07:05 我跟一同事聊天,那时候英语也不好,她说很久前去过北京,我说了句:you should visit Beijing again, Beijing has changed a lot. 她明显不爽了,回了句: what has changed except more pollution. 我惊呆了不知如何回答。 同事年纪长我挺多,不是开玩笑,明显挑衅的回复。 后来想了一下是不是英语里不能说人 you should do sth? 还是这人有病? 顺便问一下这种语境怎么说/用什么词最合适
you might or you probably could 会好很多。youshould太命令式
后来想了一下是不是英语里不能说人 you should do sth? 还是这人有病? 顺便问一下这种语境怎么说/用什么词最合适
you should有啥问题,you should 好好学习英语。
除了和自己孩子说话, 请不要用SHOULD, 有些命令的意思!
最好还是客气的说, YOU CAN TRY! 否则有点命令的意思, 而不是建议一下
或者你可以说 you might want?
我也觉得这里不好用should, If you visit Beijing again, you might find it change a lot.
楼主那么说话的时候,态度有问题的可能性很小。 对方那么说话的时候,明显态度的问题都让楼主感觉到了。。。
If you’re concerned about sounding too direct, you can soften it by saying: • “I highly recommend trying the food there!” • “You might really enjoy the food at that place.”
These alternatives maintain a polite and inviting tone.
you might or you probably could 会好很多。youshould太命令式
对的,比如 you should totally try this cake!! 你吃也罢不吃也罢我这么说一点问题也没有
自己用了不礼貌的词反而义正词严地指责别人不体谅你是native speaker?