Pratik Wagh | H1B FRAUD EXPOSED My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair. I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials Science and Engineering,and upon graduation in 2014 i applied to @SpaceX only to get rejected after two rounds of interview on the basis of nationality. They really wanted me because of my skills but there are some regulations called ITAR which prevents SpaceX from hiring foreign nationals. UNDERSTANDABLE. Then I went on to work for Oil and Gas companies who would file for my H1B. I had 3 attempt to win the lottery (YES it is a damn lottery!). Guess what, i never won it. Then the manager from SpaceX who really wanted to hire me, had started a non-profit by 2016 and wanted to file for my H1B. Twice. That’s when i learned, non-profits don’t have a lottery. They are evaluated on case by case basis. Lucky me right? WRONG. The non-profit was too small for them to sponsor H1Bs. Besides the govt funds should create employment for citizens and not foreigners. UNDERSTANDABLE. So after 5 failed attempts, i decided to move back to India. Meanwhile my friends/acquaintances had already won the lottery and were working in the US. HOW DID THEY WIN THE LOTTERY AND I DIDN’T? Enter: Consultancy firms. These are run by unknown Indians, from their kitchens and basements, selling H1Bs. What???? Yes, they fabricate and spice up your resume, so you can qualify for these high skilled jobs, they interview on your behalf, and land you the job. In return they take 30% of your salary Y1, 20% Y2 etc. Yeah but how do they win the lottery? Clearly that can’t be rigged? Yes it can. They put in 3-5 applications PER candidate so that your probability of getting picked increases. WOW. 🤯 Then Pratik, why didn’t you do it? Because it means you need to work for whatever employer gets picked in the lottery. I didn’t want to JUST WORK in US, I wanted to work and contribute to the right employers. I would rather be in India and start by own company than work in the US with a fake resume. The crazy thing is my acquaintances who couldn’t actually do the work because they were faking resumes, ended up outsourcing their work remotely to folks in India. WOW 🤯 Objectively I was more deserving of the H1B than these losers who faked resume, rigged the lottery, gave away part of their salary to the consultancy and part to actual folks in india doing their job remotely, and when they didn’t have enough $ to survive in the US, they worked as pizza delivery guys for cash. No Indian can argue that this is the utmost form of cheating and taking jobs from Americans. And taking jobs from other more deserving Indians who didn’t play this game. To close, I am not generalizing that this is rampant among all H1B holders. There are many who won the lottery and deserve it. But i think the rigging is more common than most know. I know at least 3 who have done it. Unfortunately my reach is limited on X so this might get lost. But hopefully it gets noticed. I will be here if you are interested in more details. @VivekGRamaswamy @elonmusk @DOGE @LauraLoomer
My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair.
I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials… — Pratik Wagh 🛡️| (@itspratikwagh) December 27, 2024
索楠嘉措 发表于 2024-12-29 00:18 Pratik Wagh | H1B FRAUD EXPOSED My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair. I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials Science and Engineering,and upon graduation in 2014 i applied to @SpaceX only to get rejected after two rounds of interview on the basis of nationality. They really wanted me because of my skills but there are some regulations called ITAR which prevents SpaceX from hiring foreign nationals. UNDERSTANDABLE. Then I went on to work for Oil and Gas companies who would file for my H1B. I had 3 attempt to win the lottery (YES it is a damn lottery!). Guess what, i never won it. Then the manager from SpaceX who really wanted to hire me, had started a non-profit by 2016 and wanted to file for my H1B. Twice. That’s when i learned, non-profits don’t have a lottery. They are evaluated on case by case basis. Lucky me right? WRONG. The non-profit was too small for them to sponsor H1Bs. Besides the govt funds should create employment for citizens and not foreigners. UNDERSTANDABLE. So after 5 failed attempts, i decided to move back to India. Meanwhile my friends/acquaintances had already won the lottery and were working in the US. HOW DID THEY WIN THE LOTTERY AND I DIDN’T? Enter: Consultancy firms. These are run by unknown Indians, from their kitchens and basements, selling H1Bs. What???? Yes, they fabricate and spice up your resume, so you can qualify for these high skilled jobs, they interview on your behalf, and land you the job. In return they take 30% of your salary Y1, 20% Y2 etc. Yeah but how do they win the lottery? Clearly that can’t be rigged? Yes it can. They put in 3-5 applications PER candidate so that your probability of getting picked increases. WOW. 🤯 Then Pratik, why didn’t you do it? Because it means you need to work for whatever employer gets picked in the lottery. I didn’t want to JUST WORK in US, I wanted to work and contribute to the right employers. I would rather be in India and start by own company than work in the US with a fake resume. The crazy thing is my acquaintances who couldn’t actually do the work because they were faking resumes, ended up outsourcing their work remotely to folks in India. WOW 🤯 Objectively I was more deserving of the H1B than these losers who faked resume, rigged the lottery, gave away part of their salary to the consultancy and part to actual folks in india doing their job remotely, and when they didn’t have enough $ to survive in the US, they worked as pizza delivery guys for cash. No Indian can argue that this is the utmost form of cheating and taking jobs from Americans. And taking jobs from other more deserving Indians who didn’t play this game. To close, I am not generalizing that this is rampant among all H1B holders. There are many who won the lottery and deserve it. But i think the rigging is more common than most know. I know at least 3 who have done it. Unfortunately my reach is limited on X so this might get lost. But hopefully it gets noticed. I will be here if you are interested in more details. @VivekGRamaswamy @elonmusk @DOGE @LauraLoomer
My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair.
I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials… — Pratik Wagh 🛡️| (@itspratikwagh) December 27, 2024
My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair.
I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials Science and Engineering,and upon graduation in 2014 i applied to @SpaceX only to get rejected after two rounds of interview on the basis of nationality. They really wanted me because of my skills but there are some regulations called ITAR which prevents SpaceX from hiring foreign nationals. UNDERSTANDABLE.
Then I went on to work for Oil and Gas companies who would file for my H1B. I had 3 attempt to win the lottery (YES it is a damn lottery!). Guess what, i never won it. Then the manager from SpaceX who really wanted to hire me, had started a non-profit by 2016 and wanted to file for my H1B. Twice. That’s when i learned, non-profits don’t have a lottery. They are evaluated on case by case basis. Lucky me right? WRONG. The non-profit was too small for them to sponsor H1Bs. Besides the govt funds should create employment for citizens and not foreigners. UNDERSTANDABLE.
So after 5 failed attempts, i decided to move back to India. Meanwhile my friends/acquaintances had already won the lottery and were working in the US.
Enter: Consultancy firms.
These are run by unknown Indians, from their kitchens and basements, selling H1Bs. What???? Yes, they fabricate and spice up your resume, so you can qualify for these high skilled jobs, they interview on your behalf, and land you the job. In return they take 30% of your salary Y1, 20% Y2 etc.
Yeah but how do they win the lottery? Clearly that can’t be rigged? Yes it can. They put in 3-5 applications PER candidate so that your probability of getting picked increases. WOW. 🤯
Then Pratik, why didn’t you do it? Because it means you need to work for whatever employer gets picked in the lottery. I didn’t want to JUST WORK in US, I wanted to work and contribute to the right employers. I would rather be in India and start by own company than work in the US with a fake resume.
The crazy thing is my acquaintances who couldn’t actually do the work because they were faking resumes, ended up outsourcing their work remotely to folks in India. WOW 🤯
Objectively I was more deserving of the H1B than these losers who faked resume, rigged the lottery, gave away part of their salary to the consultancy and part to actual folks in india doing their job remotely, and when they didn’t have enough $ to survive in the US, they worked as pizza delivery guys for cash.
No Indian can argue that this is the utmost form of cheating and taking jobs from Americans. And taking jobs from other more deserving Indians who didn’t play this game.
To close, I am not generalizing that this is rampant among all H1B holders. There are many who won the lottery and deserve it. But i think the rigging is more common than most know. I know at least 3 who have done it.
Unfortunately my reach is limited on X so this might get lost. But hopefully it gets noticed. I will be here if you are interested in more details. @VivekGRamaswamy @elonmusk @DOGE @LauraLoomer
1. 公司H1人数CAP, 比如一个公司最多给300个名额 2. 公司里的H1外籍员工比例CAP.,比如最多可以占10%的比例,想要100个外国人工作, 就要有1000人规模。 3 国别也要象公司一样有CAP, 一个国家最多可以有多少个H1, 或者最多多少比例,比如6%或者1000人。 4.防止多重提交:申请的直接2000块不退钱,成功的再交2000块。 凡是提交人姓名+生日如果重复的,直接取消资格。
真正货真价实靠自己的highly skilled 移民,我觉得美国任何时候都应该欢迎。关键的是要打击这些靠作假拿到H1B 这些人,堵住这波漏洞。
先上车的想关车门。上不了车的想拉人下车。这两种心态都常见,未必是因为integrity 和正义cause
不是每个国家名额有限制 是不能超过总数的7% 中国印度菲律宾申请的人多 所以排期长
希望总一天正义会回来! 那些走线进来的(来了8个月在洛杉矶郊外做铁板烧师傅) 也是最近拿了工卡, 开始美国打工生涯! 他也没有花几万在美国拿学位 或准备一大沓材料去申请 H1B, 被拒还得补充材料!世界总会要有公平在!!
是犹太人,华尔街的犹太巨富发现印度阿三是世界上最会舔的奴才(拜英国殖民印度300年所赐),所以 犹-印 联合形成了打击包括白人,华人等所有种族的坚固架构:犹太主子 >> 印度奴才当管家 >>下面其余各的种族都是它们”会说话的工具“ - 奴隶!
我身边也有这样的,整天被其他印度人排挤说他not being an Indian
没有啊, 只是觉得真的不常见。
这个一点都不理解,用ssn dedup有那么难吗,感觉美国政府机构真是无比臃肿低效