BREAKING: Donald Trump has told NYP that he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk. “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump.
ddkkll 发表于 2024-12-28 15:09 BREAKING: Donald Trump has told NYP that he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk. “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump.
感觉啥也没有说啊,Elon是要increase the cap, 另一边是要取消,川普的意思是保持现状?
I’m pretty sure the deal went like this—@elonmusk to Trump:
“I’ll keep your orange ass out of prison and buy you a presidency, but after that, I’m the boss. And if you even THINK about crossing me, I’ll drop receipts so hard you’ll wish you stayed on The Apprentice. — Mario 🇺🇸🇵🇱🇺🇦🇪🇺 (@PawlowskiMario) December 28, 2024
Miller is just saying that H1B’s should be granted on the basis of merit, not randomly or to get cheap labor. What’s wrong with that? — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 28, 2024
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’ President-elect Trump told The Post Saturday he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the roiling intra-MAGA debate on the issue. “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.
In 2016 Trump said the H-1B program “shouldn’t exist” because it is “very unfair for (American) workers.” Now in 2024, under the influence of Silicon Valley donors, Trump says he used and supports H-1B. This is the definition of selling out.
马斯克拼了!战斗到最后一滴血 America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth. I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity.
misscoke 发表于 2024-12-28 22:00 马斯克拼了!战斗到最后一滴血 America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth. I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity.
Steve Bannon on Elon Musk: This guy lives on government contracts and taxpayer subsidies…You’re not even an American, all you are is a globalist. You would take a check from Adolph Hitler.
funnier 发表于 2024-12-28 23:16 Steve Bannon on Elon Musk: This guy lives on government contracts and taxpayer subsidies…You’re not even an American, all you are is a globalist. You would take a check from Adolph Hitler.
Well, he just wrote many checks to the US version adolf hitler
Elon Musk已经答应改革H1B program了。 Post See new posts Conversation Elon Musk @elonmusk
Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically. I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.
funnier 发表于 2024-12-28 23:16 Steve Bannon on Elon Musk: This guy lives on government contracts and taxpayer subsidies…You’re not even an American, all you are is a globalist. You would take a check from Adolph Hitler.
“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump.
感觉啥也没有说啊,Elon是要increase the cap, 另一边是要取消,川普的意思是保持现状?
maga base反移民从来都不是基于legal status以及skill 是他们无法容忍越来越多的非白人进入美国
咋整 这个世界就是全球化竞争 没有办法的
对, Great Replacement 本身就是指的白人被取代! 美国发展的再好,和白人没什么关系了,有鸟用? 这是纯血白maga最基本的思考逻辑和出发点。
你懂不懂现实啊?很多美国公司,纯美国公司,不需要博士,甚至不需要硕士,只需要熟练工,摘棉花的熟练工, 冻得哆哆嗦嗦在雪道前查票的南美季节工?
对,那个白人女主持就面对面对微微可说,你说的都对,但我们不会支持你,因为你是印度人! 在电视上,公开说。
who cares! 都是该死的移民
Trump supports immigration visas backed by Musk: ‘I have many H-1B visas on my properties’
President-elect Trump told The Post Saturday he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the roiling intra-MAGA debate on the issue.
“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.
是的,与此同时,私立大学的学费将持续增长中产不仅考不上考上了还付不起,公立大学的教育将因经费不足持续恶化,美国中产的孩子们卷到头来还找不到像样的工作买不起房子只能啃老, we are so screwed
你的意思是他应该反对H1B visa? 我不能理解,虽然我公民很多年了
那他们就得像Vivek 说的那样好好学习卷数理化 也是一条出路呀
这不就是小肯尼迪说的,有川普可以恨,关心政策做什么。刚在哪儿瞅了一眼,说大选后美国人不再关心政治了。本版一如大选之前一般保持着和美国社会的割裂。看这架势,未来四年川普政府任何政策,都足以让Never Trump再度亢奋起来,就是小心一点,骂的时候别误伤友军。可以先慢一点,等等主媒的风向。不过主媒最近也比较懵,经常没法自圆其说。
现在废除H1B显然是不对的。但MUSK不是支持H1B, 而是要UNCAP H1B,显然也要反对。
至于TRUMP, 没人知道他现在是哪一边的。
你加油尽量傻卷你自己和你娃, 顺便提醒你,美国的私立学校不便宜,卷完了找不到工作可不要哭惨啊
这种理论是不是也是上层白人忽悠底层白人用的? 一个普通白人, 只要美国越强对他们越有利, 而不是只有红脖子的美国. 和用爱国主义来忽悠普通人差不多.
America rose to greatness over the past 150 years, because it was a meritocracy more than anywhere else on Earth. I will fight to my last drop of blood to ensure that it remains that land of freedom and opportunity.
musk可能不知道h1b如何被印度人abuse的吧。x现在留下的多半都是真正的人才,可是现在大部分H1b印度人大概率比不上美国的本科生 。
北美的原著居民是印第安土著,据说祖宗是东亚人移民。没白人什么事。白人的祖先靠杀人掠夺来的。 中国整天收复台湾,为什么不收复美国?
可怜天下父母心。社会阶级流动或许可以减缓一时,却不可阻断。 大选至今所有的drama可以说是“每个人每张票看的都是自己的三瓜两枣”。
不知道你在表达什么。他支持H1B 又错了?
这是有病吧, 川普不支持移民是自私, 是选他的人上车就关门, 川普支持合法移民也是自私, 选他的人不考虑自己的后代。 难道你这不是上车关门?
Well, he just wrote many checks to the US version adolf hitler
啥意思?为啥孩子会死在战场?trump 不是不喜欢打仗? 为啥会996?
See new posts Conversation Elon Musk
Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically.
I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.
想得美啊,uncap 只会导致印度人不受控制地涌入美国,到时候沙滩拉屎估计加州海滩也可以看到了。 先有防止h1b abuse 政策就位,再谈uncap