Elon Musk will destroy the SWE job markethttps://www.teamblind.com/post/Elon-Musk-will-destroy-the-SWE-job-market-sfbgtSM5 After he convinces Trump to uncap the H1B program, runaway legal immigration from the 3 billion populations of India and China will destroy the SWE market. With an unlimited supply of subservient workers, quarterly layoffs and stacked ranking will be the norm across tech. Even existing H1B holders won''t be spared as they''ll need to compete with the new flood of H1Bs. It will be a race to the bottom where H1Bs will work 996 until they burn out and get deported back to their home country, followed by a new H1B batch who will repeat the cycle. If you''re an H1B holder and you support this, you are signing your own death warrant. Unless you''re top 1% in a very niche domain, you''ll be replaced. US citizens are cooked. I''ll personally hang my SWE hat and finally get a job that doesn''t force me to sit on my ass all day.
Alex Cole @acnewsitics · 12h Rich MAGA: College education is woke! MAGA: YAY!!! We hate college! Rich MAGA: We have to hire educated foreigners because you MFs are too dumb! MAGA: Wait What???
After he convinces Trump to uncap the H1B program, runaway legal immigration from the 3 billion populations of India and China will destroy the SWE market. With an unlimited supply of subservient workers, quarterly layoffs and stacked ranking will be the norm across tech. Even existing H1B holders won''t be spared as they''ll need to compete with the new flood of H1Bs. It will be a race to the bottom where H1Bs will work 996 until they burn out and get deported back to their home country, followed by a new H1B batch who will repeat the cycle.
If you''re an H1B holder and you support this, you are signing your own death warrant. Unless you''re top 1% in a very niche domain, you''ll be replaced. US citizens are cooked. I''ll personally hang my SWE hat and finally get a job that doesn''t force me to sit on my ass all day.
对于技术移民来说,H1b不是bottle neck,找工作才是bottle neck。大多数有工作的,实在抽不到也去加拿大曲线救国了
当有大量H1b 廉价劳力的时候,即使是美国公民,也会被放倒。
1,先整一堆廉价H1B劳工力,互相卷,压低成本,同时推高AI 泡沫, 2,再整个经济危机,刺破泡沫。 3, 然后煽动仇恨,都是这些新来的廉价H1B的错,新的“排华法案”就重新应运而生。
感觉真的UNCAP, 会导致海量印度人涌进来,有点2025恐怖片的感觉了。。
Alex Cole @acnewsitics · 12h Rich MAGA: College education is woke!
MAGA: YAY!!! We hate college!
Rich MAGA: We have to hire educated foreigners because you MFs are too dumb!
MAGA: Wait What???
Musk要uncap就uncap啦,他又不是总统。川普的竞选口号不是美国人工作优先吗?都被H1B replace了美国人还有什麽工作?
肯定都是印度人拿到h1b配额啊,老川刚刚任命的白宫科技策略顾问那个烙印就是一直以来呼吁去除绿卡国别限额,加快印度排期的。加上这个h1b uncap和各行各业的印度ceo一起努力,烙印以后找工作来美国申请h1b转绿卡一条龙速成服务,没有任何阻碍。
H1B如果uncap放开, 必然印度人要象加拿大一样泛滥。 美国真的会好日无边。