Russia Says It Has Shot Down A US-Made F-16 Over Ukraine by Tyler Durden Thursday, Dec 26, 2024 - 02:30 PM Moscow is claiming that its forces have downed a US-made F-16 aircraft given to Ukraine just as the warplane was preparing to launch a missile strike from over a southeast region of the country. "The F-16 aircraft was in position to launch a missile strike on the region, and it was shot down," TASS reports Thursday. The alleged downing has not been acknowledged by Ukraine, the Pentagon, or any outside entity. State-run RT has also described that "One of the F-16 jets donated to Ukraine by NATO has reportedly been downed while attempting to launch missiles at Russia’s Zaporozhye Region." "Preliminary information from the front line was reported on Thursday by Vladimir Rogov, the co-chair of Russia’s Coordinating Council for the Integration of New Regions," the same report adds. Despite these big claims being made in Russian media, the story has been slow to appear in Western mainstream press accounts as of Thursday afternoon. If true it would be the second US-donated F-16 to go down over Ukraine during the war, after a reported incident last August.
by Tyler Durden Thursday, Dec 26, 2024 - 02:30 PM
Moscow is claiming that its forces have downed a US-made F-16 aircraft given to Ukraine just as the warplane was preparing to launch a missile strike from over a southeast region of the country. "The F-16 aircraft was in position to launch a missile strike on the region, and it was shot down," TASS reports Thursday. The alleged downing has not been acknowledged by Ukraine, the Pentagon, or any outside entity. State-run RT has also described that "One of the F-16 jets donated to Ukraine by NATO has reportedly been downed while attempting to launch missiles at Russia’s Zaporozhye Region." "Preliminary information from the front line was reported on Thursday by Vladimir Rogov, the co-chair of Russia’s Coordinating Council for the Integration of New Regions," the same report adds. Despite these big claims being made in Russian media, the story has been slow to appear in Western mainstream press accounts as of Thursday afternoon. If true it would be the second US-donated F-16 to go down over Ukraine during the war, after a reported incident last August.
新任灭俄神器是啥来着? 有没有紧跟时事的指教下?
在亲乌媒体嘴里,它至少当了一年多的“灭俄神器” 所以还是要尊重下
乌克兰军方表示,这架飞机周一(8月26日)在俄罗斯导弹的袭击中坠毁,飞行员奥列克西·梅斯 (Oleksiy Mes) 丧生。这是本月早些时候盟国交付乌克兰一批F-16飞机中的首次损失。但这位乌克兰军方人士称,敌方导弹袭击不是导致坠机的直接原因。他表示,这名飞行员近日参与了战斗,回应俄罗斯发动的迄今为止最大的空袭行动。
乌克兰军方称飞行员奥列克西摧毁了三枚巡航导弹和一架无人机。“奥列克西冒着俄罗斯导弹袭击的风险, 拯救了乌克兰人,”乌克兰空军在社交媒体上的一份声明中写道。“不幸的是,这是以他自己的生命为代价的。”该声明没有具体说明涉事飞机的类型,但一名军方消息人士告诉BBC,该飞行员驾驶的是F-16战机。
现在给乌克兰的都是有几户是新电子系统的战机。 其实整个乌军最前线的东西,都是北约现役的。比如,坦克,就是豹2A4 - 2A6,都是现役最好的
所以湾湾真是大冤种,还得求着美国给它卖f16. 到时候打起来就是废铁
话说现在库尔斯克, 最难受的不是俄军, 而是被逼着赶鸭子上架的乌军, 那是死战不许退之地啊 让乌军填鸭式在库尔斯克磨到战争结束不好么 反正现在大鹅的目的是杀光乌军精锐, 在库尔斯克杀, 比红军城容易多了 3面合围, 没啥永备堡垒工事, 简直是猎杀乌军精锐的的绝佳地点, 这些王牌部队缩回乌冬要塞, 按俄军慢吞吞的钳形攻势节奏, 还不知道要杀多久