Trump is doing Putin''''s bidding. He is pissing off all allies to say Merry Christmas to Putin. By the same token he is mocking the sovereignty of Canada, Mexico, Denmark just like Putin might be doing. And only Putin would find humor in his idiotic remarks. There is no sane reason to justify such behavior other than that one thug is entertaining another thug at others cost. Btw one should know it is fake Trump tweets. He obviously is not capable of writing something at this length.
看看网上一个老美怎么说的, 就这么直白, 要你就得给, 不给就抢! The USA captured Guam from Spain without even having a battle. We just sent 4 ships in 1898 and told them, “you are part of the USA now”. It was done. Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal will likely be similar.
Sweetly 发表于 2024-12-25 20:50 看看网上一个老美怎么说的, 就这么直白, 要你就得给, 不给就抢! The USA captured Guam from Spain without even having a battle. We just sent 4 ships in 1898 and told them, “you are part of the USA now”. It was done. Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal will likely be similar.
There is no sane reason to justify such behavior other than that one thug is entertaining another thug at others cost.
Btw one should know it is fake Trump tweets. He obviously is not capable of writing something at this length.
看看网上一个老美怎么说的, 就这么直白, 要你就得给, 不给就抢!
The USA captured Guam from Spain without even having a battle. We just sent 4 ships in 1898 and told them, “you are part of the USA now”. It was done. Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal will likely be similar.
印度人要乐死啦。 印度人获益比贺锦丽上台还大啊
二战过去 100年了,感觉又要开启抢领土的战争了。
加拿大真开战,现在情况也只能马上投降,同意合并。 打丹麦,巴拿马,连打也不用打,直接同意合并 再打墨西哥。。 还有谁?
黄右就好这口 越low越真实越爱