Daniel Boguslaw Daniel Boguslaw is an investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C. His interests include corporate corruption, congressional and White House investigations, American influence overseas, and organized labor. Prior to joining The Intercept, Daniel worked at the New Republic, The American Prospect, and as a firefighter in the Pacific Northwest.
Sweetly 发表于 2024-12-24 17:14 Daniel Boguslaw Daniel Boguslaw is an investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C. His interests include corporate corruption, congressional and White House investigations, American influence overseas, and organized labor. Prior to joining The Intercept, Daniel worked at the New Republic, The American Prospect, and as a firefighter in the Pacific Northwest.
Last week, it emerged that health insurance leaders pressured the DOJ to bring federal charges against Luigi Mangione. This week, I discovered the top 3 officials at DOJ all collected paychecks from healthcare companies before serving in government: https://shorturl.at/lgLIU
Last week, it emerged that health insurance leaders pressured the DOJ to bring federal charges against Luigi Mangione. This week, I discovered the top 3 officials at DOJ all collected paychecks from healthcare companies before serving in government: https://shorturl.at/lgLIU
Last week, it emerged that health insurance leaders pressured the DOJ to bring federal charges against Luigi Mangione. This week, I discovered the top 3 officials at DOJ all collected paychecks from healthcare companies before serving in government: https://shorturl.at/lgLIU
司法部成百上千的律师,在healthcare系统工作过不是正常不过吗?这怎么又有了阴谋论了?你的翻译是带节奏吗?人家记者用的是过去时, 还特意加了before,到你这儿都没了,让人觉得现在还在health care 领空响
Daniel Boguslaw is an investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C. His interests include corporate corruption, congressional and White House investigations, American influence overseas, and organized labor. Prior to joining The Intercept, Daniel worked at the New Republic, The American Prospect, and as a firefighter in the Pacific Northwest.
主要是以儆效尤? 联邦定死罪的话, 可以有先例法援引,全国通用定罪标准? 具体也不懂, 希望法律专业的同学给解答下。
没有别的意思,只是好奇你是不是四川人, “特赦”发音为“特卸”?
有三位 DOJ 在 HEALTHCARE 的工资单上
Last week, it emerged that health insurance leaders pressured the DOJ to bring federal charges against Luigi Mangione. This week, I discovered the top 3 officials at DOJ all collected paychecks from healthcare companies before serving in government: https://shorturl.at/lgLIU
司法部成百上千的律师,在healthcare系统工作过不是正常不过吗?这怎么又有了阴谋论了?你的翻译是带节奏吗?人家记者用的是过去时, 还特意加了before,到你这儿都没了,让人觉得现在还在health care 领空响
联邦定死罪的话, 可以有先例法援引,全国通用定罪标准?
就是这个意思。case law. 之后所有为民除害杀CEO 的都可以根据Luigi 判决来裁定
以后是不是乱套了?healthcare CEO可以杀, costco, Walmart的都可以找个理由杀掉
sniper 那个不一样,他在2州都啥人了
别在这里搅混水了, Costco和Walmart 和医疗保险公司是一回事吗? Costco和Walmart会收了钱不给你救命的物资吗? 不知道你是保险公司的几号人物,天天来这里为CEO们摇旗呐喊。
保险说不给赔就不给赔啊? 那美国割韭菜太容易了,uhc利润不应该8%,应该98%才对。美国别的人不多,嗷嗷待哺的律师多的是,有保险合同不给赔,你看看律师喜不喜欢接不接你的案子。
不知道32%是哪里的数据, uhc 官方的数据在这里https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/breaking-news/unitedhealthcare-responds-to-allegations-of-claims-denial-518282.aspx#:~:text=UnitedHealthcare%20has%20released%20a%20statement,to%20medical%20or%20clinical%20reasons. 它自己说10%, 行业是5%到10%。我不相信它可以在保险合同内可以随便拒赔。32%拒陪率会被人告死吧