Could be sleep apnea. Get tested. If you remember many dreams, that means you are repeatedly waking up right as you are dreaming. And if you wake up tired, that's another sign it might be sleep apnea.
zicklingrad 发表于 2024-12-24 14:49 Could be sleep apnea. Get tested. If you remember many dreams, that means you are repeatedly waking up right as you are dreaming. And if you wake up tired, that's another sign it might be sleep apnea.
Your PCP will refer you to a specialist. You can either do an at-home sleep study or do it at a lab. (At lab is more accurate) Sleep apnea is potentially very serious, so it's worthwhile to check out.
zicklingrad 发表于 2024-12-24 15:39 Your PCP will refer you to a specialist. You can either do an at-home sleep study or do it at a lab. (At lab is more accurate) Sleep apnea is potentially very serious, so it's worthwhile to check out.
Could be sleep apnea. Get tested. If you remember many dreams, that means you are repeatedly waking up right as you are dreaming. And if you wake up tired, that's another sign it might be sleep apnea. zicklingrad 发表于 2024-12-24 14:49
If you remember many dreams, that means you are repeatedly waking up right as you are dreaming. And if you wake up tired, that's another sign it might be sleep apnea.
可以 google 一下。
多运动, 也有可能是焦虑, 需要看医生, 吃药之类的。 中医放到最后吧。
Your PCP will refer you to a specialist. You can either do an at-home sleep study or do it at a lab. (At lab is more accurate)
Sleep apnea is potentially very serious, so it's worthwhile to check out.
我感觉有时候做梦是因为睡觉受到声音干扰,进入浅层睡眠,大脑开始活跃。自从用了硅胶耳塞,一觉睡到早上 完全不做梦
以前测过overnight, 没有问题。
不妨碍睡觉中生活在另外一个世界,无穷无尽的,似乎是长期压力引起的,比如裁员,比如考试数学题(平时对我很容易的一科)考了两个小时看不清题目交卷的铃声响了, 比如在一个空旷的地方有些动物追我,估计整个小学每天基本上独自在外放牛trigger的。